Source code for hubflow.core

import json
import warnings
import random, pickle
from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
from os import error

from osgeo import gdal
import numpy as np
from PyQt5.QtGui import QColor
from hubdc.progressbar import ProgressBar, SilentProgressBar, CUIProgressBar
from hubdc.core import *
import hubdc.applier
from hubdc.applier import ApplierOutputRaster, ApplierDefaults
from import *
from hubflow.errors import *
import hubflow.signals

class ApplierOptions(dict):

    def __init__(self, grid=None, progressBar=None, progressCallback=None, emitFileCreated=None):
        dict.__init__(self, tuple(
            (k, v) for k, v in locals().items() if v is not None and not k.startswith('_') and k != 'self'))

[docs]class Applier(hubdc.applier.Applier): def __init__(self, defaultGrid=None, **kwargs): controls = kwargs.get('controls', ApplierControls()) hubdc.applier.Applier.__init__(self, controls=controls) grid = kwargs.get('grid', defaultGrid) if isinstance(grid, Raster): grid = grid.grid() self.controls.setProgressBar(kwargs.get('progressBar', None)) self.controls.setProgressCallback(kwargs.get('progressCallback', None)) self.controls.setGrid(grid) self.controls.setEmitFileCreated(kwargs.get('emitFileCreated', True)) self.kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def apply(self, operatorType=None, description=None, *ufuncArgs, **ufuncKwargs): results = hubdc.applier.Applier.apply(self, operatorType=operatorType, description=description, overwrite=self.kwargs.get('overwrite', True), *ufuncArgs, **ufuncKwargs) for raster in self.outputRaster.flatRasters(): if self.controls.emitFileCreated(): hubflow.signals.sigFileCreated.emit(raster.filename()) return results
[docs] def setOutputRaster(self, name, filename): driver = self.kwargs.get(name + 'Driver', None) creationOptions = self.kwargs.get(name + 'Options', None) raster = hubdc.applier.ApplierOutputRaster(filename=filename, driver=driver, creationOptions=creationOptions) self.outputRaster.setRaster(key=name, value=raster)
[docs] def setFlowRaster(self, name, raster): if isinstance(raster, Raster): self.inputRaster.setRaster(key=name, value=hubdc.applier.ApplierInputRaster(filename=raster.filename())) #elif isinstance(raster, RasterStack): # rasterStack = raster # group = hubdc.applier.ApplierInputRasterGroup() # self.inputRaster.setGroup(key=name, value=group) # for i, raster in enumerate(rasterStack.rasters()): # group.setRaster(key=str(i), value=hubdc.applier.ApplierInputRaster(filename=raster.filename())) else: raise errors.TypeError(raster)
[docs] def setFlowMask(self, name, mask): if mask is None or mask.filename() is None: pass elif isinstance(mask, Mask): self.setFlowRaster(name=name, raster=mask) elif isinstance(mask, Raster): self.setFlowRaster(name=name, raster=mask.asMask()) elif isinstance(mask, (Vector, VectorClassification)): self.setFlowVector(name=name, vector=mask) else: raise errors.TypeError(mask)
[docs] def setFlowMasks(self, masks): name = 'mask' if masks is None: return if isinstance(masks, FlowObject): masks = [masks] for i, mask in enumerate(masks): self.setFlowMask(name + str(i), mask=mask)
[docs] def setFlowClassification(self, name, classification): if classification is None or classification.filename() is None: pass elif isinstance(classification, (Classification, Fraction)): self.setFlowRaster(name=name, raster=classification) elif isinstance(classification, VectorClassification): self.setFlowVector(name=name, vector=classification) else: raise errors.TypeError(classification)
[docs] def setFlowRegression(self, name, regression): if regression is None or regression.filename() is None: pass elif isinstance(regression, Regression): self.setFlowRaster(name=name, raster=regression) else: assert 0, regression
[docs] def setFlowFraction(self, name, fraction): if fraction is None or fraction.filename() is None: pass elif isinstance(fraction, Fraction): self.setFlowRaster(name=name, raster=fraction) elif isinstance(fraction, (Classification, VectorClassification)): self.setFlowClassification(name=name, classification=fraction) else: raise errors.TypeError(fraction)
[docs] def setFlowVector(self, name, vector): if isinstance(vector, (Vector, VectorClassification)): self.inputVector.setVector(key=name, value=hubdc.applier.ApplierInputVector(filename=vector.filename(), layerNameOrIndex=vector.layer())) else: raise errors.TypeError(vector)
[docs] def setFlowInput(self, name, input): if isinstance(input, Raster): self.setFlowRaster(name=name, raster=input) elif isinstance(input, Vector): self.setFlowVector(name=name, vector=input) else: raise errors.TypeError(input)
[docs]class ApplierOperator(hubdc.applier.ApplierOperator):
[docs] def flowRasterArray(self, name, raster, indices=None, overlap=0): if isinstance(raster, Regression): array = self.flowRegressionArray(name=name, regression=raster, overlap=overlap) elif isinstance(raster, Classification): array = self.flowClassificationArray(name=name, classification=raster, overlap=overlap) elif isinstance(input, Fraction): array = self.flowFractionArray(name=name, fraction=raster, overlap=overlap) elif isinstance(raster, Mask): array = self.flowMaskArray(name=name, mask=raster, overlap=overlap) elif isinstance(raster, Raster): raster = self.inputRaster.raster(key=name) array = raster.array(indices=indices, overlap=overlap) #array = raster.bandArray(indices=indices, overlap=overlap) # elif isinstance(raster, RasterStack): # rasterStack = raster # assert indices is None # todo # array = list() # for i, raster in enumerate(rasterStack.rasters()): # raster = self.inputRaster.raster(key=name + '/' + str(i)) # array.append(raster.array(overlap=overlap)) # array = np.concatenate(array, axis=0) else: raise errors.TypeError(raster) return array
[docs] def flowVectorArray(self, name, vector, overlap=0): if isinstance(input, VectorClassification): array = self.flowClassificationArray(name=name, classification=vector, overlap=overlap) elif isinstance(vector, Vector): array = self.inputVector.vector(key=name).array(initValue=vector.initValue(), burnValue=vector.burnValue(), burnAttribute=vector.burnAttribute(), allTouched=vector.allTouched(), filterSQL=vector.filterSQL(), overlap=overlap, dtype=vector.dtype()) else: raise errors.TypeError(vector) return array
[docs] def flowMaskArray(self, name, mask, aggregateFunction=None, overlap=0): if aggregateFunction is None: aggregateFunction = lambda a: np.all(a, axis=0, keepdims=True) if mask is None or mask.filename() is None: array = self.full(value=True, bands=1, dtype=np.bool, overlap=overlap) elif isinstance(mask, (Mask, Raster)): if not isinstance(mask, Mask): noDataValues = mask.noDataValues(default=np.nan) mask = mask.asMask(noDataValues=noDataValues) # get mask for each band maskArrays = list() if mask.indices() is None: indices = range(mask.dataset().zsize()) else: indices = mask.indices() for index in indices: fractionArray = 1. - self.inputRaster.raster(key=name).fractionArray(categories=mask.noDataValues(), overlap=overlap, index=index) maskArray = fractionArray > min(0.9999, mask.minOverallCoverage()) if mask.invert(): np.logical_not(maskArray, out=maskArray) maskArrays.append(maskArray[0]) # aggregate to single band mask array = aggregateFunction(maskArrays) elif isinstance(mask, (Classification, VectorClassification, Fraction)): array = self.flowClassificationArray(name=name, classification=mask, overlap=overlap) != 0 elif isinstance(mask, Vector): array = self.inputVector.vector(key=name).array(overlap=overlap, allTouched=mask.allTouched(), filterSQL=mask.filterSQL(), dtype=np.uint8) != 0 if isinstance(mask, VectorMask) and mask.invert(): np.logical_not(array, out=array) else: raise errors.TypeError(mask) return array
[docs] def flowMasksArray(self, masks, aggregateFunction=None, overlap=0): name = 'mask' array = self.full(value=True, bands=1, dtype=np.bool, overlap=overlap) if masks is None: return array if isinstance(masks, FlowObject): masks = [masks] for i, mask in enumerate(masks): array *= self.flowMaskArray(name=name + str(i), mask=mask, aggregateFunction=aggregateFunction, overlap=overlap) return array
[docs] def flowClassificationArray(self, name, classification, overlap=0): if classification is None or classification.filename() is None: return np.array([]) elif isinstance(classification, (Classification, VectorClassification, Fraction)): fractionArray = self.flowFractionArray(name=name, fraction=classification, overlap=overlap) invalid = np.all(fractionArray == -1, axis=0, keepdims=True) array = np.uint8(np.argmax(fractionArray, axis=0)[None] + 1) array[invalid] = 0 else: raise errors.TypeError(classification) return array
[docs] def flowRegressionArray(self, name, regression, overlap=0): if regression is None or regression.filename() is None: array = np.array([]) elif isinstance(regression, Regression): raster = self.inputRaster.raster(key=name) array = raster.array(overlap=overlap, resampleAlg=gdal.GRA_Average, noDataValue=regression.noDataValue()) invalid = self.full(value=np.False_, dtype=np.bool) for i, noDataValue in enumerate(regression.noDataValues()): overallCoverageArray = 1. - raster.fractionArray(categories=[noDataValue], overlap=overlap, index=0) invalid += overallCoverageArray <= min(0.9999, regression.minOverallCoverage()) for i, noDataValue in enumerate(regression.noDataValues()): array[i, invalid[0]] = noDataValue else: raise errors.TypeError(regression) return array
[docs] def flowFractionArray(self, name, fraction, overlap=0): if fraction is None or fraction.filename() is None: array = np.array([]) elif isinstance(fraction, Fraction): array = self.inputRaster.raster(key=name).array(overlap=overlap, resampleAlg=gdal.GRA_Average) invalid = self.maskFromFractionArray(fractionArray=array, minOverallCoverage=fraction.minOverallCoverage(), minDominantCoverage=fraction.minDominantCoverage(), invert=True) array[:, invalid] = -1 elif isinstance(fraction, Classification): categories = range(1, fraction.classDefinition().classes() + 1) array = self.inputRaster.raster(key=name).fractionArray(categories=categories, overlap=overlap) invalid = self.maskFromFractionArray(fractionArray=array, minOverallCoverage=fraction.minOverallCoverage(), minDominantCoverage=fraction.minDominantCoverage(), invert=True) array[:, invalid] = -1 elif isinstance(fraction, VectorClassification): # get all categories for the current block spatialFilter = self.subgrid().extent().geometry() categories = fraction.uniqueValues(attribute=fraction.classAttribute(), spatialFilter=spatialFilter) if len(categories) > 0: array = self.full(value=0, bands=fraction.classDefinition().classes(), dtype=np.float32, overlap=overlap) fractionArray = self.inputVector.vector(key=name).fractionArray(categories=categories, categoryAttribute=fraction.classAttribute(), oversampling=fraction.oversampling(), overlap=overlap) invalid = self.maskFromFractionArray(fractionArray=fractionArray, minOverallCoverage=fraction.minOverallCoverage(), minDominantCoverage=fraction.minDominantCoverage(), invert=True) for category, categoryFractionArray in zip(categories, fractionArray): id = int(category) array[id - 1] = categoryFractionArray array[:, invalid] = -1 else: array = self.full(value=-1, bands=fraction.classDefinition().classes(), dtype=np.float32, overlap=overlap) else: raise errors.TypeError(fraction) return array
[docs] def flowInputArray(self, name, input, overlap=0): if isinstance(input, Vector): array = self.flowVectorArray(name=name, vector=input, overlap=overlap) elif isinstance(input, Raster): array = self.flowRasterArray(name=name, raster=input, overlap=overlap) else: raise errors.TypeError(input) return array
[docs] def flowInputZSize(self, name, input): if isinstance(input, Vector): shape = 1 elif isinstance(input, Raster): shape = input.dataset().zsize() else: raise errors.TypeError(input) return shape
[docs] def flowInputDType(self, name, input): if isinstance(input, Vector): dtype = input.dtype() elif isinstance(input, Raster): dtype = input.dataset().dtype() else: raise errors.TypeError(input) return dtype
[docs] def setFlowMetadataClassDefinition(self, name, classDefinition): MetadataEditor.setClassDefinition(rasterDataset=self.outputRaster.raster(key=name), classDefinition=classDefinition)
[docs] def setFlowMetadataFractionDefinition(self, name, classDefinition): return MetadataEditor.setFractionDefinition(rasterDataset=self.outputRaster.raster(key=name), classDefinition=classDefinition)
[docs] def setFlowMetadataRegressionDefinition(self, name, noDataValues, outputNames): return MetadataEditor.setRegressionDefinition(rasterDataset=self.outputRaster.raster(key=name), noDataValues=noDataValues, outputNames=outputNames)
[docs] def setFlowMetadataBandNames(self, name, bandNames): return MetadataEditor.setBandNames(rasterDataset=self.outputRaster.raster(key=name), bandNames=bandNames)
[docs] def setFlowMetadataNoDataValues(self, name, noDataValues): self.outputRaster.raster(key=name).setNoDataValues(values=noDataValues)
[docs] def setFlowMetadataSensorDefinition(self, name, sensor): assert isinstance(sensor, SensorDefinition) raster = self.outputRaster.raster(key=name) centers = [ for wd in sensor.wavebandDefinitions()] raster.setMetadataItem(key='wavelength', value=centers, domain='ENVI') fwhms = [wd.fwhm() for wd in sensor.wavebandDefinitions()] if not all([fwhm is None for fwhm in fwhms]): raster.setMetadataItem(key='fwhm', value=fwhms, domain='ENVI') raster.setMetadataItem(key='wavelength units', value='nanometers', domain='ENVI')
[docs] def maskFromBandArray(self, array, noDataValue=None, noDataValueSource=None, index=None): assert array.ndim == 3 assert len(array) == 1 if noDataValue is None: assert noDataValueSource is not None assert index is not None noDataValue = self.inputRaster.raster(key=noDataValueSource).noDataValues()[index] if noDataValue is not None: mask = array != noDataValue else: mask = np.full_like(array, fill_value=np.True_, dtype=np.bool) return mask
[docs] def maskFromArray(self, array, noDataValues=None, defaultNoDataValue=None, noDataValueSource=None, aggregateFunction=None): assert array.ndim == 3 if aggregateFunction is None: aggregateFunction = lambda a: np.all(a, axis=0, keepdims=True) if noDataValues is None: assert noDataValueSource is not None raster = self.inputRaster.raster(key=noDataValueSource) noDataValues = raster.noDataValues(default=None) assert len(array) == len(noDataValues) mask = np.full_like(array, fill_value=np.True_, dtype=np.bool) for i, band in enumerate(array): if noDataValues[i] is not None: mask[i] = band != noDataValues[i] mask = aggregateFunction(mask) return mask
[docs] def maskFromFractionArray(self, fractionArray, minOverallCoverage, minDominantCoverage, invert=False): overallCoverageArray = np.sum(fractionArray, axis=0) winnerCoverageArray = np.max(fractionArray, axis=0) maskArray = np.logical_and(overallCoverageArray > min(0.9999, minOverallCoverage), winnerCoverageArray > min(0.9999, minDominantCoverage)) if invert: return np.logical_not(maskArray) else: return maskArray
class ApplierControls(hubdc.applier.ApplierControls): def setEmitFileCreated(self, bool): self._emitFileCreated = bool def emitFileCreated(self): return self._emitFileCreated class FlowObject(object): '''Base class for all workflow type.''' def __repr__(self): kwargs = list() for key, value in self.__getstate__().items(): if isinstance(value, str): valueRepr = value elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray): valueRepr = 'array[{}]'.format(', '.join([str(n) for n in value.shape])) else: valueRepr = repr(value) kwarg = '{}={}'.format(key, valueRepr) kwargs.append(kwarg) return '{}({})'.format(type(self).__name__, ', '.join(kwargs)) def __getstate__(self): return {} def __setstate__(self, state): self.__init__(**state) def pickle(self, filename, progressBar=None, emit=True): ''' Pickles itself into the given file. :param filename: path to the output file :type filename: str :param progressBar: reports pickling action :type progressBar: hubdc.progressbar.ProgressBar :rtype: FlowObject ''' self._initPickle() if not exists(dirname(filename)): makedirs(dirname(filename)) with open(filename, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(obj=self, file=f, protocol=1) if emit: hubflow.signals.sigFileCreated.emit(filename) if progressBar is not None: assert isinstance(progressBar, ProgressBar) progressBar.setText('{}.pickle(filename={})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, filename)) progressBar.setText(repr(self)) return self @classmethod def unpickle(cls, filename, raiseError=True): ''' Unpickle FlowObject from the given file. :param filename: path to input file. :type filename: str :param raiseError: If set to ``True`` and unpickling is not successful, an exception is raised. If set to ``False``, ``None`` is returned. :type raiseError: bool :rtype: Union[FlowObject, None] :raises: Union[hubflow.errors.FlowObjectTypeError, hubflow.errors.FlowObjectPickleFileError] ''' try: with open(filename, 'rb') as f: obj = pickle.load(file=f) except: if raiseError: raise FlowObjectPickleFileError('not a valid pickle file: ' + str(filename)) else: return None if not isinstance(obj, cls): if raiseError: raise FlowObjectTypeError('wrong type ({t1}), expected type: {t2}'.format(t1=obj.__class__.__name__, t2=cls.__name__)) else: return None return obj def _initPickle(self): pass def browse(self): import objbrowser objbrowser.browse({type(self).__name__: self})
[docs]class MapCollection(FlowObject): '''Class for managing a collection of :class:`~Map` 's.''' def __init__(self, maps): '''Create an instance by a given list of maps.''' self._maps = maps def __getstate__(self): return OrderedDict([('maps', self.maps())]) def _initPickle(self): for map in self.maps(): map._initPickle()
[docs] def maps(self): '''Return the list of maps''' return self._maps
[docs] def extractAsArray(self, masks, grid=None, onTheFlyResampling=False, **kwargs): ''' Returns a list of arrays, one for each map in the collection. Each array holds the extracted profiles for all pixels, where all maps inside ``masks`` evaluate to ``True``. :param masks: List of maps that are evaluated as masks. :type masks: List[Map] :param grid: If set to ``None``, all pixel grids in the collection and in ``masks`` must match. If set to a valid Grid and ``onTheFlyResampling=True``, all maps and masks are resampled. :type grid: hubdc.core.Grid :param onTheFlyResampling: If set to ``True``, all maps and masks are resampled into the given ``grid``. :type onTheFlyResampling: bool :param kwargs: passed to :class:`hubflow.core.Applier` :return: list of 2d arrays of size (bands, profiles) :rtype: List[numpy.ndarray] :example: >>> raster = Raster.fromArray(array=[[[1, 2], [3, 4]],[[1, 2], [3, 4]]], filename='/vsimem/raster.bsq') >>> raster.array() array([[[1, 2], [3, 4]], <BLANKLINE> [[1, 2], [3, 4]]]) >>> mask = Mask.fromArray(array=[[[1, 0], [0, 1]]], filename='/vsimem/mask.bsq') >>> mask.array() array([[[1, 0], [0, 1]]], dtype=uint8) >>> mapCollection = MapCollection(maps=[raster]) >>> mapCollection.extractAsArray(masks=[mask]) [array([[1, 4], [1, 4]])] ''' assert isinstance(masks, list) if grid is None: grid = self.maps()[0].grid() assert isinstance(grid, Grid) equalGrids = True for map in self.maps() + masks: if isinstance(map, Raster): equalGrids &= map.grid().equal(other=grid, tol=1e-8) if equalGrids: def getRasterDataset(map): if isinstance(map, Raster): rasterDataset = map.dataset() elif isinstance(map, Vector): gdalType = gdal_array.NumericTypeCodeToGDALTypeCode(map.dtype()) rasterDataset = map.dataset().rasterize(grid=grid, gdalType=gdalType, initValue=map.initValue(), burnValue=map.burnValue(), burnAttribute=map.burnAttribute(), allTouched=map.allTouched(), filterSQL=map.filterSQL(), noDataValue=map.noDataValue()) elif map is None: rasterDataset = None else: raise errors.TypeError(map) return rasterDataset # calculate overall mask marray = np.full(shape=grid.shape(), fill_value=np.True_) for map in masks: rasterDataset = getRasterDataset(map=map) if rasterDataset is None: continue for band in rasterDataset.bands(): if isinstance(map, (Mask, Vector, Classification)): noDataValue = band.noDataValue(default=0) else: noDataValue = band.noDataValue() if noDataValue is not None: marray *= band.readAsArray() != noDataValue nothingToExtract = not marray.any() # extract values for all masked pixels arrays = list() for map in self.maps(): if nothingToExtract: zsize = map.dataset().zsize() profiles = np.empty(shape=(zsize, 0), dtype=np.uint8) else: array = getRasterDataset(map=map).readAsArray() profiles = array[:, marray] arrays.append(profiles) else: if not onTheFlyResampling is True: filenames = set([str(map.filename()) for map in self.maps() + masks if map is not None]) raise Exception( 'Grids do not match and on the fly resampling is turned off.\nFilenames: {}'.format(filenames)) arrays = extractPixels(inputs=self.maps(), masks=masks, grid=grid, **kwargs) return arrays
[docs] def extractAsRaster(self, filenames, masks, grid=None, onTheFlyResampling=False, **kwargs): ''' Returns the result of :meth:`~MapCollection.extractAsArray` as a list of :class:`Map` objects. :param filenames: list of output paths, one for each map inside the collection :type filenames: List[str] :rtype: List[Map] All other parameters are passed to :meth:`~MapCollection.extractAsArray`. :example: Same example as in :meth:`~MapCollection.extractAsArray`. >>> raster = Raster.fromArray(array=[[[1, 2], [3, 4]],[[1, 2], [3, 4]]], filename='/vsimem/raster.bsq') >>> raster.array() array([[[1, 2], [3, 4]], <BLANKLINE> [[1, 2], [3, 4]]]) >>> mask = Mask.fromArray(array=[[[1, 0], [0, 1]]], filename='/vsimem/mask.bsq') >>> mask.array() array([[[1, 0], [0, 1]]], dtype=uint8) >>> mapCollection = MapCollection(maps=[raster]) >>> extractedRaster = mapCollection.extractAsRaster(filenames=['/vsimem/rasterExtracted.bsq'], masks=[mask]) >>> extractedRaster[0].array() array([[[1], [4]], <BLANKLINE> [[1], [4]]]) ''' assert isinstance(filenames, list) assert len(filenames) == len(self.maps()) arrays = self.extractAsArray(grid=grid, masks=masks, onTheFlyResampling=onTheFlyResampling, **kwargs) rasters = list() for filename, array, map in zip(filenames, arrays, self.maps()): # from single line 3d array ... array = np.atleast_3d(array) # ... to multiple line 3d array (to avoid very long lines) from math import ceil bands = array.shape[0] lines = min(3600, array.shape[1]) samples = ceil(array.shape[1] / float(lines)) array2 = np.full(shape=(bands, lines * samples, 1), fill_value=map.noDataValue(default=np.nan), dtype=map.dtype()) array2[:, :array.shape[1]] = array[:] array2 = np.reshape(array2, (bands, lines, samples)) rasterDataset = RasterDataset.fromArray(array=array2, filename=filename, driver=RasterDriver.fromFilename(filename=filename)) if isinstance(map, (Classification, VectorClassification)): MetadataEditor.setClassDefinition(rasterDataset=rasterDataset, classDefinition=map.classDefinition()) elif isinstance(map, Fraction): MetadataEditor.setFractionDefinition(rasterDataset=rasterDataset, classDefinition=map.classDefinition()) elif isinstance(map, Regression): MetadataEditor.setRegressionDefinition(rasterDataset=rasterDataset, noDataValues=map.noDataValues(), outputNames=map.outputNames()) elif isinstance(map, Vector): pass elif isinstance(map, Raster): bandCharacteristics = MetadataEditor.bandCharacteristics(rasterDataset=map.dataset()) MetadataEditor.setBandCharacteristics(rasterDataset=rasterDataset, **bandCharacteristics) rasterDataset.setNoDataValues(values=map.noDataValues()) else: raise errors.TypeError(map) rasterDataset.flushCache() if isinstance(map, Raster): raster = type(map).fromRasterDataset(rasterDataset=rasterDataset) else: raster = Raster.fromRasterDataset(rasterDataset=rasterDataset) rasters.append(raster) return rasters
class Map(FlowObject): ''' Base class for all spatial workflow types. For example :class:`~Raster` and :class:`~Vector`.'''
[docs]class Raster(Map): '''Class for managing raster maps like :class:`~Mask`, :class:`~Classification`, :class:`~Regression` and :class:`~Fraction`.''' def __init__(self, filename, eAccess=gdal.GA_ReadOnly): '''Create instance from the raster located at the given ``filename``.''' self._filename = filename self._rasterDataset = None self._eAccess = eAccess def __getstate__(self): return OrderedDict([('filename', self.filename())]) def _initPickle(self): self._rasterDataset = None return self
[docs] def filename(self): '''Return the filename.''' return self._filename
[docs] def dataset(self): '''Return the :class:`hubdc.core.RasterDataset` object.''' if self._rasterDataset is None: self._rasterDataset = openRasterDataset(self.filename(), eAccess=self._eAccess) assert isinstance(self._rasterDataset, RasterDataset) return self._rasterDataset
[docs] @classmethod def fromRasterDataset(cls, rasterDataset, **kwargs): ''' Create instance from given ``rasterDataset``. :param rasterDataset: existing hubdc.core.RasterDataset :type rasterDataset: hubdc.core.RasterDataset :param kwargs: passed to class constructor :rtype: Raster :example: >>> rasterDataset = RasterDataset.fromArray(array=[[[1,2,3]]], filename='/vsimem/raster.bsq', driver=EnviBsqDriver()) >>> rasterDataset # doctest: +ELLIPSIS RasterDataset(gdalDataset=<osgeo.gdal.Dataset; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'GDALDatasetShadow *' at 0x...> >) >>> Raster.fromRasterDataset(rasterDataset=rasterDataset) Raster(filename=/vsimem/raster.bsq) ''' assert isinstance(rasterDataset, RasterDataset) raster = cls(rasterDataset.filename(), **kwargs) raster._rasterDataset = rasterDataset return raster
[docs] @classmethod def fromVector(cls, filename, vector, grid, noDataValue=None, **kwargs): ''' Create instance from given ``vector`` by rasterizing it into the given ``grid``. :param filename: output path :type filename: str :param vector: input vector :type vector: Vector :param grid: output pixel grid :type grid: hubdc.core.Grid :param noDataValue: output no data value :type noDataValue: float :param kwargs: passed to :class:`hubflow.core.Applier` :rtype: hubflow.core.Raster :example: >>> import tempfile >>> vector = Vector.fromPoints(points=[(-1, -1), (1, 1)], filename=join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'vector.shp'), projection=Projection.wgs84()) >>> grid = Grid(extent=Extent(xmin=-1.5, xmax=1.5, ymin=-1.5, ymax=1.5), resolution=1, projection=Projection.wgs84()) >>> raster = Raster.fromVector(filename='/vsimem/raster.bsq', vector=vector, grid=grid) >>> print(raster.array()) [[[ 0. 0. 1.] [ 0. 0. 0.] [ 1. 0. 0.]]] ''' applier = Applier(defaultGrid=grid, **kwargs) applier.setFlowVector('vector', vector=vector) applier.setOutputRaster('raster', filename=filename) applier.apply(operatorType=_RasterFromVector, vector=vector, noDataValue=noDataValue) return Raster(filename=filename)
[docs] @staticmethod def fromEnviSpectralLibrary(filename, library): ''' Create instance from given ``library``. :param filename: output path :type filename: str :param library: :type library: EnviSpectralLibrary` :rtype: Raster :example: >>> import enmapboxtestdata >>> speclib = EnviSpectralLibrary(filename=enmapboxtestdata.speclib) >>> raster = Raster.fromEnviSpectralLibrary(filename='/vsimem/raster.bsq', library=speclib) >>> raster.shape() (177, 75, 1) ''' assert isinstance(library, EnviSpectralLibrary) rasterDataset = library.raster().dataset().translate(filename=filename, driver=RasterDriver.fromFilename(filename=filename)) rasterDataset.copyMetadata(other=library.raster().dataset()) return Raster.fromRasterDataset(rasterDataset=rasterDataset)
[docs] @classmethod def fromArray(cls, array, filename, grid=None, noDataValues=None, descriptions=None, **kwargs): ''' Create instance from given ``array``. :param array: :type array: Union[numpy.ndarray, list] :param filename: output path :type filename: str :param grid: output grid :type grid: hubdc.core.Grid :param noDataValues: list of band no data values :type noDataValues: List[float] :param descriptions: list of band descriptions (i.e. band names) :type descriptions: List[str] :param kwargs: passed to constructor (e.g. Raster, Classification, Regression, ...) :rtype: Raster :example: >>> raster = Raster.fromArray(array=np.zeros(shape=[177, 100, 100]), filename='/vsimem/raster.bsq') >>> raster.shape() (177, 100, 100) >>> raster.grid() # default grid uses WGS84 projection and millisecond (1/3600 degree) resolution Grid(extent=Extent(xmin=0.0, xmax=0.027777777777777776, ymin=0.0, ymax=0.027777777777777776), resolution=Resolution(x=0.0002777777777777778, y=0.0002777777777777778), projection=Projection(wkt=GEOGCS["WGS84", DATUM["WGS_1984", SPHEROID["WGS84",6378137,298.257223563, AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]], AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0, AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]], UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433, AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]], AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]) ''' if isinstance(array, list): array = np.array(array) assert isinstance(array, np.ndarray) assert array.ndim == 3 rasterDataset = RasterDataset.fromArray(array=array, grid=grid, filename=filename, driver=RasterDriver.fromFilename(filename=filename)) rasterDataset.setNoDataValues(values=noDataValues) if descriptions is not None: assert len(descriptions) == rasterDataset.zsize() for rasterBand, description in zip(rasterDataset.bands(), descriptions): rasterBand.setDescription(value=description) return cls.fromRasterDataset(rasterDataset=rasterDataset, **kwargs)
[docs] def grid(self): '''Return grid.''' return self.dataset().grid()
[docs] def noDataValue(self, default=None, required=False): '''Return no value value.''' return self.dataset().noDataValue(default=default)
[docs] def noDataValues(self, default=None): '''Return bands no value values.''' return self.dataset().noDataValues(default=default)
[docs] def array(self, **kwargs): '''Return raster data as 3d array of shape = (zsize, ysize, xsize). Additional ``kwargs`` are passed to Raster.dataset().array.''' return self.dataset().array(**kwargs)
[docs] def dtype(self): '''Return numpy data type''' return self.dataset().dtype()
[docs] def uniqueValues(self, index): ''' Return unique values for band at given ``index``. :example: >>> raster = Raster.fromArray(array=[[[1, 1, 1, 5, 2]]], filename='/vsimem/raster.bsq') >>> raster.uniqueValues(index=0) array([1, 2, 5]) ''' values = np.unique(self.dataset().band(index=index).readAsArray()) return values
[docs] def convolve(self, filename, kernel, **kwargs): ''' Perform convolution of itself with the given ``kernel`` and return the result raster, where an 1D kernel is applied along the z dimension, an 2D kernel is applied spatially (i.e. y/x dimensions), and an 3D kernel is applied directly to the 3D z-y-x data cube. :param filename: output path :type filename: str :param kernel: :type kernel: astropy.convolution.kernels.Kernel :param kwargs: passed to :class:`hubflow.core.Applier` :rtype: Raster :example: >>> array = np.zeros(shape=[1, 5, 5]) >>> array[0, 2, 2] = 1 >>> raster = Raster.fromArray(array=array, filename='/vsimem/raster.bsq') >>> raster.array() array([[[ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]]]) >>> from astropy.convolution.kernels import Kernel2D >>> kernel = Kernel2D(array=np.ones(shape=[3, 3])) >>> kernel.array array([[ 1., 1., 1.], [ 1., 1., 1.], [ 1., 1., 1.]]) >>> result = raster.convolve(filename='/vsimem/result.bsq', kernel=kernel) >>> result.array() array([[[ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 1., 1., 1., 0.], [ 0., 1., 1., 1., 0.], [ 0., 1., 1., 1., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]]], dtype=float32) ''' from astropy.convolution import Kernel assert isinstance(kernel, Kernel) assert kernel.dimension <= 3 applier = Applier(defaultGrid=self, **kwargs) applier.setFlowRaster('inraster', raster=self) applier.setOutputRaster('outraster', filename=filename) applier.apply(operatorType=_RasterConvolve, raster=self, kernel=kernel) return Raster(filename=filename)
[docs] def applySpatial(self, filename, function, **kwargs): ''' Apply given ``function`` to each band of itself and return the result raster. :param filename: :type filename: str :param function: user defined function that takes one argument ``array`` :type function: function :param kwargs: passed to :class:`hubflow.core.Applier` :rtype: Raster :example: >>> raster = Raster.fromArray(array=[[[1, 2, 3]]], filename='/vsimem/raster.bsq') >>> raster.array() array([[[1, 2, 3]]]) >>> def square(array): return array**2 >>> result = raster.applySpatial(filename='/vsimem/result.bsq', function=square) >>> result.array() array([[[1, 4, 9]]]) ''' applier = Applier(defaultGrid=self, **kwargs) applier.controls.setBlockFullSize() applier.setFlowRaster('inraster', raster=self) applier.setOutputRaster('outraster', filename=filename) applier.apply(operatorType=_RasterApplySpatial, raster=self, function=function) return Raster(filename=filename)
[docs] def resample(self, filename, grid, resampleAlg=gdal.GRA_NearestNeighbour, **kwargs): ''' Return itself resampled into the given ``grid``. :param filename: output path :type filename: str :param grid: :type grid: hubdc.core.Grid :param resampleAlg: GDAL resampling algorithm :type resampleAlg: int :param kwargs: passed to :class:`hubflow.core.Applier` :rtype: Raster :example: >>> raster = Raster.fromArray(array=[[[1, 2, 3]]], filename='/vsimem/raster.bsq') >>> raster.array() array([[[1, 2, 3]]]) >>> grid = Grid(extent=raster.grid().extent(), ... resolution=raster.grid().resolution() / (2, 1)) >>> result = raster.resample(filename='/vsimem/result.bsq', grid=grid) >>> result.array() array([[[1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3]]]) ''' applier = Applier(defaultGrid=grid, **kwargs) applier.setFlowRaster('inraster', raster=self) applier.setOutputRaster('outraster', filename=filename) applier.apply(operatorType=_RasterResample, raster=self, resampleAlg=resampleAlg) return Raster(filename=filename)
[docs] def subsetBands(self, filename, indices, invert=False, **kwargs): ''' Return the band subset given by ``indices``. :param filename: output path :type filename: str :param indices: :type indices: list :param invert: wether to invert the indices list (i.e. dropping bands instead of selecting) :type invert: bool :param kwargs: passed to gdal.Translate :type kwargs: dict :rtype: Raster :example: TODO >>> raster = Raster.fromArray(array=[[[1]], [[2]], [[3]]], filename='/vsimem/raster.bsq') >>> raster.array() array([[[1, 2, 3]]]) ''' # prepare bandList for gdal.Translate bandList = list() zsize = self.dataset().zsize() for index in indices: index = int(index) if index < 0: index = zsize + index if index < 0 or index >= zsize: raise errors.IndexError(index=index, min=0, max=zsize-1) bandList.append(index + 1) if invert: bandList = [i + 1 for i in range(zsize) if i + 1 not in bandList] # subset raster rasterDataset = self.dataset().translate(filename=filename, driver=RasterDriver.fromFilename(filename), bandList=bandList) # copy metadata and especially subset some band related items in the ENVI domain indices = [b - 1 for b in bandList] meta = self.dataset().metadataDict() envi = meta.get('ENVI', dict()) envi.pop('bands', None) if 'band names' in envi: MetadataEditor.setBandNames(rasterDataset, [envi['band names'][i] for i in indices]) for key in ['band names', 'wavelength', 'fwhm']: if key in envi: envi[key] = [envi[key][i] for i in indices] rasterDataset.setMetadataDict(meta) noDataValues = self.noDataValues() rasterDataset.setNoDataValues(values=[noDataValues[i] for i in indices]) raster = type(self).fromRasterDataset(rasterDataset) return raster
[docs] def asMask(self, noDataValues=None, minOverallCoverage=0.5, indices=None, invert=False): ''' Return itself as a :class:`~hubflow.core.Mask`. :param noDataValues: list of band-wise no data values :type noDataValues: List[Union[None, float]] :param minOverallCoverage: threshold that defines, in case of on-the-fly average-resampling, which pixel will be evaluated as True :type minOverallCoverage: float :param indices: if set, a band subset mask for the given ``indices`` is created :type indices: int :param invert: whether to invert the mask :type invert: int :rtype: Mask :example: >>> raster = Raster.fromArray(array=[[[-1, 0, 5, 3, 0]]], filename='/vsimem/raster.bsq', ... noDataValues=[-1]) >>> raster.array() array([[[-1, 0, 5, 3, 0]]]) >>> raster.asMask().array() array([[[0, 1, 1, 1, 1]]], dtype=uint8) ''' return Mask(filename=self.filename(), noDataValues=noDataValues, minOverallCoverage=minOverallCoverage, indices=indices, invert=invert)
[docs] def statistics(self, bandIndices=None, mask=None, calcPercentiles=False, calcHistogram=False, calcMean=False, calcStd=False, percentiles=list(), histogramRanges=None, histogramBins=None, **kwargs): ''' Return a list of BandStatistic named tuples: ============ ==================================================================== key value/description ============ ==================================================================== index band index nvalid number of valid pixel (not equal to noDataValue and not masked) ninvalid number of invalid pixel (equal to noDataValue or masked) min smallest value max largest value percentiles+ list of (rank, value) tuples for given percentiles std+ standard deviation mean+ mean histo+ Histogram(hist, bin_edges) tuple with histogram counts and bin edges ============ ==================================================================== +set corresponding calcPercentiles/Histogram/Mean/Std keyword to True :param bandIndices: calculate statistics only for given ``bandIndices`` :type bandIndices: Union[None, None, None] :param mask: :type mask: Union[None, None, None] :param calcPercentiles: if set True, band percentiles are calculated; see ``percentiles`` keyword :type calcPercentiles: bool :param calcHistogram: if set True, band histograms are calculated; see ``histogramRanges`` and ``histogramBins`` keywords :type calcHistogram: bool :param calcMean: if set True, band mean values are calculated :type calcMean: bool :param calcStd: if set True, band standard deviations are calculated :type calcStd: bool :param percentiles: values between 0 (i.e. min value) and 100 (i.e. max value), 50 is the median :type percentiles: List[float] :param histogramRanges: list of ranges, one for each band; ranges are passed to ``numpy.histogram``; None ranges are set to (min, max) :type histogramRanges: List[numpy.histogram ranges] :param histogramBins: list of bins, one for each band; bins are passed to ``numpy.histogram``; None bins are set to 256 :type histogramBins: List[numpy.histogram bins] :param kwargs: passed to :class:`hubflow.core.Applier` :rtype: List[BandStatistics(index, nvalid, ninvalid, min, max, percentiles, std, mean, histo)] :Example: >>> # create raster with no data values >>> raster = Raster.fromArray(array=[[[1, np.nan, 3], [0, 2, np.inf], [1, 0, 3]]], filename='/vsimem/raster.bsq', noDataValues=[0]) >>> # calculate basic statistics >>> statistics = raster.statistics() >>> print(statistics[0]) BandStatistics(index=0, nvalid=5, ninvalid=4, min=1.0, max=3.0, percentiles=None, std=None, mean=None, histo=None) >>> # calculate histograms >>> statistics = raster.statistics(calcHistogram=True, histogramRanges=[(1, 4)], histogramBins=[3]) >>> print(statistics[0].histo) Histogram(hist=array([2, 1, 2], dtype=int64), bin_edges=array([ 1., 2., 3., 4.])) >>> # calculate percentiles (min, median, max) >>> statistics = raster.statistics(calcPercentiles=True, percentiles=[0, 50, 100]) >>> print(statistics[0].percentiles) [Percentile(rank=0, value=1.0), Percentile(rank=50, value=2.0), Percentile(rank=100, value=3.0)] ''' applier = Applier(defaultGrid=self, **kwargs) applier.controls.setBlockFullSize() applier.setFlowRaster('raster', raster=self) applier.setFlowMask('mask', mask=mask) return applier.apply(operatorType=_RasterStatistics, raster=self, bandIndices=bandIndices, mask=mask, calcPercentiles=calcPercentiles, calcMean=calcMean, calcStd=calcStd, calcHistogram=calcHistogram, percentiles=percentiles, histogramRanges=histogramRanges, histogramBins=histogramBins)
[docs] def scatterMatrix(self, raster2, bandIndex1, bandIndex2, range1, range2, bins=256, mask=None, stratification=None, **kwargs): ''' Return scatter matrix between itself's band given by ``bandIndex1`` and ``raster2``'s band given by ``bandIndex2`` stored as a named tuple ``ScatterMatrix(H, xedges, yedges)``. Where ``H`` is the 2d count matrix for the binning given by ``xedges`` and ``yedges`` lists. If a ``stratication`` is defined, ``H`` will be a list of 2d count matrices, one for each strata. :param raster2: :type raster2: Raster :param bandIndex1: first band index :type bandIndex1: int :param bandIndex2: second band index :type bandIndex2: int :param range1: first band range as (min, max) tuple :type range1: Tuple[float, float] :param range2: second band range as (min, max) tuple :type range2: Tuple[float, float] :param bins: passed to ``np.histogram2d`` :param mask: map that is evaluated as a mask :type mask: Map :param stratification: classification that stratifies the calculation into different classes :type stratification: Classification :param kwargs: passed to :class:`hubflow.core.Applier` :rtype: ScatterMatrix(H, xedges, yedges) :Example: >>> # create two single band raster >>> raster1 = Raster.fromArray(array=[[[1, 2, 3]]], filename='/vsimem/raster1.bsq') >>> raster2 = Raster.fromArray(array=[[[10, 20, 30]]], filename='/vsimem/raster2.bsq') >>> # calculate scatter matrix between both raster bands >>> scatterMatrix = raster1.scatterMatrix(raster2=raster2, bandIndex1=0, bandIndex2=0, range1=[1, 4], range2=[10, 40], bins=3) >>> scatterMatrix.H array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]], dtype=uint64) >>> scatterMatrix.xedges array([ 1., 2., 3., 4.]) >>> scatterMatrix.yedges array([ 10., 20., 30., 40.]) ''' applier = Applier(defaultGrid=self, **kwargs) applier.setFlowRaster('raster1', raster=self) applier.setFlowRaster('raster2', raster=raster2) applier.setFlowMask('mask', mask=mask) applier.setFlowClassification('stratification', classification=stratification) _, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(x=[0], y=[0], bins=bins, range=[range1, range2]) bins = [xedges, yedges] results = applier.apply(operatorType=_RasterScatterMatrix, raster1=self, raster2=raster2, bandIndex1=bandIndex1, bandIndex2=bandIndex2, bins=bins, mask=mask, stratification=stratification) H = np.sum(np.stack(results), axis=0, dtype=np.uint64) ScatterMatrix = namedtuple('ScatterMatrix', ['H', 'xedges', 'yedges']) return ScatterMatrix(H, xedges, yedges)
[docs] def applyMask(self, filename, mask, noDataValue=None, **kwargs): ''' Applies a ``mask`` to itself and returns the result. All pixels where the mask evaluates to False, are set to the no data value. If the no data value is nut defined, 0 is used. :param filename: output path :type filename: str :param mask: a map that is evaluated as a mask :type mask: Map :param noDataValue: set no data value if undefined (default is to use 0) :type noDataValue: float :param kwargs: passed to :class:`hubflow.core.Applier` :rtype: Raster :example: >>> raster = Raster.fromArray(array=[[[1, 2, 3]]], filename='/vsimem/raster.bsq', noDataValues=[-1]) >>> mask = Mask.fromArray(array=[[[0, 0, 1]]], filename='/vsimem/mask.bsq') >>> result = raster.applyMask(filename='/vsimem/result.bsq', mask=mask) >>> result.array() array([[[-1, -1, 3]]]) ''' if noDataValue is None: noDataValue = 0 applier = Applier(defaultGrid=self, **kwargs) applier.setFlowRaster('raster', raster=self) applier.setFlowMask('mask', mask=mask) applier.setOutputRaster('maskedRaster', filename=filename) applier.apply(operatorType=_RasterApplyMask, raster=self, mask=mask, noDataValue=noDataValue) return type(self)(filename=filename)
[docs] def metadataWavelength(self): ''' Return list of band center wavelengths in nanometers. :example: >>> import enmapboxtestdata >>> Raster(filename=enmapboxtestdata.enmap).metadataWavelength() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [460.0, 465.0, 470.0, ..., 2393.0, 2401.0, 2409.0] ''' wavelength = self.dataset().metadataItem(key='wavelength', domain='ENVI', dtype=float, required=True) unit = self.dataset().metadataItem(key='wavelength units', domain='ENVI', required=True) assert unit.lower() in ['nanometers', 'micrometers'] wavelength = [float(v) for v in wavelength] if unit.lower() == 'micrometers': wavelength = [v * 1000 for v in wavelength] return wavelength
# def metadataDict(self): # '''Return metadata dictionary.''' # return self.dataset().metadataDict()
[docs] def metadataFWHM(self, required=False): ''' Return list of band full width at half maximums in nanometers. If not defined, list entries are ``None``. :example: >>> import enmapboxtestdata >>> Raster(filename=enmapboxtestdata.enmap).metadataFWHM() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [5.8, 5.8, 5.8, ..., 9.1, 9.1, 9.1] ''' fwhm = self.dataset().metadataItem(key='fwhm', domain='ENVI', dtype=float, required=required) if fwhm is None: fwhm = [None] * self.dataset().zsize() else: unit = self.dataset().metadataItem(key='wavelength units', domain='ENVI', required=True) assert unit.lower() in ['nanometers', 'micrometers'] fwhm = [float(v) for v in fwhm] if unit.lower() == 'micrometers': fwhm = [v * 1000 for v in fwhm] return fwhm
[docs] def sensorDefinition(self): ''' Return :class:`~hubflow.core.SenserDefinition` created from center wavelength and FWHM. :example: >>> SensorDefinition.predefinedSensorNames() ['modis', 'moms', 'mss', 'npp_viirs', 'pleiades1a', 'pleiades1b', 'quickbird', 'rapideye', 'rasat', 'seawifs', 'sentinel2', 'spot', 'spot6', 'tm', 'worldview1', 'worldview2', 'worldview3'] >>> SensorDefinition.fromPredefined('sentinel2') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE SensorDefinition(wavebandDefinitions=[WavebandDefinition(center=443.0, fwhm=None, responses=[...], name=Sentinel-2 - Band B1), ..., WavebandDefinition(center=2196.5, fwhm=None, responses=[...], name=Sentinel-2 - Band B12)]) ''' return SensorDefinition._fromFWHM(centers=self.metadataWavelength(), fwhms=self.metadataFWHM())
[docs] def close(self): '''See''' self.dataset().close()
[docs] def show(self): '''See''' self.dataset().show()
[docs] def saveAs(self, filename, driver=None, copyMetadata=True, copyCategories=True): '''Save copy of self at given ``filename``. Format will be derived from filename extension if not explicitely specified by ``driver`` keyword.''' if driver is None: driver = RasterDriver.fromFilename(filename=filename) rasterDataset = self.dataset().translate(filename=filename, driver=driver) if copyCategories: rasterDataset.copyCategories(other=self.dataset()) # have to re-open the dataset after setting categories (prevent a GDAL bug) rasterDataset = rasterDataset.reopen(eAccess=gdal.GA_Update) if copyMetadata: rasterDataset.copyMetadata(other=self.dataset()) raster = Raster.fromRasterDataset(rasterDataset) return raster
class _RasterResample(ApplierOperator): def ufunc(self, raster, resampleAlg): inraster = self.inputRaster.raster(key='inraster') outraster = self.outputRaster.raster(key='outraster') array = inraster.array(resampleAlg=resampleAlg) metadataDict = inraster.metadataDict() noDataValues = inraster.noDataValues() outraster.setArray(array=array) outraster.setMetadataDict(metadataDict=metadataDict) outraster.setNoDataValues(values=noDataValues) class _RasterConvolve(ApplierOperator): def ufunc(self, raster, kernel): from astropy.convolution import convolve, CustomKernel if kernel.dimension == 3: pass elif kernel.dimension == 2: kernel = CustomKernel(array=kernel.array[None]) elif kernel.dimension == 1: kernel = CustomKernel(array=kernel.array.reshape(-1, 1, 1)) inraster = self.inputRaster.raster(key='inraster') outraster = self.outputRaster.raster(key='outraster') zsize, ysize, xsize = kernel.shape overlap = int((max(ysize, xsize) + 1) / 2.) array = np.float32(inraster.array(overlap=overlap)) noDataValues = self.inputRaster.raster(key='inraster').noDataValues() for band, noDataValue in zip(array, noDataValues): if noDataValue is not None: band[band == noDataValue] = np.nan outarray = convolve(array=array, kernel=kernel, fill_value=np.nan, nan_treatment='fill', normalize_kernel=False) outraster.setArray(array=outarray, overlap=overlap) outraster.setMetadataDict(metadataDict=inraster.metadataDict()) outraster.setNoDataValue(value=np.nan) class _RasterApplySpatial(ApplierOperator): def ufunc(self, raster, function): inraster = self.inputRaster.raster(key='inraster') outraster = self.outputRaster.raster(key='outraster') outraster.setZsize(zsize=inraster.dataset().zsize()) for index in range(inraster.dataset().zsize()): array = inraster.array(indices=[index])[0] outarray = function(array) class _RasterStatistics(ApplierOperator): def ufunc(self, raster, bandIndices, mask, calcPercentiles, calcHistogram, calcMean, calcStd, percentiles, histogramRanges, histogramBins): maskValid = self.flowMaskArray('mask', mask=mask) if bandIndices is None: bandIndices = range(self.inputRaster.raster('raster').dataset().zsize()) result = list() BandStatistics = namedtuple('BandStatistics', ['index', 'nvalid', 'ninvalid', 'min', 'max', 'percentiles', 'std', 'mean', 'histo']) Histogram = namedtuple('Histogram', ['hist', 'bin_edges']) Percentile = namedtuple('Percentile', ['rank', 'value']) for i, index in enumerate(bandIndices): self.progressBar.setPercentage((float(i) + 1) / len(bandIndices) * 100) band = self.flowRasterArray('raster', raster=raster, indices=[index]).astype(dtype=np.float64) finiteValid = np.isfinite(band) valid = self.maskFromBandArray(array=band, noDataValueSource='raster', index=index) valid *= maskValid valid *= finiteValid values = band[valid] # may still contain NaN bandResult = dict() bandResult['index'] = index bandResult['nvalid'] = np.sum(valid) bandResult['ninvalid'] = np.product(band.shape) - bandResult['nvalid'] bandResult['min'] = np.min(values) bandResult['max'] = np.max(values) if calcPercentiles: qs = percentiles ps = np.percentile(values, q=percentiles) bandResult['percentiles'] = [Percentile(rank=rank, value=value) for rank, value in zip(qs, ps)] else: bandResult['percentiles'] = None if calcStd: bandResult['std'] = np.nanstd(values) else: bandResult['std'] = None if calcMean: bandResult['mean'] = np.nanmean(values) else: bandResult['mean'] = None if calcHistogram: if histogramRanges is None: range_ = [bandResult['min'], bandResult['max']] else: assert len(histogramRanges) == len(bandIndices) range_ = histogramRanges[index] if histogramBins is None: bins = 256 else: assert len(histogramBins) == len(bandIndices) bins = histogramBins[index] hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(values, bins=bins, range=range_) bandResult['histo'] = Histogram(hist=hist, bin_edges=bin_edges) else: bandResult['histo'] = None result.append(BandStatistics(**bandResult)) return result @staticmethod def aggregate(blockResults, grid, *args, **kwargs): return blockResults[0] class _RasterFromVector(ApplierOperator): def ufunc(self, vector, noDataValue): array = self.flowVectorArray('vector', vector=vector) self.outputRaster.raster(key='raster').setArray(array=array) self.setFlowMetadataNoDataValues('raster', noDataValues=[noDataValue]) class _RasterScatterMatrix(ApplierOperator): def ufunc(self, raster1, raster2, bandIndex1, bandIndex2, bins, mask, stratification): band1 = self.flowRasterArray('raster1', raster=raster1, indices=[bandIndex1]) band2 = self.flowRasterArray('raster2', raster=raster2, indices=[bandIndex2]) strata = self.flowClassificationArray('stratification', classification=stratification) valid = self.maskFromBandArray(array=band1, noDataValueSource='raster1', index=bandIndex1) valid *= self.maskFromBandArray(array=band2, noDataValueSource='raster2', index=bandIndex2) valid *= self.flowMaskArray('mask', mask=mask) x = band1[valid] y = band2[valid] if strata.size == 0: H = np.histogram2d(x=x, y=y, bins=bins)[0] else: s = strata[valid] HList = list() for i in range(1, stratification.classDefinition().classes() + 1): v = s == i Hi = np.histogram2d(x=x[v], y=y[v], bins=bins)[0] HList.append(np.array(Hi)) H = np.stack(HList) return H class _RasterApplyMask(ApplierOperator): def ufunc(self, raster, mask, noDataValue): noDataValue = self.inputRaster.raster(key='raster').noDataValue(default=noDataValue) array = self.flowRasterArray('raster', raster=raster) marray = self.flowMaskArray('mask', mask=mask) tobefilled = np.logical_not(marray[0]) array[:, tobefilled] = noDataValue inraster = self.inputRaster.raster(key='raster') outraster = self.outputRaster.raster(key='maskedRaster') outraster.setArray(array=array) outraster.setMetadataDict(metadataDict=inraster.metadataDict()) outraster.setNoDataValue(value=noDataValue) outraster.setCategoryColors(colors=inraster.categoryColors()) outraster.setCategoryNames(names=inraster.categoryNames())
[docs]class WavebandDefinition(FlowObject): '''Class for managing waveband definitions.''' def __init__(self, center, fwhm=None, responses=None, name=None): ''' Create an instance. :param center: center wavelength location :type center: float :param fwhm: full width at half maximum :type fwhm: float :param responses: list of response function (wavelength, value) tuples :type responses: List[(float, float)] :param name: waveband name :type name: str ''' if responses is not None: responses = [(float(x), float(y)) for x, y in responses] self._center = float(center) if fwhm is not None: fwhm = float(fwhm) self._fwhm = fwhm self._responses = responses self._name = name def __getstate__(self): return OrderedDict([('center',, ('fwhm', self.fwhm()), ('responses', self.responses()), ('name',])
[docs] @staticmethod def fromFWHM(center, fwhm, sigmaLimits=3): ''' Create an instance from given ``center`` and ``fwhm``. The waveband response function is modeled inside the range: ``center`` +/- sigma * ``sigmaLimits``, where sigma is given by ``fwhm / 2.3548``. :example: >>> WavebandDefinition.fromFWHM(center=500, fwhm=10) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE WavebandDefinition(center=500.0, fwhm=10.0, responses=[(487.0, 0.009227241211564235), (488.0, 0.01845426465118729), (489.0, 0.03491721729455092), (490.0, 0.06250295020961404), (491.0, 0.10584721091054979), (492.0, 0.1695806637893581), (493.0, 0.2570344015689991), (494.0, 0.3685735673688072), (495.0, 0.5000059003147861), (496.0, 0.6417177952459099), (497.0, 0.7791678897157294), (498.0, 0.8950267608170881), (499.0, 0.9726554065273144), (500.0, 1.0), (501.0, 0.9726554065273144), (502.0, 0.8950267608170881), (503.0, 0.7791678897157294), (504.0, 0.6417177952459099), (505.0, 0.5000059003147861), (506.0, 0.3685735673688072), (507.0, 0.2570344015689991), (508.0, 0.1695806637893581), (509.0, 0.10584721091054979), (510.0, 0.06250295020961404), (511.0, 0.03491721729455092)], name=None) ''' center = float(center) if fwhm is not None: fwhm = float(fwhm) sigma = fwhm / 2.3548 wl = np.array(range(int(center - sigmaLimits * sigma), int(center + sigmaLimits * sigma))) responses = list(zip(wl, np.exp(-(wl - center) ** 2 / (2 * sigma ** 2)))) else: responses = None return WavebandDefinition(center=center, fwhm=fwhm, responses=responses)
[docs] def center(self): ''' Return center wavelength location. >>> WavebandDefinition(center=560).center() 560.0 ''' return self._center
[docs] def fwhm(self): ''' Return full width at half maximum. >>> WavebandDefinition(center=560, fwhm=10).fwhm() 10.0 ''' return self._fwhm
[docs] def responses(self): ''' Return response function as list of (wavelength, response) tuples. :example: >>> sentinelBlue = SensorDefinition.fromPredefined(name='sentinel2').wavebandDefinition(index=1) >>> sentinelBlue.responses() [(454.0, 0.02028969), (455.0, 0.06381729), (456.0, 0.14181057), (457.0, 0.27989078), (458.0, 0.53566604), (459.0, 0.75764752), (460.0, 0.81162521), (461.0, 0.81796823), (462.0, 0.82713398), (463.0, 0.8391982), (464.0, 0.85271397), (465.0, 0.85564352), (466.0, 0.85505457), (467.0, 0.86079216), (468.0, 0.86901422), (469.0, 0.8732093), (470.0, 0.8746579), (471.0, 0.87890232), (472.0, 0.88401742), (473.0, 0.88568426), (474.0, 0.8864462), (475.0, 0.89132953), (476.0, 0.89810187), (477.0, 0.89921862), (478.0, 0.89728783), (479.0, 0.899455), (480.0, 0.90808729), (481.0, 0.91663575), (482.0, 0.92044598), (483.0, 0.92225061), (484.0, 0.9262647), (485.0, 0.93060572), (486.0, 0.93187505), (487.0, 0.93234856), (488.0, 0.93660786), (489.0, 0.94359652), (490.0, 0.94689153), (491.0, 0.94277939), (492.0, 0.93912406), (493.0, 0.9435992), (494.0, 0.95384075), (495.0, 0.96115588), (496.0, 0.96098811), (497.0, 0.96023166), (498.0, 0.96653039), (499.0, 0.97646982), (500.0, 0.98081022), (501.0, 0.97624561), (502.0, 0.97399225), (503.0, 0.97796507), (504.0, 0.98398942), (505.0, 0.98579982), (506.0, 0.98173313), (507.0, 0.97932703), (508.0, 0.98329935), (509.0, 0.98777523), (510.0, 0.98546073), (511.0, 0.97952735), (512.0, 0.97936162), (513.0, 0.98807291), (514.0, 0.99619133), (515.0, 0.99330779), (516.0, 0.98572054), (517.0, 0.9860457), (518.0, 0.99517659), (519.0, 1.0), (520.0, 0.99782113), (521.0, 0.93955431), (522.0, 0.70830999), (523.0, 0.42396802), (524.0, 0.24124566), (525.0, 0.13881543), (526.0, 0.07368388), (527.0, 0.03404689), (528.0, 0.01505348)] ''' return self._responses
[docs] def name(self): ''' Return waveband name. :example: >>> for wavebandDefinition in SensorDefinition.fromPredefined(name='sentinel2').wavebandDefinitions(): ... print( Sentinel-2 - Band B1 Sentinel-2 - Band B2 Sentinel-2 - Band B3 Sentinel-2 - Band B4 Sentinel-2 - Band B5 Sentinel-2 - Band B6 Sentinel-2 - Band B7 Sentinel-2 - Band B8 Sentinel-2 - Band B8A Sentinel-2 - Band B9 Sentinel-2 - Band B10 Sentinel-2 - Band B11 Sentinel-2 - Band B12 ''' return self._name
[docs] def resamplingWeights(self, sensor): ''' Return resampling weights for the center wavelength of the given :class:`~hubflow.core.SensorDefinition`. :example: Calculate weights for resampling EnMAP sensor into Sentinel-2 band 3. >>> import enmapboxtestdata >>> enmapSensor = Raster(filename=enmapboxtestdata.enmap).sensorDefinition() >>> enmapSensor # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE SensorDefinition(wavebandDefinitions=[WavebandDefinition(center=460.0, fwhm=5.8, responses=[(452.0, 0.0051192261189367235), ..., (466.0, 0.051454981460462346)], name=None), ..., WavebandDefinition(center=2409.0, fwhm=9.1, responses=[(2397.0, 0.008056878623001433), ..., (2419.0, 0.035151930528992195)], name=None)]) >>> sentinel2Band4 = SensorDefinition.fromPredefined(name='sentinel2').wavebandDefinition(index=2) >>> sentinel2Band4 # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE WavebandDefinition(center=560.0, fwhm=None, responses=[(538.0, 0.01591234), ..., (582.0, 0.01477064)], name=Sentinel-2 - Band B3) >>> weights = sentinel2Band4.resamplingWeights(sensor=enmapSensor) >>> centers = [ for wd in enmapSensor.wavebandDefinitions()] >>> list(zip(centers, weights)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [(460.0, 0.0), ..., (533.0, 0.0), (538.0, 0.01591234), (543.0, 0.6156192), (549.0, 0.99344666), (554.0, 0.98899243), (559.0, 0.99746124), (565.0, 0.98366361), (570.0, 0.99787368), (575.0, 0.95940618), (581.0, 0.03900649), (587.0, 0.0), ..., (2409.0, 0.0)] ''' assert isinstance(sensor, SensorDefinition) weights = list() x = np.array([x for x, y in self.responses()]) for wd in sensor.wavebandDefinitions(): if > x[-1] or < x[0]: weight = 0. else: weight = self.responses()[np.abs(np.subtract(x,][1] weights.append(weight) return weights
[docs] def plot(self, plotWidget=None, yscale=1., **kwargs): ''' Return response function plot. :param plotWidget: if None, a new plot widget is created, otherwise, the given ``plotWidget`` is used :type plotWidget: pyqtgraph.graphicsWindows.PlotWindow :param yscale: scale factor for y values :type yscale: float :param kwargs: passed to ``pyqtgraph.graphicsWindows.PlotWindow.plot`` :rtype: pyqtgraph.graphicsWindows.PlotWindow :example: >>> plotWidget = SensorDefinition.fromPredefined(name='sentinel2').wavebandDefinition(index=2).plot() .. image:: plots/wavebandDefinition_plot.png ''' import pyqtgraph as pg if plotWidget is None: plotWidget = pg.plot(title='Response Curve') x, y = zip(*self.responses()) plotWidget.plot(x=np.array(x), y=np.array(y) * yscale, **kwargs) return plotWidget
[docs]class SensorDefinition(FlowObject): '''Class for managing sensor definitions.''' RESAMPLE_RESPONSE = 'response' RESAMPLE_LINEAR = 'linear' RESAMPLE_OPTIONS = [RESAMPLE_LINEAR, RESAMPLE_RESPONSE] def __init__(self, wavebandDefinitions): '''Create an instance by given list of ::class:`~WavebandDefinition`'s.''' self._wavebandDefinitions = wavebandDefinitions def __getstate__(self): return OrderedDict([('wavebandDefinitions', list(self.wavebandDefinitions()))])
[docs] @staticmethod def fromPredefined(name): ''' Create an instance for a predefined sensor (e.g. ``name='sentinel2'``). See :meth:`~SensorDefinition.predefinedSensorNames` for a full list of predifined sensors. Sensor response filter functions (.sli files) are stored here `hubflow/sensors`. :example: >>> SensorDefinition.fromPredefined(name='sentinel2') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE SensorDefinition(wavebandDefinitions=[WavebandDefinition(center=443.0, fwhm=None, responses=[...], name=Sentinel-2 - Band B1), ..., WavebandDefinition(center=2196.5, fwhm=None, responses=[...], name=Sentinel-2 - Band B12)]) ''' import hubflow.sensors assert isinstance(name, str) filename = join(hubflow.sensors.__path__[0], name + '.sli') assert exists(filename) library = EnviSpectralLibrary(filename=filename) return SensorDefinition.fromEnviSpectralLibrary(library=library, isResponseFunction=True)
[docs] @staticmethod def predefinedSensorNames(): ''' Return list of predefined sensor names. :example: >>> SensorDefinition.predefinedSensorNames() ['modis', 'moms', 'mss', 'npp_viirs', 'pleiades1a', 'pleiades1b', 'quickbird', 'rapideye', 'rasat', 'seawifs', 'sentinel2', 'spot', 'spot6', 'tm', 'worldview1', 'worldview2', 'worldview3'] ''' import hubflow.sensors names = [basename(f)[:-4] for f in os.listdir(hubflow.sensors.__path__[0]) if f.endswith('.sli')] return names
[docs] @classmethod def fromEnviSpectralLibrary(cls, library, isResponseFunction): ''' Create instance from :class:`EnviSpectralLibrary`. :param library: :type library: EnviSpectralLibrary :param isResponseFunction: If True, ``library`` is interpreted as sensor response function. If False, center wavelength and FWHM information is used. :type isResponseFunction: bool :rtype: SensorDefinition :example: Case 1 - Library contains spectra with wavelength and FWHM information (i.e. set ``isResponseFunction=False``) >>> import enmapboxtestdata >>> library = EnviSpectralLibrary(filename=enmapboxtestdata.speclib) >>> SensorDefinition.fromEnviSpectralLibrary(library=library, isResponseFunction=False) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE SensorDefinition(wavebandDefinitions=[WavebandDefinition(center=460.0, fwhm=5.8, responses=[...], name=None), ..., WavebandDefinition(center=2409.0, fwhm=9.1, responses=[...], name=None)]) Case 2 - Library contains response function (i.e. set ``isResponseFunction=True``) >>> import hubflow.sensors, os.path >>> library = EnviSpectralLibrary(filename = os.path.join(hubflow.sensors.__path__[0], 'sentinel2.sli')) >>> SensorDefinition.fromEnviSpectralLibrary(library=library, isResponseFunction=True) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE SensorDefinition(wavebandDefinitions=[WavebandDefinition(center=443.0, fwhm=None, responses=[...], name=Sentinel-2 - Band B1), ..., WavebandDefinition(center=2196.5, fwhm=None, responses=[...], name=Sentinel-2 - Band B12)]) ''' assert isinstance(library, EnviSpectralLibrary) names = library.raster().dataset().metadataItem(key='spectra names', domain='ENVI') wavelengths = np.float32(library.raster().metadataWavelength()) if isResponseFunction: responsess = [list(zip(wavelengths, y)) for y in library.raster().dataset().readAsArray().T[0]] sensor = cls._fromResponseFunctions(centers=None, names=names, responsess=responsess) else: fwhm = library.raster().metadataFWHM(required=True) sensor = cls._fromFWHM(centers=wavelengths, fwhms=fwhm) return sensor
@staticmethod def _fromResponseFunctions(centers, names, responsess): ''' Create instance from given lists of response function given by ``responsess``. :param centers: list of center wavelengths :type centers: List[float] :param names: list of waveband names :type names: List[str] :param responsess: list of response functions :type responsess: List[List[(float, float)]] :rtype: SensorDefinition ''' if names is None: names = [None] * len(responsess) if centers is None: centers = [None] * len(responsess) assert len(centers) == len(names) assert isinstance(responsess, list) wavebandDefinitions = list() for responses, name, center in zip(responsess, names, centers): x, y = list(zip(*responses)) valid = np.array(y) > 0.01 if center is None: center = np.array(x)[valid][[0, -1]].mean() responsesValid = list(np.array(responses)[valid]) wavebandDefinitions.append(WavebandDefinition(center=center, fwhm=None, responses=responsesValid, name=name)) return SensorDefinition(wavebandDefinitions=wavebandDefinitions) @staticmethod def _fromFWHM(centers, fwhms): ''' Create instance from lists of center wavelengths and FWHMs. :param centers: list of center wavelengths :type centers: List[float] :param fwhms: list if FWHMs :type fwhms: List[float] :rtype: SensorDefinition ''' assert len(centers) == len(fwhms) wavebandDefinitions = [WavebandDefinition.fromFWHM(center=center, fwhm=fwhm) for center, fwhm in zip(centers, fwhms)] return SensorDefinition(wavebandDefinitions=wavebandDefinitions)
[docs] @staticmethod def fromRaster(raster): '''Forwards :meth:`Raster.sensorDefinition`.''' assert isinstance(raster, Raster) return raster.sensorDefinition()
[docs] def wavebandDefinition(self, index): '''Return :class:`WavebandDefinition` for band given by ``index``.''' wavebandDefinition = self._wavebandDefinitions[index] assert isinstance(wavebandDefinition, WavebandDefinition) return wavebandDefinition
[docs] def wavebandDefinitions(self): '''Return iterator over all :class:`WavebandDefinition`'s.''' for index in range(self.wavebandCount()): yield self.wavebandDefinition(index=index)
[docs] def wavebandCount(self): '''Return number of wavebands.''' return len(self._wavebandDefinitions)
[docs] def plot(self, plotWidget=None, yscale=1., **kwargs): ''' Return sensor definition plot. :param plotWidget: if None, a new plot widget is created, otherwise, the given ``plotWidget`` is used :type plotWidget: pyqtgraph.graphicsWindows.PlotWindow :param yscale: scale factor for y values :type yscale: float :param kwargs: passed to ``pyqtgraph.graphicsWindows.PlotWindow.plot`` :rtype: pyqtgraph.graphicsWindows.PlotWindow :example: >>> plotWidget = SensorDefinition.fromPredefined(name='sentinel2').plot() .. image:: plots/sensorDefinition_plot.png ''' import pyqtgraph as pg if plotWidget is None: plotWidget = pg.plot() for wavebandDefinition in self.wavebandDefinitions(): wavebandDefinition.plot(plotWidget=plotWidget, yscale=yscale, **kwargs) return plotWidget
[docs] def resampleRaster(self, filename, raster, minResponse=None, resampleAlg=RESAMPLE_LINEAR, **kwargs): ''' Resample the given spectral ``raster``. :param filename: output path :type filename: str :param raster: spectral raster :type raster: hubflow.core.Raster :param minResponse: limits the wavelength region of the response filter function to wavelength with responses higher than ``minResponse``; higher values speed up computation; 0.5 corresponds to the full width at half maximum region; values greater 0.5 may lead to very inaccurate results :type minResponse: float :param resampleAlg: available resampling algorithms are linear interpolation between neighbouring wavelength and response function filtering :type resampleAlg: enum(SensorDefinition.RESAMPLE_LINEAR, SensorDefinition.RESAMPLE_RESPONSE) :param kwargs: passed to hubflow.core.Applier :rtype: Union[hubflow.core.Raster, None] :example: >>> import enmapboxtestdata >>> sentinel2Sensor = SensorDefinition.fromPredefined(name='sentinel2') >>> enmapRaster = Raster(filename=enmapboxtestdata.enmap) >>> resampled = sentinel2Sensor.resampleRaster(filename='/vsimem/resampledLinear.bsq', raster=enmapRaster) >>> pixel = Pixel(x=0, y=0) >>> plotWidget = enmapRaster.plotZProfile(pixel=pixel, spectral=True, xscale=1000) # draw original enmap profile >>> plotWidget = resampled.plotZProfile(pixel=pixel, spectral=True, plotWidget=plotWidget) # draw resampled profile on top .. image:: plots/sensorDefinition_resampleRaster.png ''' assert isinstance(raster, Raster) if resampleAlg is None: resampleAlg = self.RESAMPLE_LINEAR assert resampleAlg in self.RESAMPLE_OPTIONS sourceSensor = raster.sensorDefinition() applier = Applier(defaultGrid=raster, **kwargs) applier.setFlowRaster('raster', raster=raster) applier.setOutputRaster('outraster', filename=filename) applier.apply(operatorType=_SensorDefinitionResampleRaster, raster=raster, targetSensor=self, sourceSensor=sourceSensor, minResponse=minResponse, resampleAlg=resampleAlg) return Raster(filename=filename)
[docs] def resampleProfiles(self, array, wavelength, wavelengthUnits, minResponse=None, resampleAlg=None, **kwargs): ''' Resample a list of profiles given as a 2d ``array`` of size (profiles, bands). Implementation: the ``array``, together with the ``wavelength`` and ``wavelengthUnits`` metadata, is turned into a spectral raster, which is resampled using :class:~hubflow.core.SensorDefinition.resampleRaster``. :param array: list of profiles or 2d array of size (profiles, bands) :type array: Union[list, numpy.ndarray] :param wavelength: list of center wavelength of size (bands, ) :type wavelength: List[float] :param wavelengthUnits: wavelength unit 'nanometers' | 'micrometers' :type wavelengthUnits: str :param minResponse: passed to :meth:`~hubflow.core.SensorDefinition.resampleRaster` :param resampleAlg: passed to :meth:`~hubflow.core.SensorDefinition.resampleRaster` :param kwargs: passed to :class:`~hubflow.core.SensorDefinition.resampleRaster` :rtype: numpy.ndarray :example: >>> import pyqtgraph as pg >>> import enmapboxtestdata >>> sentinel2Sensor = SensorDefinition.fromPredefined(name='sentinel2') >>> enmapRaster = Raster(filename=enmapboxtestdata.enmap) >>> enmapArray = enmapRaster.array().reshape((enmapRaster.shape()[0], -1)).T >>> resampled = sentinel2Sensor.resampleProfiles(array=enmapArray, wavelength=enmapRaster.metadataWavelength(), wavelengthUnits='nanometers') >>> index = 0 # select single profile >>> plotWidget = pg.plot(x=enmapRaster.metadataWavelength(), y=enmapArray[index]) # draw original enmap profile >>> plotWidget = plotWidget.plot(x=[ for wd in sentinel2Sensor.wavebandDefinitions()], y=resampled[index]) # draw resampled profile on top .. image:: plots/sensorDefinition_resampleProfiles.png ''' array = np.array(array) assert array.ndim == 2 samples, bands = array.shape assert len(wavelength) == bands rasterDataset = RasterDataset.fromArray(array=np.atleast_3d(array.T), filename='/vsimem/SensorDefinitionResampleInProfiles.bsq', driver=EnviDriver()) MetadataEditor.setBandCharacteristics(rasterDataset=rasterDataset, wavelength=wavelength, wavelengthUnits=wavelengthUnits) rasterDataset.flushCache() raster = Raster.fromRasterDataset(rasterDataset=rasterDataset) outraster = self.resampleRaster(filename='/vsimem/SensorDefinitionResampleOutProfiles.bsq', raster=raster, minResponse=minResponse, resampleAlg=resampleAlg, **kwargs) outarray = outraster.dataset().readAsArray().T[0] return outarray
class _SensorDefinitionResampleRaster(ApplierOperator): def ufunc(self, raster, targetSensor, sourceSensor, minResponse, resampleAlg): assert isinstance(targetSensor, SensorDefinition) assert isinstance(sourceSensor, SensorDefinition) self.targetSensor = targetSensor self.sourceSensor = sourceSensor self.raster = raster if minResponse is None: minResponse = 0.001 self.minResponse = minResponse self.marray = self.flowMaskArray(name='raster', mask=raster.asMask(indices=[0])) # resample if resampleAlg == SensorDefinition.RESAMPLE_LINEAR: outarray = self.resampleWithLinearInterpolation() elif resampleAlg == SensorDefinition.RESAMPLE_RESPONSE: outarray = self.resampleWithResponseFunction() # mask if raster.dataset().noDataValue() is not None: outarray[:, np.logical_not(self.marray[0])] = raster.dataset().noDataValue() # write and set metadata outraster = self.outputRaster.raster(key='outraster') outraster.setArray(array=outarray) self.setFlowMetadataSensorDefinition(name='outraster', sensor=targetSensor) outraster.setNoDataValue(value=raster.dataset().noDataValue()) def resampleWithResponseFunction(self): outarray = self.full(value=0, bands=self.targetSensor.wavebandCount(), dtype=np.float32) for outindex, wavebandDefinition in enumerate(self.targetSensor.wavebandDefinitions()): assert isinstance(wavebandDefinition, WavebandDefinition) weights = wavebandDefinition.resamplingWeights(sensor=self.sourceSensor) weightsSum = 0. for inindex, weight in enumerate(weights): if weight > self.minResponse: weightsSum += weight invalues = self.flowRasterArray(name='raster', raster=self.raster, indices=[inindex])[self.marray] outarray[outindex][self.marray[0]] += weight * invalues if weightsSum == 0: # if no source bands are inside the responsive region of the target band import warnings warnings.warn(Warning('target waveband ({}, from {} nm to {} nm) is outside the responsive region'.format(, wavebandDefinition.responses()[0][0], wavebandDefinition.responses()[-1][0]))) outarray[outindex] = np.nan else: outarray[outindex][self.marray[0]] /= weightsSum return outarray def resampleWithLinearInterpolation(self): outarray = self.full(value=0, bands=self.targetSensor.wavebandCount(), dtype=np.float32) incenters = [ for wd in self.sourceSensor.wavebandDefinitions()] outcenters = [ for wd in self.targetSensor.wavebandDefinitions()] for outindex, outcenter in enumerate(outcenters): if outcenter <= incenters[0]: indexA = indexB = 0 wA = wB = 0.5 elif outcenter >= incenters[-1]: indexA = indexB = len(incenters) - 1 wA = wB = 0.5 else: for inindex, incenter in enumerate(incenters): if incenter > outcenter: indexA = inindex - 1 indexB = inindex distanceA = np.abs(incenters[indexA] - outcenter) distanceB = np.abs(incenters[indexB] - outcenter) wA = 1. - distanceA / (distanceA + distanceB) wB = 1. - wA break inarrayA, inarrayB = self.flowRasterArray(name='raster', raster=self.raster, indices=[indexA, indexB]) outarray[outindex][self.marray[0]] = inarrayA[self.marray[0]] * wA + inarrayB[self.marray[0]] * wB return outarray class EnviSpectralLibrary(FlowObject): '''Class for managing ENVI Spectral Library files.''' def __init__(self, filename): '''Create an instance for given ``filename``.''' self._filename = filename def __getstate__(self): return OrderedDict([('filename', self.filename())]) def filename(self): '''Return the filename.''' return self._filename def raster(self, transpose=True): ''' Return a :class:`~hubflow.core.Raster` pointing to the library's binary file. If ``transpose=False`` the binary raster is a single band, where profiles are arranged along the y axis and wavebands along the x axis. If ``transpose=True`` profiles are still arranged along the y axis, but wavebands are transpose into the z axis, which matches the natural order of spectral raster files, and enables the direct application of various raster processing algorithms to library profiles. :param transpose: whether or not to transpose the profiles from [1, profiles, bands] to [bands, profiles, 1] order. :type transpose: bool :rtype: hubflow.core.Raster :example: >>> import enmapboxtestdata >>> # as single column multiband raster >>> EnviSpectralLibrary(filename=enmapboxtestdata.speclib).raster().shape() (177, 75, 1) >>> # as single band raster (original ENVI format) >>> EnviSpectralLibrary(filename=enmapboxtestdata.speclib).raster(transpose=False).shape() (1, 75, 177) ''' filename = r'/vsimem/{filename}{transpose}.vrt'.format(filename=self.filename(), transpose='.transposed' if transpose else '') try: raster = Raster(filename=filename) raster.dataset() # try opening except (RuntimeError, errors.InvalidGDALDatasetError): metadata = ENVI.readHeader(filenameHeader=ENVI.findHeader(filenameBinary=self.filename())) gdalType = ENVI.gdalType(enviType=int(metadata['data type'])) bytes = ENVI.typeSize(enviType=int(metadata['data type'])) byteOrder = ['LSB', 'MSB'][int(metadata['byte order'])] profiles = int(metadata['lines']) bands = int(metadata['samples']) options = 'subclass=VRTRawRasterBand\n' \ 'SourceFilename={SourceFilename}\n' \ 'ByteOrder={ByteOrder}\n' if transpose: rasterDataset = RasterDriver(name='VRT').create(grid=PseudoGrid(size=RasterSize(x=1, y=profiles)), bands=0, gdalType=gdalType, filename=filename) options += 'ImageOffset={ImageOffset}\n' \ 'PixelOffset={PixelOffset}\n' \ 'LineOffset={LineOffset}' for band in range(bands): rasterDataset.gdalDataset().AddBand(datatype=gdalType, options=options.format(SourceFilename=self.filename(), ByteOrder=byteOrder, ImageOffset=band * bytes, PixelOffset=bands * bytes, LineOffset=bands * bytes).split('\n')) else: rasterDataset = RasterDriver(name='VRT').create(grid=PseudoGrid(size=RasterSize(x=bands, y=profiles)), bands=0, gdalType=gdalType, filename=filename) rasterDataset.gdalDataset().AddBand(datatype=gdalType, options=options.format(SourceFilename=self.filename(), ByteOrder=byteOrder).split('\n')) for key in ['file compression', 'band names']: metadata.pop(key=key, default=None) rasterDataset.setMetadataDomain(metadataDomain=metadata, domain='ENVI') rasterDataset.flushCache() rasterDataset.close() raster = Raster(filename=filename) return raster @staticmethod def fromRaster(filename, raster): ''' Create instance from given ``raster``. :param filename: output path :type filename: :param raster: input raster :type raster: hubflow.core.Raster :return: :rtype: EnviSpectralLibrary :example: >>> import enmapboxtestdata, tempfile, os >>> raster = EnviSpectralLibrary(filename=enmapboxtestdata.speclib).raster() >>> library = EnviSpectralLibrary.fromRaster(filename='/vsimem/speclib.sli', raster=raster) >>> library EnviSpectralLibrary(filename=/vsimem/speclib.sli) ''' assert isinstance(raster, Raster) bands = raster.dataset().zsize() array = raster.dataset().readAsArray().reshape(bands, -1).T[None] profiles = array.shape[1] rasterDataset = RasterDataset.fromArray(array=array, grid=PseudoGrid.fromArray(array=array), filename=filename, driver=EnviDriver()) metadata = raster.dataset().metadataDomain(domain='ENVI') for key in ['file compression']: metadata.pop(key, None) metadata['spectra names'] = ['profile {}'.format(i+1) for i in range(profiles)] rasterDataset.setMetadataDomain(metadataDomain=metadata, domain='ENVI')'Spectral Library') rasterDataset.flushCache() rasterDataset.close() # fix header # - delete PAM header try: remove(filename + '.aux.xml') except: pass # - rewrite ENVI header try: filenameHeader = ENVI.findHeader(filenameBinary=filename) metadata = ENVI.readHeader(filenameHeader=filenameHeader) metadata['file type'] = 'ENVI Spectral Library' for key in ['file compression', 'coordinate system string', 'map info', 'projection_info', 'x start', 'y start']: metadata.pop(key, None) ENVI.writeHeader(filenameHeader=filenameHeader, metadata=metadata) except: pass return EnviSpectralLibrary(filename=filename) @classmethod def fromSample(cls, sample, filename): assert isinstance(sample, Sample) if isinstance(sample, ClassificationSample): filenames = ['/vsimem/{}/raster.bsq', '/vsimem/{}/classification.bsq',] raster, classification = sample.extractAsRaster(filenames=filenames) cls.fromRaster(filename=filename, raster=raster) labels = classification.array().flatten() #names = np.full_like(labels, fill_value=classification.classDefinition().noDataName(), dtype=np.str) classNames = [classification.classDefinition().name(label) for label in labels] spectraNames = ['profile {}'.format(i+1) for i in range(len(labels))] table = list() table.append(('names', spectraNames)) table.append(('id', classNames)) definitions = dict() definitions['id'] = AttributeDefinitionEditor.makeClassDefinitionDict(classDefinition=sample.classification().classDefinition()) ENVI.writeAttributeTable(filename=filename, table=table) AttributeDefinitionEditor.writeToJson(filename=ENVI.findHeader(filename).replace('.hdr', '.json'), definitions=definitions) else: raise errors.TypeError(sample) for f in filenames: gdal.Unlink(f) return EnviSpectralLibrary(filename=filename) def attributeTable(self, delimiter=','): '''Return attribute table as dictionary.''' result = OrderedDict() filenameCsv = '{}.csv'.format(splitext(self.filename())[0]) if filenameCsv is not None: array = np.genfromtxt(filenameCsv, delimiter=delimiter, dtype=np.str) keys = list(array[0]) values = array[1:].T for i, (key, value) in enumerate(zip(keys, values)): value = [str(v) for v in value] result[key] = value return result def attributeDefinitions(self): '''Return attribute definitions as dictionary.''' filenameJson = '{}.json'.format(splitext(self.filename())[0]) if filenameJson is not None: definitions = AttributeDefinitionEditor.readFromJson(filename=filenameJson) else: definitions = dict() return definitions def attributeClassDefinition(self, attribute): '''Return ClassDefinition for given attribute.''' return AttributeDefinitionEditor.makeClassDefinition(definitions=self.attributeDefinitions(), attribute=attribute) def attributeNames(self): ''' Return attribute names. :example: >>> import enmapboxtestdata >>> EnviSpectralLibrary(filename=enmapboxtestdata.library).attributeNames() ['level 1', 'level 2', 'spectra names'] ''' return list(self.attributeTable().keys()) def profiles(self): ''' Return the number of profiles. :example: >>> import enmapboxtestdata >>> EnviSpectralLibrary(filename=enmapboxtestdata.speclib).profiles() 75 ''' return self.raster().dataset().ysize() # class RasterStack(FlowObject): # ''' # Class for managing virtual raster stacks that can be used inside an :class:`~hubflow.core.Applier`. # # :example: # # Stack two rasters virtually and read on-the-fly stacked data inside Applier. # # >>> raster = RasterStack(rasters=[Raster.fromArray(array=[[[1, 1], [1, 1]]], filename='/vsimem/raster1.bsq'), # ... Raster.fromArray(array=[[[2, 2], [2, 2]]], filename='/vsimem/raster2.bsq')]) # >>> # >>> applier = Applier(progressBar=SilentProgressBar()) # >>> applier.setFlowRaster(name='stack', raster=raster) # >>> # >>> class MyOperator(ApplierOperator): # ... def ufunc(self, raster): # ... array = self.flowRasterArray(name='stack', raster=raster) # ... return array # >>> # >>> applier.apply(operatorType=MyOperator, raster=raster) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE # [array([[[1, 1], # [1, 1]], # <BLANKLINE> # [[2, 2], # [2, 2]]])] # ''' # # def __init__(self, rasters): # self._rasters = rasters # # def __getstate__(self): # return OrderedDict([('rasters', list(self.rasters()))]) # # def raster(self, index): # '''Return raster at given ``index``''' # assert isinstance(self._rasters[index], Raster) # return self._rasters[index] # # def rasters(self): # '''Return iterator over all raster.''' # for i in range(len(self._rasters)): # yield self.raster(i)
[docs]class Mask(Raster): def __init__(self, filename, noDataValues=None, minOverallCoverage=0.5, indices=None, invert=False): ''' Class for managing raster mask maps. :param filename: input path :type filename: str :param noDataValues: if not None, it overwrites the band no data values given by the raster. :type noDataValues: List[floats] or None :param minOverallCoverage: in case of resampling, values between 0 (False) and 1 (True) can ocure, minOverallCoverage is the threshold at which those "soft" mask values are categoriest into True and False :type minOverallCoverage: float :param indices: if not None, only the bands corresponding to the given indices are used as mask :type indices: List[int] :param invert: whether to invert the mask :type invert: bool :examples: If a raster is interpreted as a mask, all pixel that contain a no data value in at leased one band are interpreted as False. >>> raster = Raster.fromArray(array=[[[-99, 0], [1, 2]], [[-99, 0], [1, 0]]], noDataValues=[-99, -99], filename='/vsimem/raster.bsq') >>> raster.array() array([[[-99, 0], [ 1, 2]], <BLANKLINE> [[-99, 0], [ 1, 0]]]) >>> Mask(filename=raster.filename()).array() array([[[0, 1], [1, 1]]], dtype=uint8) Masks can be inverted. >>> Mask(filename=raster.filename(), invert=True).array() array([[[1, 0], [0, 0]]], dtype=uint8) If no data values are not defined, it defaults to zero in all bands. >>> rasterWithoutNoData = Raster.fromArray(array=[[[-99, 0], [1, 2]], [[-99, 0], [1, 0]]], filename='/vsimem/rasterWithoutNoData.bsq') >>> Mask(filename=rasterWithoutNoData.filename()).array() array([[[1, 0], [1, 0]]], dtype=uint8) Missing no data values can be passed to the mask constructor. >>> Mask(filename=rasterWithoutNoData.filename(), noDataValues=[-99, -99]).array() array([[[0, 1], [1, 1]]], dtype=uint8) Pick a single band as mask from a multiband raster. >>> Mask(filename=rasterWithoutNoData.filename(), indices=[0]).array() array([[[1, 0], [1, 1]]], dtype=uint8) >>> Mask(filename=rasterWithoutNoData.filename(), indices=[1]).array() array([[[1, 0], [1, 0]]], dtype=uint8) ''' Raster.__init__(self, filename) if noDataValues is None: noDataValues = self.dataset().noDataValues(default=0) self._noDataValues = noDataValues self._minOverallCoverage = float(minOverallCoverage) self._indices = indices self._invert = invert
[docs] def noDataValues(self): '''Return band no data values.''' assert isinstance(self._noDataValues, list) return self._noDataValues
[docs] def minOverallCoverage(self): '''Return minimal overall coverage threshold.''' return self._minOverallCoverage
[docs] def indices(self): '''Return band subset indices.''' return self._indices
[docs] def invert(self): '''Whether to invert the mask.''' return self._invert
[docs] @staticmethod def fromVector(filename, vector, grid, **kwargs): '''Create a mask from a vector. :param filename: output path :type filename: :param vector: input vector :type vector: hubflow.core.Vector :param grid: :type grid: hubdc.core.Grid :param kwargs: :type kwargs: :return: :rtype: hubflow.core.Mask :example: >>> import enmapboxtestdata >>> vector = Vector(filename=enmapboxtestdata.landcover, initValue=0) >>> grid = Raster(filename=enmapboxtestdata.enmap).grid() >>> mask = Mask.fromVector(filename='/vsimem/mask.bsq', vector=vector, grid=grid) >>> plotWidget = mask.plotSinglebandGrey() .. image:: plots/mask_fromVector.png ''' return Raster.fromVector(filename=filename, vector=vector, grid=grid, **kwargs).asMask()
[docs] @staticmethod def fromRaster(filename, raster, initValue=False, true=(), false=(), invert=False, aggregateFunction=None, **kwargs): ''' Returns a mask created from a raster map, where given lists of ``true`` and ``false`` values and value ranges are used to define True and False regions. :param filename: output path :type filename: :param raster: input raster :type raster: hubflow.core.Raster :param initValue: initial fill value, default is False :type initValue: bool :param true: list of forground numbers and ranges :type true: List[number or range] :param false: list of forground numbers and ranges :type false: List[number or range] :param invert: whether to invert the mask :type invert: bool :param aggregateFunction: aggregation function (e.g. numpy.all or numpy.any) to reduce multiband rasters to a single band mask; the default is to not reduce and returning a multiband mask :type aggregateFunction: func :param kwargs: passed to hubflow.core.Applier :type kwargs: :return: hubflow.core.Mask :rtype: :example: >>> raster = Raster.fromArray(array=[[[-99, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]], filename='/vsimem/raster.bsq') >>> raster.array() array([[[-99, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]]) >>> # values 1, 2, 3 are True >>> Mask.fromRaster(raster=raster, true=[1, 2, 3], filename='/vsimem/mask.bsq').array() array([[[0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0]]], dtype=uint8) >>> # value range 1 to 4 is True >>> Mask.fromRaster(raster=raster, true=[range(1, 4)], filename='/vsimem/mask.bsq').array() array([[[0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]]], dtype=uint8) >>> # all values are True, but -99 >>> Mask.fromRaster(raster=raster, initValue=True, false=[-99], filename='/vsimem/mask.bsq').array() array([[[0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]]], dtype=uint8) Different aggregations over multiple bands >>> raster = Raster.fromArray(array=[[[0, 0, 1, 1]], [[0, 1, 0, 1]]], filename='/vsimem/raster.bsq') >>> raster.array() array([[[0, 0, 1, 1]], <BLANKLINE> [[0, 1, 0, 1]]]) >>> # no aggregation >>> Mask.fromRaster(raster=raster, true=[1], filename='/vsimem/mask.bsq').readAsArray() array([[[0, 0, 1, 1]], <BLANKLINE> [[0, 1, 0, 1]]], dtype=uint8) >>> # True if all pixel profile values are True >>> def aggregate(array): return np.all(array, axis=0) >>> Mask.fromRaster(raster=raster, true=[1], aggregateFunction=aggregate, filename='/vsimem/mask.bsq').readAsArray() array([[[0, 0, 0, 1]]], dtype=uint8) >>> # True if any pixel profile values are True >>> def aggregate(array): return np.any(array, axis=0) >>> Mask.fromRaster(raster=raster, true=[1], aggregateFunction=aggregate, filename='/vsimem/mask.bsq').readAsArray() array([[[0, 1, 1, 1]]], dtype=uint8) ''' assert isinstance(raster, Raster) applier = Applier(defaultGrid=raster, **kwargs) applier.setFlowRaster('raster', raster=raster) applier.setOutputRaster('mask', filename=filename) applier.apply(operatorType=_MaskFromRaster, raster=raster, initValue=initValue, true=true, false=false, invert=invert, aggregateFunction=aggregateFunction) return Mask(filename=filename)
[docs] def resample(self, filename, grid, **kwargs): ''' Returns a resampled mask of itself into the given ``grid``. :param filename: output path :type filename: str :param grid: output grid :type grid: hubdc.core.Grid :param kwargs: passed to hubflow.core.Applier :type kwargs: :return: :rtype: hubflow.core.Mask :example: >>> mask = Mask.fromArray(array=[[[0, 1]]], filename='/vsimem/mask.bsq') >>> grid = Grid(extent=mask.grid().extent(), resolution=mask.grid().resolution().zoom(factor=(2, 1))) >>> mask.resample(grid=grid, filename='/vsimem/resampled.bsq').array() array([[[0, 0, 1, 1]]], dtype=uint8) ''' applier = Applier(defaultGrid=grid, **kwargs) applier.setFlowMask('inmask', mask=self) applier.setOutputRaster('outmask', filename=filename) applier.apply(operatorType=_MaskResample, mask=self) return Mask(filename=filename, minOverallCoverage=self.minOverallCoverage())
class _MaskResample(ApplierOperator): def ufunc(self, mask): array = self.flowMaskArray('inmask', mask=mask) self.outputRaster.raster(key='outmask').setArray(array=array) class _MaskFromRaster(ApplierOperator): def ufunc(self, raster, initValue, true, false, invert, aggregateFunction=None): array = self.flowRasterArray('raster', raster=raster) marray = np.full_like(array, fill_value=initValue, dtype=np.bool) for value in true: if isinstance(value, (int, float)): marray[array == value] = True elif isinstance(value, range): assert value.step == 1 marray[(array >= value.start) * (array <= value.stop)] = True for value in false: if isinstance(value, (int, float)): marray[array == value] = False elif isinstance(value, range): assert value.step == 1 marray[(array >= value.start) * (array <= value.stop)] = False if aggregateFunction is not None: marray = aggregateFunction(marray) assert (marray.ndim == 3 and len(marray) == 1) or marray.ndim == 2 if invert: marray = np.logical_not(marray) self.outputRaster.raster(key='mask').setArray(array=marray)
[docs]class Vector(Map): '''Class for managing vector maps. See also :class:`~VectorMask`, :class:`~VectorClassification`''' def __init__(self, filename, layer=0, initValue=0, burnValue=1, burnAttribute=None, allTouched=False, filterSQL=None, dtype=np.float32, noDataValue=None): ''' Create an instance from the vector located at ``filename``. :param filename: input path :type filename: str :param layer: layer index or name :type layer: int or str :param initValue: rasterization option - values to pre-initialize the output band :type initValue: number :param burnValue: rasterization option - fixed value to burn into output band for all objects; excusive with burnAttribute. :type burnValue: number :param burnAttribute: rasterization option - identifies an attribute field on the features to be used for a burn-in value; exclusive with burnValue :type burnAttribute: str :param allTouched: rasterization option - whether to enable the ALL_TOUCHED rasterization option so that all pixels touched by lines or polygons will be updated, not just those on the line render path, or whose center point is within the polygon :type allTouched: bool :param filterSQL: rasterization option - SQL filter statement to apply to the source dataset :type filterSQL: str :param dtype: rasterization option - output numpy data type :type dtype: type :param noDataValue: rasterization option - no data value :type noDataValue: None or float ''' self._filename = filename self._layer = layer self._initValue = initValue self._burnValue = burnValue self._burnAttribute = burnAttribute self._allTouched = allTouched self._filterSQL = filterSQL self._dtype = dtype self._noDataValue = noDataValue self._vectorDataset = None def __getstate__(self): return OrderedDict([('filename', self.filename()), ('layer', self.layer()), ('initValue', self.initValue()), ('burnValue', self.burnValue()), ('burnAttribute', self.burnAttribute()), ('allTouched', self.allTouched()), ('filterSQL', self.filterSQL()), ('dtype', self.dtype()), ('noDataValue', self.noDataValue())])
[docs] def filename(self): '''Return filename.''' return self._filename
[docs] def layer(self): '''Return layer name or index''' return self._layer
[docs] def initValue(self): '''Return rasterization initialization value.''' return self._initValue
[docs] def burnValue(self): '''Return rasterization burn value.''' return self._burnValue
[docs] def burnAttribute(self): '''Return rasterization burn attribute.''' return self._burnAttribute
[docs] def allTouched(self): '''Return rasterization all touched option.''' return self._allTouched
[docs] def filterSQL(self): '''Return rasterization SQL filter statement.''' return self._filterSQL
[docs] def dtype(self): '''Return rasterization data type.''' return self._dtype
[docs] def noDataValue(self, default=None): '''Return rasterization no data value.''' if self._noDataValue is None: return default return self._noDataValue
[docs] def dataset(self): '''Return hubdc.core.VectorDataset object.''' if self._vectorDataset is None: self._vectorDataset = openVectorDataset(self.filename(), layerNameOrIndex=self.layer()) assert isinstance(self._vectorDataset, VectorDataset) return self._vectorDataset
[docs] @classmethod def fromVectorDataset(cls, vectorDataset, **kwargs): ''' Create instance from ``vectorDataset``. Additional ``kwargs`` are passed to the contructor. :example: >>> import enmapboxtestdata >>> vectorDataset = Vector(filename=enmapboxtestdata.landcover).dataset() >>> Vector.fromVectorDataset(vectorDataset=vectorDataset) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Vector(filename=...LandCov_BerlinUrbanGradient.shp, layer=0, initValue=0, burnValue=1, burnAttribute=None, allTouched=False, filterSQL=None, dtype=<class 'numpy.float32'>, noDataValue=None) ''' assert isinstance(vectorDataset, VectorDataset) vector = cls(vectorDataset.filename(), **kwargs) vector._vectorDataset = vectorDataset return vector
[docs] @classmethod def fromPoints(cls, filename, points): ''' Create instance from given points. Projection of first point is used. :example: >>> vector = Vector.fromPoints(points=[(-1, -1), (1, 1)], filename=join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'vector.shp')) >>> grid = Grid(extent=Extent(xmin=-1.5, xmax=1.5, ymin=-1.5, ymax=1.5), resolution=1, projection=Projection.wgs84()) >>> raster = Raster.fromVector(filename='/vsimem/raster.bsq', vector=vector, grid=grid) >>> raster.array() array([[[ 0., 0., 1.], [ 0., 0., 0.], [ 1., 0., 0.]]], dtype=float32) ''' driver = VectorDriver.fromFilename(filename=filename) vectorDataset = VectorDataset.fromPoints(points=points, filename=filename, driver=driver) return Vector.fromVectorDataset(vectorDataset=vectorDataset)
[docs] @classmethod def fromRandomPointsFromMask(cls, filename, mask, n, **kwargs): ''' Draw random locations from raster mask and return as point vector. :param filename: output path :type filename: str :param mask: input mask :type mask: hubflow.core.Mask :param n: number of points :type n: int :param kwargs: passed to hubflow.core.Applier :type kwargs: :return: :rtype: hubflow.core.Vector :example: Create a mask, ... >>> import enmapboxtestdata >>> grid = Raster(filename=enmapboxtestdata.enmap).grid() >>> mask = Mask.fromVector(filename='/vsimem/mask.bsq', ... vector=Vector(filename=enmapboxtestdata.landcover), grid=grid) >>> mask.plotSinglebandGrey() .. image:: plots/mask_fromVector.png ... draw 10 random locations, ... >>> points = Vector.fromRandomPointsFromMask(mask=mask, n=10, filename=join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'vector.shp')) ... and rasterize the result into the grid of the mask. >>> Mask.fromVector(filename='/vsimem/mask.bsq', vector=points, grid=grid).plotSinglebandGrey() .. image:: plots/vector_fromRandomPointsFromMask.png ''' applier = Applier(**kwargs) applier.setFlowMask('mask', mask=mask) applier.apply(operatorType=_VectorFromRandomPointsFromMask, mask=mask, n=n, filename=filename) return Vector(filename=filename)
[docs] @classmethod def fromRandomPointsFromClassification(cls, filename, classification, n, **kwargs): ''' Draw stratified random locations from raster classification and return as point vector. :param filename: output path :type filename: str :param classification: input classification used as stratification :type classification: :param n: list of number of points, one for each class :type n: List[int] :param kwargs: passed to hubflow.core.Applier :type kwargs: :return: :rtype: hubflow.core.Vector :example: Create classification from landcover polygons, ... >>> import enmapboxtestdata >>> grid = Raster(filename=enmapboxtestdata.enmap).grid() >>> vectorClassification = VectorClassification(filename=enmapboxtestdata.landcover, ... classAttribute=enmapboxtestdata.landcoverAttributes.Level_2_ID, ... classDefinition=ClassDefinition(colors=enmapboxtestdata.landcoverClassDefinition.level2.lookup), ... oversampling=5) >>> classification = Classification.fromClassification(filename='/vsimem/classification.bsq', classification=vectorClassification, grid=grid) >>> classification.plotCategoryBand() .. image:: plots/classification_fromClassification.png ... draw 10 random locations from each class, ... >>> points = Vector.fromRandomPointsFromClassification(classification=classification, n=[10]*6, filename=join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'vector.shp')) ... apply those points as mask to the original classification >>> labels = classification.applyMask(filename='/vsimem/labels.bsq', mask=points) >>> labels.plotCategoryBand() .. image:: plots/classification_applyMask.png ''' applier = Applier(**kwargs) applier.setFlowClassification('classification', classification=classification) applier.apply(operatorType=_VectorFromRandomPointsFromClassification, classification=classification, n=n, filename=filename) return Vector(filename=filename)
[docs] def metadataItem(self, key, domain='', dtype=str, required=False, default=None): '''Returns the value (casted to a specific ``dtype``) of a metadata item.''' return self.dataset().metadataItem(key=key, domain=domain, dtype=dtype, required=required, default=default)
[docs] def metadataDict(self): '''Return the metadata dictionary for all domains.''' return self.dataset().metadataDict()
[docs] def uniqueValues(self, attribute, spatialFilter=None): ''' Return unique values for given attribute. :param attribute: :type attribute: str :param spatialFilter: optional spatial filter :type spatialFilter: hubdc.core.Geometry :return: :rtype: List :example: >>> import enmapboxtestdata >>> vector = Vector(filename=enmapboxtestdata.landcover) >>> vector.uniqueValues(attribute=enmapboxtestdata.landcoverAttributes.Level_2) ['Low vegetation', 'Other', 'Pavement', 'Roof', 'Soil', 'Tree'] >>> spatialFilter = SpatialExtent(xmin=384000, xmax=384800, ... ymin=5818000, ymax=5819000, ... projection=vector.projection()).geometry() >>> spatialFilter # doctest: +ELLIPSIS SpatialGeometry(wkt='POLYGON ((384000 5819000 0,384800 5819000 0,384800 5818000 0,384000 5818000 0,384000 5819000 0))', projection=Projection(wkt=PROJCS["WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_33N", ..., AUTHORITY["EPSG","32633"]])) >>> vector.uniqueValues(attribute=enmapboxtestdata.landcoverAttributes.Level_2, ... spatialFilter=spatialFilter) ['Low vegetation', 'Pavement', 'Roof', 'Tree'] ''' vector = openVectorDataset(filename=self.filename(), layerNameOrIndex=self.layer()) layer = vector.ogrLayer() if attribute not in vector.fieldNames(): raise errors.UnknownAttributeTableField(name=attribute) layer.SetAttributeFilter(self.filterSQL()) values = OrderedDict() if spatialFilter is not None: assert isinstance(spatialFilter, Geometry) spatialFilterReprojected = spatialFilter.reproject(projection=vector.projection()) layer.SetSpatialFilter(spatialFilterReprojected.ogrGeometry()) for feature in layer: values[feature.GetField(attribute)] = None return list(values.keys())
[docs] def extent(self): ''' Returns the spatial extent. :example: >>> import enmapboxtestdata >>> Vector(filename=enmapboxtestdata.landcover).extent() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS SpatialExtent(xmin=383918.24389999924, xmax=384883.2196000004, ymin=5815685.854300001, ymax=5818407.0616999995, projection=Projection(wkt=PROJCS["WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_33N", GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984", DATUM["WGS_1984", SPHEROID["WGS_84",6378137,298.257223563]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0], UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295], AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]], ..., AUTHORITY["EPSG","32633"]])) ''' return self.dataset().extent()
[docs] def projection(self): ''' Returns the projection. :example: >>> import enmapboxtestdata >>> Vector(filename=enmapboxtestdata.landcover).projection() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Projection(wkt=PROJCS["WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_33N", GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984", DATUM["WGS_1984", SPHEROID["WGS_84",6378137,298.257223563]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0], UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295], AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]], PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"], PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",0], PARAMETER["central_meridian",15], PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9996], PARAMETER["false_easting",500000], PARAMETER["false_northing",0], UNIT["Meter",1], AUTHORITY["EPSG","32633"]]) ''' return self.dataset().projection()
[docs] def grid(self, resolution): ''' Returns the grid for the given ``resolution``. :example: >>> import enmapboxtestdata >>> Vector(filename=enmapboxtestdata.landcover).grid(resolution=30) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Grid(extent=Extent(xmin=383918.24389999924, xmax=384878.24389999924, ymin=5815685.854300001, ymax=5818415.854300001), resolution=Resolution(x=30.0, y=30.0), projection=Projection(wkt=PROJCS["WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_33N", GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984", DATUM["WGS_1984", SPHEROID["WGS_84",6378137,298.257223563]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0], UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295], AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]], ..., AUTHORITY["EPSG","32633"]]) ''' return Grid(extent=self.extent(), resolution=resolution)
class _VectorFromRandomPointsFromMask(ApplierOperator): def ufunc(self, mask, n, filename): array = self.flowMaskArray('mask', mask=mask) xmap = self.subgrid().xMapCoordinatesArray()[array[0]] ymap = self.subgrid().yMapCoordinatesArray()[array[0]] return xmap, ymap @staticmethod def aggregate(blockResults, grid, mask, n, filename): assert isinstance(grid, Grid) xmap = np.concatenate([result[0] for result in blockResults]) ymap = np.concatenate([result[1] for result in blockResults]) indicis = np.arange(0, len(xmap), 1) indicis = np.random.choice(indicis, size=n, replace=False) xmap, ymap = xmap[indicis], ymap[indicis] # Create the output vector driver = VectorDriver.fromFilename(filename=filename) driver.prepareCreation(filename) ds = driver.ogrDriver().CreateDataSource(filename) srs = grid.projection().osrSpatialReference() layer = ds.CreateLayer('random_points', srs, ogr.wkbPoint) for x, y in zip(xmap, ymap): point = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint) point.AddPoint(x, y) feature = ogr.Feature(layer.GetLayerDefn()) feature.SetGeometry(point) layer.CreateFeature(feature) layer = None ds = None class _VectorFromRandomPointsFromClassification(ApplierOperator): def ufunc(self, classification, n, filename): array = self.flowClassificationArray('classification', classification=classification) valid = array != 0 xmap = self.subgrid().xMapCoordinatesArray()[valid[0]] ymap = self.subgrid().yMapCoordinatesArray()[valid[0]] id = array[valid] return xmap, ymap, id @staticmethod def aggregate(blockResults, grid, classification, n, filename): assert isinstance(grid, Grid) assert len(n) == classification.classDefinition().classes(), 'n must be a list with length of number of classes' xmap = np.concatenate([result[0] for result in blockResults]) ymap = np.concatenate([result[1] for result in blockResults]) id = np.concatenate([result[2] for result in blockResults]) indicis = np.arange(0, len(xmap), 1) indicisList = list() for i, ni in enumerate(n): indicisi = indicis[id == i + 1] ni = min(ni, len(indicisi)) indicisi = np.random.choice(indicisi, size=ni, replace=False) indicisList.append(indicisi) indicis = np.concatenate(indicisList) xmap, ymap = xmap[indicis], ymap[indicis] # Create the output vector driver = VectorDriver.fromFilename(filename=filename) driver.prepareCreation(filename) ds = driver.ogrDriver().CreateDataSource(filename) if ds is None: raise Exception('OGR data source creation failed: {}'.format(filename)) srs = grid.projection().osrSpatialReference() layer = ds.CreateLayer('random_points', srs, ogr.wkbPoint) for x, y in zip(xmap, ymap): point = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint) point.AddPoint(x, y) feature = ogr.Feature(layer.GetLayerDefn()) feature.SetGeometry(point) layer.CreateFeature(feature) layer = None ds = None
[docs]class VectorMask(Vector): '''Class for managing vector masks.''' def __init__(self, filename, invert=False, **kwargs): ''' Create new instace. :param filename: input path :type filename: str :param invert: whether to invert the mask :type invert: bool :param kwargs: passed to Vector :type kwargs: Dict ''' Vector.__init__(self, filename=filename, **kwargs) self._kwargs = kwargs self._invert = invert def __getstate__(self): return OrderedDict([('filename', self.filename()), ('invert', self.invert())] + list(self.kwargs().items()))
[docs] def invert(self): 'Returns whether to invert the mask.' return self._invert
[docs] def kwargs(self): 'Returns additional keyword arguments.' return self._kwargs
[docs]class VectorClassification(Vector): '''Class for manaing vector classifications.''' def __init__(self, filename, classAttribute, classDefinition=None, layer=0, minOverallCoverage=0.5, minDominantCoverage=0.5, dtype=np.uint8, oversampling=1): ''' Creates a new instance. :param filename: input path :type filename: str :param classDefinition: if not provided, the namber of classes is assumed to be the largest value in the class attribute with generic class names and random class colors :type classDefinition: hubflow.core.ClassDefinition :param classAttribute: numeric attribute with class ids from 1 to number of classes :type classAttribute: str :param layer: input layer name or index :type layer: int or str :param minOverallCoverage: in case of resampling, pixels that are not fully covered can ocure, minOverallCoverage is the threshold under which those pixels are rejected (i.e. set to unclassified) :type minOverallCoverage: float :param minDominantCoverage: in case of resampling, pixels that are not fully covered by a single class can ocure, minDominantCoverage is the threshold under which "not pure enought" pixels are rejected (i.e. set to unclassified) :type minDominantCoverage: float :param dtype: numpy datatype :type dtype: type :param oversampling: factor by which the target resolution is oversampled before aggregated back :type oversampling: int :example: >>> import enmapboxtestdata >>> classDefinition = ClassDefinition(names=['Roof', 'Pavement', 'Low vegetation', 'Tree', 'Soil', 'Other'], ... colors=[(230, 0, 0), (156, 156, 156), (152, 230, 0), (38, 115, 0), (168, 112, 0), (245, 245, 122)]) >>> vectorClassification = VectorClassification(filename=enmapboxtestdata.landcover, classAttribute='Level_2_ID', classDefinition=classDefinition) >>> vectorClassification # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE VectorClassification(filename=...LandCov_BerlinUrbanGradient.shp, classDefinition=ClassDefinition(classes=6, names=['Roof', 'Pavement', 'Low vegetation', 'Tree', 'Soil', 'Other'], colors=['#e60000', '#9c9c9c', '#98e600', '#267300', '#a87000', '#f5f57a']), classAttribute=Level_2_ID, minOverallCoverage=0.5, minDominantCoverage=0.5, oversampling=1) ''' Vector.__init__(self, filename=filename, layer=layer, burnAttribute=classAttribute, dtype=dtype) fieldNames = self.dataset().fieldNames() if classAttribute not in fieldNames: raise errors.UnknownAttributeTableField(name=classAttribute) type = self.dataset().fieldTypeNames()[fieldNames.index(classAttribute)] if type.startswith('Integer'): pass else: raise errors.TypeError(obj=type) # if not defined, try to get definition from json if classDefinition is None: filenameJson = '{}.json'.format(splitext(self.filename())[0]) if exists(filenameJson): definitions = AttributeDefinitionEditor.readFromJson(filename=filenameJson) if classAttribute in definitions: classDefinition = AttributeDefinitionEditor.makeClassDefinition(definitions=definitions, attribute=classAttribute) # if still not defined, get definition from unique values if classDefinition is None: classDefinition = ClassDefinition(classes=max(self.uniqueValues(attribute=classAttribute))) assert isinstance(classDefinition, ClassDefinition) self._classDefinition = classDefinition self._minOverallCoverage = float(minOverallCoverage) self._minDominantCoverage = float(minDominantCoverage) self._oversampling = oversampling def __getstate__(self): return OrderedDict([('filename', self.filename()), ('classDefinition', self.classDefinition()), ('classAttribute', self.classAttribute()), ('minOverallCoverage', self.minOverallCoverage()), ('minDominantCoverage', self.minDominantCoverage()), ('oversampling', self.oversampling())])
[docs] def classDefinition(self): '''Returns the class definition.''' assert isinstance(self._classDefinition, ClassDefinition) return self._classDefinition
[docs] def classAttribute(self): '''Returns the class attribute.''' return self.burnAttribute()
[docs] def minOverallCoverage(self): '''Returns the minimal overall coverage threshold.''' return self._minOverallCoverage
[docs] def minDominantCoverage(self): '''Returns the minimal dominant class coverage threshold.''' return self._minDominantCoverage
[docs] def oversampling(self): '''Returns the oversampling factor.''' return self._oversampling
class Color(FlowObject): def __init__(self, *args): '''Create a new instance by interpreting ``args`` as a color.''' if len(args) == 1: obj = args[0] else: obj = args qColor = self._parseQColor(obj) assert isinstance(qColor, QColor) self._qColor = qColor self._args = args def __setstate__(self, state): self.__init__(*state) def __getstate__(self): return self._args def __repr__(self): return 'Color({})'.format(', '.join([repr(arg) for arg in self._args])) def qColor(self): '''Return QColor object.''' assert isinstance(self._qColor, QColor) return self._qColor @staticmethod def _parseQColor(obj): if isinstance(obj, Color): qColor = obj.qColor() elif isinstance(obj, QColor): qColor = QColor(obj) elif isinstance(obj, str): qColor = QColor(obj) elif isinstance(obj, Iterable) and (len(obj) == 3 or len(obj) == 4): qColor = QColor(*obj) else: raise errors.ObjectParserError(obj=obj, type=QColor) assert isinstance(qColor, QColor) return qColor def name(self): return def red(self): return def green(self): return def blue(self): return def colorNames(self): return self._qColor.colorNames() def rgb(self): return,, class AttributeDefinitionEditor(object): @staticmethod def readFromJson(filename): '''Read from json file.''' with open(filename) as f: definitions = json.load(f) for attribute, valueDict in definitions.items(): for key in valueDict: if key not in ["categories", "no data value", "description"]: raise errors.HubDcError('Unknown key "{}" in json file: {}'.format(key, filename)) return definitions @staticmethod def writeToJson(filename, definitions): '''Write to json file.''' assert isinstance(definitions, dict) for attribute, valueDict in definitions.items(): for key in valueDict: if key not in ["categories", "no data value", "description"]: raise errors.HubDcError('Unknown key "{}" in attribute definition'.format(key, filename)) with open(filename, 'w') as f: json.dump(definitions, f) @classmethod def makeClassDefinition(cls, definitions, attribute): if attribute not in definitions: raise Exception('Unspecified attribute: {}'.format(attribute)) if "categories" not in definitions[attribute]: raise Exception('Categories are not specified for attribute: {}'.format(attribute)) # init names and colors with defaults classes = definitions[attribute]["categories"][-1][0] # last category id defines the number of classes names = ['class {}'.format(i) for i in range(classes+1)] names[0] = 'unclassified' colors = [[random.randint(1, 255), random.randint(1, 255), random.randint(1, 255)] for _ in range(classes+1)] colors[0] = 'black' # overwrite default with specified values for id, name, color in definitions[attribute]["categories"]: names[id] = name colors[id] = color classDefinition = ClassDefinition(names=names[1:], colors=colors[1:]) classDefinition.setNoDataNameAndColor(name=names[0], color=colors[0]) return classDefinition @classmethod def makeRegressionDefinition(cls, definitions, attribute): raise NotImplementedError() @staticmethod def makeClassDefinitionDict(classDefinition): assert isinstance(classDefinition, ClassDefinition) definition = dict() definition["categories"] = list() definition["categories"].append([0, classDefinition.noDataName(), classDefinition.noDataColor().name()]) for i in range(classDefinition.classes()): definition["categories"].append([i+1,, classDefinition.color(i+1).name()]) definition["no data value"] = 0 definition["description"] = "Classification" return definition
[docs]class ClassDefinition(FlowObject): '''Class for managing class definitions.''' def __init__(self, classes=None, names=None, colors=None): ''' Create new instance. :param classes: number of classes; if not provided, it is derived from length of names or colors :type classes: int :param names: class names; if not provided, generic names are used :type names: List[str] :param colors: class colors as (r, g, b) tripel or '#000000' strings; if not provided, random colors are used; :type colors: List :example: >>> ClassDefinition(names=['a', 'b', 'c'], colors=['red', 'green', 'blue']) ClassDefinition(classes=3, names=['a', 'b', 'c'], colors=[Color('red'), Color('green'), Color('blue')]) ''' if classes is not None: pass elif names is not None: classes = len(names) elif colors is not None: classes = len(colors) else: raise errors.HubDcError('can not create class definition, insufficient inputs') if names is None: names = ['class {}'.format(i + 1) for i in range(classes)] if colors is None: # create random colors colors = [random.randint(1, 255) for i in range(classes * 3)] if len(colors) == classes * 3: # format as tripels colors = [colors[i * 3: i * 3 + 3] for i in range(classes)] assert len(names) == classes assert len(colors) == classes self._classes = int(classes) self._names = [str(name) for name in names] self._colors = [Color(color) for color in colors] self.setNoDataNameAndColor() def __getstate__(self): return OrderedDict([('classes', self.classes()), ('names', self.names()), ('colors', self.colors())])
[docs] def classes(self): '''Return number of classes.''' return self._classes
[docs] def names(self): '''Return class names.''' assert isinstance(self._names, list) return self._names
[docs] def colors(self): '''Return class colors.''' assert isinstance(self._colors, list) return self._colors
[docs] def labels(self): '''Return class labels.''' return list(range(1, self.classes() + 1))
[docs] def setNoDataNameAndColor(self, name='Unclassified', color='black'): '''Set no data name and color.''' self._noDataName = name self._noDataColor = Color(color)
[docs] def noDataName(self): '''Return no data name.''' assert isinstance(self._noDataName, str) return self._noDataName
[docs] def noDataColor(self): '''Return no data color.''' assert isinstance(self._noDataColor, Color) return self._noDataColor
[docs] @staticmethod def fromArray(array): ''' Create instance by deriving the number of classes from the maximum value of the array. :example: >>> ClassDefinition.fromArray(array=[[[1, 2, 3]]]) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ClassDefinition(classes=3, names=['class 1', 'class 2', 'class 3'], colors=[...]) ''' return ClassDefinition(classes=np.max(array))
[docs] @staticmethod def fromRaster(raster): '''Create instance by trying to 1) use :meth:`~hubflow.core.ClassDefinition.fromENVIClassification`, 2) use :meth:`~hubflow.core.ClassDefinition.fromGDALMeta` and finally 3) derive number of classes from raster band maximum value.''' try: classDefinition = ClassDefinition.fromENVIClassification(raster=raster) except errors.MissingMetadataItemError: try: classDefinition = ClassDefinition.fromGDALMeta(raster=raster) except: statistics = Raster(filename=raster.filename()).statistics() classDefinition = ClassDefinition(classes=int(statistics[0].max)) return classDefinition
[docs] @staticmethod def fromQml(filename, delimiter=';'): '''Create instance from QGIS QML file.''' names = list() colors = list() with open(filename) as file: # get categories while True: line = file.readline().strip() if line == '</categories>': break else: if '<category label=' not in line: continue else: names.append(line.split('"')[1]) # get colors while True: line = file.readline().strip() if line == '</symbols>': break else: if 'k="color"' not in line: continue else: for s in line.split('"'): if ',' in s: colors.append(Color(*eval(s))) return ClassDefinition(names=names, colors=colors)
[docs] @staticmethod def fromENVIClassification(raster): '''Create instance by deriving metadata information for `classes`, `class names` and `class lookup` from the ENVI domain.''' assert isinstance(raster, Raster) ds = raster.dataset() classes = ds.metadataItem(key='classes', domain='ENVI', dtype=int, required=True) names = ds.metadataItem(key='class names', domain='ENVI', required=True) lookup = ds.metadataItem(key='class lookup', domain='ENVI', dtype=int, required=True) return ClassDefinition(classes=classes - 1, names=names[1:], colors=lookup[3:])
[docs] @staticmethod def fromENVIFraction(raster): '''Create instance by deriving metadata information for `band names` and `band lookup` from the ENVI domain.''' assert isinstance(raster, Raster) ds = raster.dataset() names = ds.metadataItem(key='band names', domain='ENVI') lookup = ds.metadataItem(key='band lookup', domain='ENVI', dtype=int) return ClassDefinition(names=names, colors=lookup)
[docs] @staticmethod def fromGDALMeta(raster, index=0, skipZeroClass=True): '''Create instance by deriving category names and color table from GDAL raster dataset.''' assert isinstance(raster, Raster) ds = raster.dataset() names = ds.gdalDataset().GetRasterBand(index + 1).GetCategoryNames() classes = len(names) colors = [ds.gdalDataset().GetRasterBand(index + 1).GetColorTable().GetColorEntry(i)[:3] for i in range(classes)] if skipZeroClass: classes = classes - 1 names = names[1:] colors = colors[1:] return ClassDefinition(classes=classes, names=names, colors=colors)
[docs] def dtype(self): ''' Return the smalles unsigned integer data type suitable for the number of classes. :example: >>> ClassDefinition(classes=10).dtype() <class 'numpy.uint8'> >>> ClassDefinition(classes=1000).dtype() <class 'numpy.uint16'> ''' for dtype in [np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64]: if self.classes() == dtype(self.classes()): return dtype
[docs] def equal(self, other, compareColors=True): '''Return whether self is equal to another instance.''' assert isinstance(other, ClassDefinition) equal = self.classes() == other.classes() equal &= all([a == b for a, b in zip(self.names(), other.names())]) if compareColors: for color1, color2 in zip(self.colors(), other.colors()): equal &= == equal &= == equal &= == return equal
[docs] def color(self, label): '''Return color for given label.''' return self.colors()[label - 1]
[docs] def colorByName(self, name): '''Return color for given name.''' return self.color(label=self.names().index((name)) + 1)
[docs] def name(self, label): '''Return name for giben label.''' return self.names()[label - 1]
[docs] def labelByName(self, name): '''Return label for given name.''' return self.names().index(name) + 1
[docs] def colorsFlatRGB(self): ''' Return colors as flat list of r, g, b values. :example: >>> ClassDefinition(colors=['red', 'blue']).colorsFlatRGB() [255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255] ''' values = list() for color in self.colors(): values.append( values.append( values.append( return values
[docs]class Classification(Raster): '''Class for managing classifications.''' def __init__(self, filename, classDefinition=None, minOverallCoverage=0.5, minDominantCoverage=0.5, eAccess=gdal.GA_ReadOnly): ''' Create an instance. :param filename: input path :type filename: str :param classDefinition: if not provided, it is derived from raster metadata :type classDefinition: ClassDefinition :param minOverallCoverage: in case of resampling, pixels that are not fully covered can ocure, minOverallCoverage is the threshold under which those pixels are rejected (i.e. set to unclassified) :type minOverallCoverage: float :param minDominantCoverage: in case of resampling, pixels that are not fully covered by a single class can ocure, minDominantCoverage is the threshold under which "not pure enought" pixels are rejected (i.e. set to unclassified) :type minDominantCoverage: float ''' Raster.__init__(self, filename=filename, eAccess=eAccess) self._classDefinition = classDefinition self._minOverallCoverage = minOverallCoverage self._minDominantCoverage = minDominantCoverage def __getstate__(self): return OrderedDict([('filename', self.filename()), ('classDefinition', self.classDefinition()), ('minOverallCoverage', self.minOverallCoverage()), ('minDominantCoverage', self.minDominantCoverage())])
[docs] def classDefinition(self): '''Return class definition.''' if self._classDefinition is None: self._classDefinition = ClassDefinition.fromRaster(raster=self) assert isinstance(self._classDefinition, ClassDefinition) return self._classDefinition
[docs] def setClassDefinition(self, classDefinition): assert isinstance(classDefinition, ClassDefinition) names = [classDefinition.noDataName()] + classDefinition.names() colors = [classDefinition.noDataColor()] + classDefinition.colors() self.dataset().band(0).setCategoryNames(names=names) self.dataset().band(0).setCategoryColors(colors=[c.rgb() for c in colors]) self._classDefinition = classDefinition
[docs] def minOverallCoverage(self): '''Return minimal overall coverage threshold.''' assert isinstance(self._minOverallCoverage, float) return self._minOverallCoverage
[docs] def minDominantCoverage(self): '''Return minimal dominant class coverage threshold.''' assert isinstance(self._minDominantCoverage, float) return self._minDominantCoverage
[docs] def noDataValues(self): '''Returns always [0].''' return [0]
[docs] def dtype(self): '''Return the smalles data type that is suitable for the number of classes.''' return self.classDefinition().dtype()
[docs] def asMask(self, minOverallCoverage=0.5, invert=False): '''Return itself as a mask.''' return Raster.asMask(self, minOverallCoverage=minOverallCoverage, invert=invert)
[docs] @classmethod def fromArray(cls, array, filename, classDefinition=None, grid=None, **kwargs): ''' Create instance from given ``array``. :param array: input array of shape (1, lines, sample) :type array: numpy.ndarray :param filename: output path :type filename: str :param classDefinition: :type classDefinition: hubflow.core.ClassDefinition :param grid: :type grid: hubdc.core.Grid :param kwargs: additional kwargs are passed to Classification contructor :return: :rtype: hubflow.core.Classification :exemple: >>> Classification.fromArray(array=[[[0, 1],[1,2]]], ... filename='/vsimem/classification.bsq', ... classDefinition=ClassDefinition(colors=['red', 'blue'])) Classification(filename=/vsimem/classification.bsq, classDefinition=ClassDefinition(classes=2, names=['class 1', 'class 2'], colors=[Color(255, 0, 0), Color(0, 0, 255)]), minOverallCoverage=0.5, minDominantCoverage=0.5) ''' if not isinstance(array, np.ndarray): array = np.array(array, dtype=np.uint8) if classDefinition is None: classDefinition = ClassDefinition.fromArray(array) raster = Raster.fromArray(array=array, filename=filename, grid=grid, noDataValues=[0]) MetadataEditor.setClassDefinition(rasterDataset=raster.dataset(), classDefinition=classDefinition) #raster.dataset().close() # need to close to flush # return Classification(filename=filename) # Classification(minOverallCoverage=0.5, minDominantCoverage=0.5, eAccess=gdal.GA_ReadOnly) return Classification.fromRasterDataset(rasterDataset=raster.dataset(), **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def fromClassification(cls, filename, classification, grid=None, masks=None, **kwargs): ''' Create instance from classification-like raster. :param filename: output path :type filename: str :param classification: classification-like raster :type classification: Union[Classification, VectorClassification, Fraction] :param grid: :type grid: hubdc.core.Grid :param masks: :type masks: Mask :param kwargs: passed to Applier :type kwargs: :return: :rtype: hubflow.core.Classification ''' applier = Applier(defaultGrid=grid, **kwargs) applier.setFlowClassification('classification', classification=classification) applier.setOutputRaster('classification', filename=filename) applier.setFlowMasks(masks=masks) applier.apply(operatorType=_ClassificationFromClassification, classification=classification, masks=masks) return Classification(filename=filename)
[docs] @classmethod def fromFraction(cls, filename, fraction, grid=None, masks=None, **kwargs): '''Forwarded to :meth:`~hubflow.core.Classification.fromClassification`.''' return cls.fromClassification(filename=filename, classification=fraction, grid=grid, masks=masks, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def fromRasterAndFunction(cls, filename, raster, ufunc, classDefinition=None, **kwargs): ''' Create instance from raster by applying a user-function to it. :param filename: output path :type filename: str :param raster: input raster :type raster: Raster :param ufunc: user-function (taking two arguments: array, metadataDict) to be applied to the raster data (see example below) :type ufunc: function :param classDefinition: :type classDefinition: ClassDefinition :param kwargs: passed to Applier :type kwargs: :return: :rtype: Classification :example: >>> raster = Raster.fromArray(array=[[[1,2,3,4,5]]], filename='/vsimem/raster.bsq') >>> def ufunc(array, metadataDict): ... result = np.zeros_like(array) # init result with zeros ... result[array < 3] = 1 # map all values < 3 to class 1 ... result[array > 3] = 2 # map all values > 3 to class 2 ... return result >>> classification = Classification.fromRasterAndFunction(raster=raster, ufunc=ufunc, filename='/vsimem/classification.bsq') >>> classification.array() array([[[1, 1, 0, 2, 2]]], dtype=uint8) ''' applier = Applier(defaultGrid=raster, **kwargs) applier.setFlowRaster('raster', raster=raster) applier.setOutputRaster('classification', filename=filename) applier.apply(operatorType=_ClassificationFromRasterAndFunction, raster=raster, ufunc=ufunc, classDefinition=classDefinition) return Classification(filename=filename)
[docs] @staticmethod def fromEnviSpectralLibrary(filename, library, attribute, classDefinition=None): ''' Create instance from library attribute. If the ClassDefinition is not defined, it is taken from an accompanied JSON file. :param filename: output path :type filename: :param library: :type library: EnviSpectralLibrary :param attribute: attribute defined in the corresponding csv file :type attribute: str :param classDefinition: :type classDefinition: ClassDefinition :return: :rtype: Classification :example: >>> import enmapboxtestdata >>> library = EnviSpectralLibrary(filename=enmapboxtestdata.library) >>> Classification.fromEnviSpectralLibrary(filename='/vsimem/classification.bsq', library=library, attribute='level_1') ''' assert isinstance(library, EnviSpectralLibrary) table = library.attributeTable() if attribute not in table: raise errors.UnknownAttributeTableField(name=attribute) if classDefinition is None: classDefinition = library.attributeClassDefinition(attribute=attribute) labels = np.array(table[attribute]) # convert names to ids array = np.zeros(shape=len(labels)) for i, name in enumerate(classDefinition.names()): array[labels == name] = str(i + 1) # sort profiles ordered = OrderedDict() spectraNames = next(iter(table.values())) if not len(spectraNames) == library.raster().dataset().ysize(): raise errors.HubDcError('number of spectra in .hdr file and .csv file not matching: {}'.format(library.filename())) for name in library.raster().dataset().metadataItem(key='spectra names', domain='ENVI', required=True): if name in ordered: # check for duplicated raise HubFlowError('detected spectra name duplicates, check for name: {}'.format(name)) ordered[name] = array[spectraNames.index(name)] # write to dataset bands, lines, samples = library.raster().dataset().shape() array = np.reshape(list(ordered.values()), newshape=(1, lines, samples)).astype(dtype=classDefinition.dtype()) rasterDataset = RasterDataset.fromArray(array=array, filename=filename, driver=RasterDriver.fromFilename(filename=filename)) MetadataEditor.setClassDefinition(rasterDataset=rasterDataset, classDefinition=classDefinition) rasterDataset.setNoDataValues(values=[0]) rasterDataset.flushCache().close() return Classification(filename=filename)
[docs] def reclassify(self, filename, classDefinition, mapping, **kwargs): ''' Reclassify classes by given ``mapping`` new ``classDefinition``. :param filename: output path :type filename: str :param classDefinition: :type classDefinition: ClassDefinition :param mapping: :type mapping: dict :param kwargs: passed to Applier :type kwargs: :return: :rtype: Classification :example: >>> classification = Classification.fromArray(array=[[[1,2,3,4]]], filename='/vsimem/classification.bsq') >>> reclassified = classification.reclassify(filename='/vsimem/reclassified.bsq', ... classDefinition=ClassDefinition(classes=2), ... mapping={1: 0, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 2}) >>> reclassified.array() array([[[0, 1, 1, 2]]], dtype=uint8) ''' assert isinstance(classDefinition, ClassDefinition) assert isinstance(mapping, dict) applier = Applier(defaultGrid=self, **kwargs) applier.setFlowClassification('inclassification', classification=self) applier.setOutputRaster('outclassification', filename=filename) applier.apply(operatorType=_ClassificationReclassify, classification=self, classDefinition=classDefinition, mapping=mapping) return Classification(filename=filename)
[docs] def resample(self, filename, grid, **kwargs): ''' Resample itself into the gives ``grid``. :param filename: output path :type filename: str :param grid: :type grid: hubdc.core.Grid :param kwargs: passed to Applier :type kwargs: :return: :rtype: Classification :example: Resample into a grid with 2x finer resolution >>> classification = Classification.fromArray(array=[[[1,2,3,4]]], filename='/vsimem/classification.bsq') >>> classification.array() array([[[1, 2, 3, 4]]], dtype=uint8) >>> grid = classification.grid() >>> grid2 = grid.atResolution(resolution=grid.resolution()/2) >>> resampled = classification.resample(filename='/vsimem/resampled.bsq', grid=grid2) >>> resampled.array() array([[[1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4], [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4]]], dtype=uint8) ''' applier = Applier(defaultGrid=grid, **kwargs) applier.setFlowClassification('inclassification', classification=self) applier.setOutputRaster('outclassification', filename=filename) applier.apply(operatorType=_ClassificationResample, classification=self) return Classification(filename=filename)
[docs] def statistics(self, mask=None, **kwargs): ''' Returns list of class counts. :param mask: :type mask: Mask :param kwargs: passed to Applier :type kwargs: :return: :rtype: list :example: >>> Classification.fromArray(array=[[[1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3]]], filename='/vsimem/classification.bsq').statistics() [2, 1, 3] ''' applier = Applier(defaultGrid=self, **kwargs) applier.setFlowClassification('classification', classification=self) applier.setFlowMask('mask', mask=mask) return list(applier.apply(operatorType=_ClassificationStatistics, classification=self, mask=mask))
class _ClassificationStatistics(ApplierOperator): def ufunc(self, classification, mask): array = self.flowClassificationArray('classification', classification=classification) array[np.logical_not(self.flowMaskArray('mask', mask=mask))] = 0 hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(array, bins=classification.classDefinition().classes(), range=[1, classification.classDefinition().classes() + 1, ]) return hist @staticmethod def aggregate(blockResults, grid, *args, **kwargs): return np.sum(blockResults, axis=0) class _ClassificationReclassify(ApplierOperator): def ufunc(self, classification, classDefinition, mapping): inclassification = self.flowClassificationArray('inclassification', classification=classification) outclassification = self.full(value=0, bands=1, dtype=np.uint8) for inclass, outclass in mapping.items(): if inclass in classification.classDefinition().names(): inclass = classification.classDefinition().names().index(inclass) + 1 if outclass in classDefinition.names(): outclass = classDefinition.names().index(outclass) + 1 outclassification[inclassification == inclass] = outclass self.outputRaster.raster(key='outclassification').setArray(array=outclassification) self.setFlowMetadataClassDefinition(name='outclassification', classDefinition=classDefinition) class _ClassificationResample(ApplierOperator): def ufunc(self, classification): array = self.flowClassificationArray('inclassification', classification=classification) self.outputRaster.raster(key='outclassification').setArray(array=array) self.setFlowMetadataClassDefinition(name='outclassification', classDefinition=classification.classDefinition()) class _ClassificationFromClassification(ApplierOperator): def ufunc(self, classification, masks): array = self.flowClassificationArray('classification', classification=classification) marray = self.flowMasksArray(masks=masks) array[marray == 0] = 0 self.outputRaster.raster(key='classification').setArray(array=array) self.setFlowMetadataClassDefinition(name='classification', classDefinition=classification.classDefinition()) class _ClassificationFromRasterAndFunction(ApplierOperator): def ufunc(self, raster, ufunc, classDefinition): array = self.flowRasterArray('raster', raster=raster) metadataDict = self.inputRaster.raster(key='raster').metadataDict() classificationArray = ufunc(array, metadataDict) self.outputRaster.raster(key='classification').setArray(array=classificationArray) if classDefinition is not None: self.setFlowMetadataClassDefinition(name='classification', classDefinition=classDefinition) #class RegressionDefinition(FlowObject): # '''Class for managing regression definitions.''' # def __init__(self, targets=None, names=None, noDataValues=None, colors=None): # raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class Regression(Raster): '''Class for managing regression maps.''' def __init__(self, filename, noDataValues=None, outputNames=None, minOverallCoverage=0.5): ''' Create instance. :param filename: output path :type filename: :param noDataValues: provide list of band no data values if not specified in the metadata :type noDataValues: list :param outputNames: provide list of output names if not specified in the metadata (key='band names', domain='ENVI) :type outputNames: list :param minOverallCoverage: in case of resampling, pixels that are not fully covered can ocure, minOverallCoverage is the threshold under which those pixels are rejected (i.e. set to no data value) :type minOverallCoverage: ''' Raster.__init__(self, filename) self._noDataValues = noDataValues self._outputNames = outputNames self._minOverallCoverage = float(minOverallCoverage) def __getstate__(self): return OrderedDict([('filename', self.filename()), ('noDataValues', self.noDataValues()), ('outputNames', self.outputNames()), ('minOverallCoverage', self.minOverallCoverage())])
[docs] def noDataValues(self, default=None, required=True): ''' Return no data values. :example: >>> import enmapboxtestdata >>> Regression(filename=enmapboxtestdata.landcoverfractions).noDataValues() [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0] ''' if self._noDataValues is None: self._noDataValues = self.dataset().noDataValues(default=default, required=required) assert isinstance(self._noDataValues, list) return self._noDataValues
[docs] def outputs(self): ''' Return number of outputs (i.e. number of bands). :example: >>> import enmapboxtestdata >>> Regression(filename=enmapboxtestdata.landcoverfractions).outputs() 6 ''' return self.dataset().zsize()
[docs] def outputNames(self): ''' Return output names. :example: >>> import enmapboxtestdata >>> Regression(filename=enmapboxtestdata.landcoverfractions).outputNames() ['Roof', 'Pavement', 'Low vegetation', 'Tree', 'Soil', 'Other'] ''' if self._outputNames is None: self._outputNames = [band.description() for band in self.dataset().bands()] assert isinstance(self._outputNames, list) return self._outputNames
[docs] def minOverallCoverage(self): '''Return minimal overall coverage threshold.''' assert isinstance(self._minOverallCoverage, float) return self._minOverallCoverage
# @staticmethod # def fromEnviSpectralLibrary(filename, library, attributes): # ''' # Create instance from library attribute. # # :param filename: output path # :type filename: # :param library: # :type library: EnviSpectralLibrary # :param attributes: target attributes defined in the corresponding csv file # :type attribute: List[str] # :return: # :rtype: Regression # # :example: # # >>> import enmapboxtestdata # >>> library = EnviSpectralLibrary(filename=enmapboxtestdata.speclib2) # >>> Regression.fromEnviSpectralLibrary(filename='/vsimem/regression.bsq', library=library, attributes=['Roof']) # Regression(filename=/vsimem/regression.bsq, noDataValues=[-1.0], outputNames=['Roof'], minOverallCoverage=0.5) # ''' # # assert 0 # todo # # assert isinstance(library, EnviSpectralLibrary) # assert isinstance(attributes, (list, tuple)) # arrays = list() # noDataValues = list() # table = library.attributeTable() # definitions = library.attributeDefinitions() # # for attribute in attributes: # if attribute not in table: # raise Exception('Unknown attribute: {}'.format(attribute)) # # arrays.append(table[attribute]) # # # if isinstance(definitions.get(attribute), RegressionDefinition # noDataValues.append(float(library.raster().dataset().metadataItem(key=attribute, domain='REGR_NODATAVALUE', # default=np.finfo(np.float32).min))) # arrays = np.transpose(np.float32(arrays)) # # sort profiles # # ordered = OrderedDict() # spectraNames = library.raster().dataset().metadataItem(key='spectra names', domain='CSV', required=True) # # defaultNames = ['profile {}'.format(i + 1) for i in range(library.profiles())] # for name in library.raster().dataset().metadataItem(key='spectra names', domain='ENVI', default=defaultNames): # ordered[name] = arrays[spectraNames.index(name)] # # # write to dataset # bands, lines, samples = library.raster().dataset().shape() # array = np.reshape(list(ordered.values()), newshape=(-1, lines, samples)).astype(dtype=np.float32) # regression = Regression.fromArray(array=array, filename=filename, noDataValues=noDataValues, # descriptions=attributes) # return regression
[docs] def asMask(self, minOverallCoverage=None, noDataValues=None): '''Creates a mask instance from itself. Optionally, the minimal overall coverage can be changed.''' if minOverallCoverage is None: minOverallCoverage = self.minOverallCoverage() if noDataValues is None: noDataValues = self.noDataValues(required=True) return Raster.asMask(self, noDataValues=noDataValues, minOverallCoverage=minOverallCoverage)
[docs] def resample(self, filename, grid, **kwargs): ''' Resample itself into the given grid using gdal.GRA_Average resampling. :param filename: output filename :type filename: :param grid: hubdc.core.Grid :type grid: :param kwargs: passed to Applier :type kwargs: :return: Regression :rtype: :example: Resample into a grid that is 1.5x as fine. >>> regression = Regression.fromArray([[[0., 0.5, 1.]]], noDataValues=[-1], filename='/vsimem/regression.bsq') >>> regression.array() array([[[ 0. , 0.5, 1. ]]]) >>> grid = regression.grid() >>> grid2 = grid.atResolution(resolution=grid.resolution() / 2) >>> resampled = regression.resample(grid=grid2, filename='/vsimem/resampled.bsq') >>> resampled.array() array([[[ 0. , 0. , 0.5, 0.5, 1. , 1. ], [ 0. , 0. , 0.5, 0.5, 1. , 1. ]]]) ''' applier = Applier(defaultGrid=grid, **kwargs) applier.setFlowRegression('inregression', regression=self) applier.setOutputRaster('outregression', filename=filename) applier.apply(operatorType=_RegressionResample, regression=self) return Regression(filename=filename)
class _RegressionResample(ApplierOperator): def ufunc(self, regression): array = self.flowRegressionArray('inregression', regression=regression) self.outputRaster.raster(key='outregression').setArray(array=array) self.setFlowMetadataRegressionDefinition(name='outregression', noDataValues=regression.noDataValues(), outputNames=regression.outputNames())
[docs]class Fraction(Regression): '''Class for managing fraction maps.''' def __init__(self, filename, classDefinition=None, minOverallCoverage=0., minDominantCoverage=0.): ''' Create a new instance. :param filename: input path :type filename: :param classDefinition: provide class definition if not specified inside the metadata :type classDefinition: ClassDefinition :param minOverallCoverage: minOverallCoverage is the threshold under which edge pixels are rejected (i.e. set to no data value) :type minOverallCoverage: float :param minDominantCoverage: minDominantCoverage is the threshold under which "not pure enought" pixels are rejected (i.e. set to no data value) :type minDominantCoverage: float ''' Raster.__init__(self, filename=filename) if classDefinition is None: classDefinition = ClassDefinition.fromENVIFraction(raster=self) self._classDefinition = classDefinition Regression.__init__(self, filename=filename, noDataValues=self.noDataValues(), outputNames=classDefinition.names()) self._minOverallCoverage = minOverallCoverage self._minDominantCoverage = minDominantCoverage def __getstate__(self): return OrderedDict([('filename', self.filename()), ('classDefinition', self.classDefinition()), ('minDominantCoverage', self.minDominantCoverage()), ('minOverallCoverage', self.minOverallCoverage())])
[docs] def classDefinition(self): '''Return the class definition.''' assert isinstance(self._classDefinition, ClassDefinition) return self._classDefinition
[docs] def minOverallCoverage(self): '''Return the minimal overall coverage threshold.''' return self._minOverallCoverage
[docs] def minDominantCoverage(self): '''Return the minimal dominant class coverage threshold.''' return self._minDominantCoverage
[docs] def noDataValues(self): '''Returns no data values.''' return [-1.] * self.classDefinition().classes()
[docs] @classmethod def fromClassification(cls, filename, classification, **kwargs): ''' Create instance from given classification. A simple binarization in fractions of 0 and 1 is performed. :param filename: output path :type filename: :param classification: input classification :type classification: Classification :param kwargs: passed to Applier :type kwargs: :return: Fraction :rtype: :example: >>> classification = Classification.fromArray(array=[[[1, 2, 3]]], filename='/vsimem/classification.bsq') >>> classification.array() array([[[1, 2, 3]]], dtype=uint8) >>> fraction = Fraction.fromClassification(classification=classification, filename='/vsimem/fraction.bsq') >>> fraction.array() array([[[ 1., 0., 0.]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0., 1., 0.]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0., 0., 1.]]], dtype=float32) ''' applier = Applier(defaultGrid=classification, **kwargs) applier.setFlowClassification('classification', classification=classification) applier.setOutputRaster('fraction', filename=filename) applier.apply(operatorType=_FractionFromClassification, classification=classification) return Fraction(filename=filename)
# def fromEnviSpectralLibrary(filename, library, attributes): # ''' # Create instance from library attributes. # # :param filename: output path # :type filename: # :param library: # :type library: EnviSpectralLibrary # :param attributes: target attributes defined in the corresponding csv file # :type attribute: List[str] # :return: # :rtype: Fraction # # :example: # # >>> import enmapboxtestdata # >>> library = EnviSpectralLibrary(filename=enmapboxtestdata.speclib2) # >>> Fraction.fromEnviSpectralLibrary(filename='/vsimem/regression.bsq', library=library, # ... attributes=['Roof', 'Pavement', 'Low vegetation', 'Tree', 'Soil', 'Other']) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE # Fraction(filename=/vsimem/regression.bsq, # classDefinition=ClassDefinition(classes=6, # names=['Roof', 'Pavement', 'Low vegetation', 'Tree', 'Soil', 'Other'], # colors=[Color(230, 0, 0), Color(156, 156, 156), Color(152, 230, 0), Color(38, 115, 0), Color(168, 112, 0), Color(245, 245, 122)])) # ''' # # assert isinstance(library, EnviSpectralLibrary) # regression = Regression.fromEnviSpectralLibrary(filename=filename, library=library, attributes=attributes) # colors = list() # for attribute in attributes: # colors.append(Color(*[int(v) for v in # library.raster().dataset().metadataItem(key=attribute, domain='REGR_LOOKUP', # required=True)])) # classDefinition = ClassDefinition(names=attributes, colors=colors) # MetadataEditor.setFractionDefinition(rasterDataset=regression.dataset(), classDefinition=classDefinition) # rasterDataset = regression.dataset().flushCache() # return Fraction(filename=filename)
[docs] def resample(self, filename, grid, **kwargs): ''' Resample itself into the given grid using gdal.GRA_Average resampling. :param filename: output path :type filename: :param grid: :type grid: hubdc.core.Grid :param kwargs: passed to Applier :type kwargs: :return: :rtype: Fraction :example: Resample into grid that is 2x as fine. >>> fraction = Fraction.fromArray(array=[[[0., 0.5, 1.]], ... [[1., 0.5, 1.]]], ... filename='/vsimem/fraction.bsq') >>> fraction.array() array([[[ 0. , 0.5, 1. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 1. , 0.5, 1. ]]]) >>> grid = fraction.grid() >>> grid2 = grid.atResolution(grid.resolution()/(2, 1)) # change only resolution in x dimension >>> resampled = fraction.resample(grid=grid2, filename='/vsimem/resampled.bsq') >>> resampled.array() array([[[ 0. , 0. , 0.5, 0.5, 1. , 1. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 1. , 1. , 0.5, 0.5, 1. , 1. ]]]) ''' applier = Applier(defaultGrid=grid, **kwargs) applier.setFlowFraction('infraction', fraction=self) applier.setOutputRaster('outfraction', filename=filename) applier.apply(operatorType=_FractionResample, fraction=self) return Fraction(filename=filename)
[docs] def subsetClasses(self, filename, labels, **kwargs): ''' Subset itself by given class labels. :param filename: input path :type filename: :param labels: list of labels to be subsetted :type labels: :param kwargs: passed to Applier :type kwargs: :return: :rtype: Fraction :example: Subset 2 classes fom a fraction map with 3 classes. >>> fraction = Fraction.fromArray(array=[[[0.0, 0.3]], ... [[0.2, 0.5]], ... [[0.8, 0.2]]], ... filename='/vsimem/fraction.bsq') >>> fraction.array() array([[[0. , 0.3]], <BLANKLINE> [[0.2, 0.5]], <BLANKLINE> [[0.8, 0.2]]]) >>> subsetted = fraction.subsetClasses(labels=[1, 3], filename='/vsimem/subsetted.bsq') >>> subsetted.array() array([[[0. , 0.3]], <BLANKLINE> [[0.8, 0.2]]]) ''' indices = [label - 1 for label in labels] applier = Applier(defaultGrid=self, **kwargs) applier.setFlowRaster('fraction', raster=self) applier.setOutputRaster('fractionSubset', filename=filename) applier.apply(operatorType=_FractionSubsetClasses, indices=indices, fraction=self) return Fraction(filename=filename)
[docs] def subsetClassesByName(self, filename, names, **kwargs): ''' Subset itself by given class names. :param filename: input path :type filename: :param names: list of class names to be subsetted :type names: :param kwargs: passed to Applier :type kwargs: :return: :rtype: Fraction :example: Subset 2 classes fom a fraction map with 3 classes. >>> fraction = Fraction.fromArray(array=[[[0.0, 0.3]], ... [[0.2, 0.5]], ... [[0.8, 0.2]]], ... classDefinition=ClassDefinition(names=['a', 'b', 'c']), ... filename='/vsimem/fraction.bsq') >>> fraction.classDefinition().names() ['a', 'b', 'c'] >>> fraction.array() array([[[0. , 0.3]], <BLANKLINE> [[0.2, 0.5]], <BLANKLINE> [[0.8, 0.2]]]) >>> subsetted = fraction.subsetClassesByName(names=['a', 'c'], filename='/vsimem/subsetted.bsq') >>> subsetted.classDefinition().names() ['a', 'c'] >>> subsetted.array() array([[[0. , 0.3]], <BLANKLINE> [[0.8, 0.2]]]) ''' labels = [self.classDefinition().names().index(name) + 1 for name in names] return self.subsetClasses(filename=filename, labels=labels, **kwargs)
[docs] def asClassColorRGBRaster(self, filename, **kwargs): ''' Create RGB image, where the pixel color is the average of the original class colors, weighted by the pixel fractions. Regions with purer pixels (i.e. fraction of a specific class is near 1), appear in the original class colors, and regions with mixed pixels appear in mixed class colors. :param filename: input path :type filename: :param kwargs: passed to Applier :type kwargs: :return: :rtype: >>> import enmapboxtestdata >>> fraction = Fraction(filename=enmapboxtestdata.landcoverfractions) >>> rgb = fraction.asClassColorRGBRaster(filename='/vsimem/rgb.bsq') >>> rgb.plotMultibandColor() .. image:: plots/fracion_asClassColorRGBRaster.png ''' applier = Applier(defaultGrid=self, **kwargs) applier.setFlowRaster('fraction', raster=self) applier.setOutputRaster('raster', filename=filename) applier.apply(operatorType=_FractionAsClassColorRGBRaster, fraction=self) return Raster(filename=filename)
class _FractionAsClassColorRGBRaster(ApplierOperator): def ufunc(self, fraction): assert isinstance(fraction, Fraction) colors = fraction.classDefinition().colors() array = self.flowRasterArray('fraction', raster=fraction) rgb = self.full(value=0, bands=3, dtype=np.float32) for id, (band, color) in enumerate(zip(array, colors), start=1): colorRGB = (,, rgb += band * np.reshape(colorRGB, newshape=(3, 1, 1)) np.uint8(np.clip(rgb, a_min=0, a_max=255, out=rgb)) mask = np.any(rgb != 0, axis=0) np.clip(rgb, a_min=1, a_max=255, out=rgb) rgb *= mask self.outputRaster.raster(key='raster').setArray(array=np.uint8(rgb)) class _FractionFromClassification(ApplierOperator): def ufunc(self, classification): array = self.flowFractionArray('classification', fraction=classification) self.outputRaster.raster(key='fraction').setArray(array=array) self.setFlowMetadataFractionDefinition(name='fraction', classDefinition=classification.classDefinition()) class _FractionResample(ApplierOperator): def ufunc(self, fraction): array = self.flowFractionArray('infraction', fraction=fraction) self.outputRaster.raster(key='outfraction').setArray(array=array) self.setFlowMetadataFractionDefinition(name='outfraction', classDefinition=fraction.classDefinition()) class _FractionSubsetClasses(ApplierOperator): def ufunc(self, indices, fraction): classes = len(indices) colors = [fraction.classDefinition().color(label=index + 1) for index in indices] names = [fraction.classDefinition().name(label=index + 1) for index in indices] classDefinition = ClassDefinition(classes=classes, names=names, colors=colors) fractionSubset = self.inputRaster.raster(key='fraction').array(indices=indices) self.outputRaster.raster(key='fractionSubset').setArray(array=fractionSubset) self.setFlowMetadataFractionDefinition(name='fractionSubset', classDefinition=classDefinition)
[docs]class FractionPerformance(FlowObject): '''Class for performing ROC curve analysis.''' def __init__(self, yP, yT, classDefinitionP, classDefinitionT): ''' Create an instance and perform calculations. :param yP: predicted probabilities/fractions :type yP: ndarray[samples, classes] :param yT: reference class labels :type yT: ndarray[samples, 1] :param classDefinitionP: class definition for prediction :type classDefinitionP: ClassDefinition :param classDefinitionT: class definition for reference :type classDefinitionT: ClassDefinition See example given at :meth:`~FractionPerformance.fromRaster`. ''' import sklearn.metrics assert isinstance(classDefinitionP, ClassDefinition) assert isinstance(classDefinitionT, ClassDefinition) assert classDefinitionT.classes() == classDefinitionP.classes() assert isinstance(yP, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(yT, np.ndarray) assert yT.shape[1] == yP.shape[1] assert len(yT) == 1 assert len(yP) == classDefinitionP.classes() self.classDefinitionT = classDefinitionT self.classDefinitionP = classDefinitionP self.yP = yP.T self.yT = yT[0] self.n = yP.shape[1] self.log_loss = sklearn.metrics.log_loss(y_true=self.yT, y_pred=self.yP) self.roc_curves = dict() self.roc_auc_scores = dict() for i in range(1, self.classDefinitionT.classes() + 1): self.roc_curves[i] = sklearn.metrics.roc_curve(y_true=self.yT, y_score=self.yP[:, i - 1], pos_label=i, drop_intermediate=True) self.roc_auc_scores[i] = sklearn.metrics.roc_auc_score(y_true=self.yT == i, y_score=self.yP[:, i - 1]) def __getstate__(self): return OrderedDict([('yP', self.yP.T), ('yT', self.yT[None]), ('classDefinitionP', self.classDefinitionP), ('classDefinitionT', self.classDefinitionT)])
[docs] @classmethod def fromRaster(self, prediction, reference, mask=None, **kwargs): ''' :param prediction: :type prediction: Fraction :param reference: :type reference: Classification :param mask: :type mask: Mask :param kwargs: passed to Applier :type kwargs: :return: :rtype: FractionPerformance :example: >>> import enmapboxtestdata >>> performance = FractionPerformance.fromRaster(prediction=Fraction(filename=enmapboxtestdata.landcoverfractions), ... reference=Classification(filename=enmapboxtestdata.landcoverclassification)) >>> performance.log_loss 0.4840965149878993 >>> performance.roc_auc_scores {1: 0.9640992638757171, 2: 0.8868830628381189, 3: 0.9586349099478203, 4: 0.9102916036557301, 5: 0.9998604910714286, 6: 0.9966195132099022} >>>, 'report.html'), open=True) .. image:: plots/fractionPerformance.png ''' assert isinstance(prediction, Fraction) assert isinstance(reference, Classification) yP, yT = MapCollection(maps=[prediction, reference]).extractAsArray(masks=[prediction, reference, mask], **kwargs) return FractionPerformance(yP=yP, yT=yT, classDefinitionP=prediction.classDefinition(), classDefinitionT=reference.classDefinition())
[docs] def report(self): ''' Returns report. :return: :rtype: ''' classes = self.classDefinitionT.classes() names = self.classDefinitionT.names() report = Report('ROC Curve and AUC Performance') report.append(ReportHeading('Performance Measures')) colHeaders = [['', 'AUC'], ['n', 'Log loss'] + names] colSpans = [[2, classes], [1] * (classes + 2)] roc_auc_scores_rounded = [round(elem, 3) for elem in self.roc_auc_scores.values()] data = [[str(self.n), numpy.round(self.log_loss, 2)] + roc_auc_scores_rounded] report.append(ReportTable(data, '', colHeaders=colHeaders, colSpans=colSpans)) report.append(ReportHeading('Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curves')) fig, ax = plt.subplots(facecolor='white', figsize=(9, 6)) for i in range(len(self.roc_curves)): # rgb = [v / 255. for v in self.classDefinitionP.color[i]] plt.plot(self.roc_curves[i + 1][0], self.roc_curves[i + 1][1] , label=names[i]) # , color=rgb) # problem: plots do not show the correct RGB colors ax.set_xlabel('False Positive Rate') ax.set_ylabel('True Positive Rate') plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k--') plt.legend(loc="lower right") fig.tight_layout() report.append(ReportPlot(fig, 'ROC Curves')) report.append(ReportHeading('Scikit-Learn Documentation')) report.append(ReportHyperlink('', 'ROC User Guide')) report.append(ReportHyperlink('', 'ROC Curve')) report.append(ReportHyperlink( '', 'AUC score')) report.append(ReportHyperlink('', 'Log Loss Metric')) return report
[docs]class Sample(MapCollection): '''Class for managing unsupervised samples.''' def __init__(self, raster, mask=None, grid=None): ''' Create new instance from given raster (and mask). :param raster: raster to sample from :type raster: Raster :param mask: :type mask: map interpreted as mask to restrict valid locations :param grid: :type grid: hubdc.core.Grid ''' assert isinstance(raster, Raster) if grid is None: grid = raster.dataset().grid() assert isinstance(grid, Grid), repr(grid) MapCollection.__init__(self, maps=[raster]) self._mask = mask self._grid = grid def __getstate__(self): return OrderedDict([('raster', self.raster()), ('mask', self.mask()), ('grid', self.grid())]) def _initPickle(self): MapCollection._initPickle(self) if self._mask is not None: self._mask._initPickle()
[docs] def raster(self): '''Return raster.''' raster = self.maps()[0] assert isinstance(raster, Raster) return raster
[docs] def mask(self): '''Return mask.''' return self._mask
[docs] def masks(self): '''Return maps concidered as masks during sampling (i.e. both raster and mask)''' return [self.raster(), self.mask()]
[docs] def grid(self): '''Return grid.''' assert isinstance(self._grid, Grid) return self._grid
[docs] def extractAsArray(self, grid=None, masks=None, onTheFlyResampling=False, **kwargs): ''' Extract profiles from raster as array :param grid: optional grid for on-the-fly resampling :type grid: Grid :param masks: list of masks instead of self.masks() :type masks: List[Map] :param onTheFlyResampling: whether to allow on-the-fly resampling :type onTheFlyResampling: bool :param kwargs: passed to Applier :type kwargs: :return: :rtype: Sample :example: >>> sample = Sample(raster=Raster.fromArray(array=[[[1, 2, 3]], ... [[1, 2, 3]]], ... filename='/vsimem/fraction.bsq'), ... mask=Mask.fromArray(array=[[[1, 0, 1]]], ... filename='/vsimem/mask.bsq')) >>> sample.extractAsArray()[0] array([[1, 3], [1, 3]]) ''' if grid is None: grid = self.grid() if masks is None: masks = self.masks() return MapCollection.extractAsArray(self, grid=grid, masks=masks, onTheFlyResampling=onTheFlyResampling, **kwargs)
[docs] def extractAsRaster(self, filenames, grid=None, masks=None, onTheFlyResampling=False, **kwargs): '''Performes :meth:`~hubflow.core.Sample.extractAsArray` and stores the result as raster.''' if grid is None: grid = self.grid() if masks is None: masks = self.masks() return MapCollection.extractAsRaster(self, filenames=filenames, grid=grid, masks=masks, onTheFlyResampling=onTheFlyResampling, **kwargs)
[docs]class ClassificationSample(Sample): '''Class for managing classification samples.''' def __init__(self, raster, classification, mask=None, grid=None): ''' Create new instance. :param raster: :type raster: hubflow.core.Raster :param classification: :type classification: hubflow.core.Classification :param mask: :type mask: None :param grid: :type grid: None weiter ''' Sample.__init__(self, raster=raster, mask=mask, grid=grid) assert isinstance(classification, Classification) self.maps().append(classification) def __getstate__(self): return OrderedDict([('raster', self.raster()), ('classification', self.classification()), ('mask', self.mask()), ('grid', self.grid())])
[docs] def masks(self): return Sample.masks(self) + [self.classification()]
[docs] def classification(self): classification = self.maps()[1] assert isinstance(classification, Classification) return classification
# def synthMix(self, filenameFeatures, filenameFractions, mixingComplexities, classLikelihoods=None, n=10, **kwargs): # # classDefinition = self.classification().classDefinition() # if classLikelihoods is None: # classLikelihoods = 'proportional' # if classLikelihoods is 'proportional': # histogram = self.classification().statistics(calcHistogram=True, # histogramBins=[classDefinition.classes()], # histogramRanges=[(1, classDefinition.classes() + 1)]) # classLikelihoods = {i + 1: float(count) / sum(histogram) for i, count in enumerate(histogram)} # elif classLikelihoods is 'equalized': # classLikelihoods = {i + 1: 1. / classDefinition.classes() for i in range(classDefinition.classes())} # # assert isinstance(mixingComplexities, dict) # assert isinstance(classLikelihoods, dict) # # features, labels = self.extractAsArray(**kwargs) # classes = self.classification().classDefinition().classes() # # # cache label indices and setup 0%/100% fractions from class labels # indices = dict() # zeroOneFractions = np.zeros((classes, features.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32) # for label in range(1, classes + 1): # indices[label] = np.where(labels == label)[1] # zeroOneFractions[label - 1, indices[label]] = 1. # # # create mixtures # mixtures = list() # fractions = list() # for i in range(n): # complexity = np.random.choice(list(mixingComplexities.keys()), p=list(mixingComplexities.values())) # drawnLabels = np.random.choice(list(classLikelihoods.keys()), size=complexity, replace=True, # p=list(classLikelihoods.values())) # drawnIndices = [np.random.choice(indices[label]) for label in drawnLabels] # drawnFeatures = features[:, drawnIndices] # drawnFractions = zeroOneFractions[:, drawnIndices] # randomWeights = np.atleast_2d(np.float32(np.random.randint(low=1, high=100, size=complexity))) # randomWeights /= randomWeights.sum() # mixtures.append(np.sum(drawnFeatures * randomWeights, axis=1)) # fractions.append(np.sum(drawnFractions * randomWeights, axis=1)) # # mixtures = np.atleast_3d(np.transpose(mixtures)) # fractions = np.atleast_3d(np.transpose(fractions)) # # featuresDataset = RasterDataset.fromArray(array=mixtures, filename=filenameFeatures, # driver=RasterDriver.fromFilename(filename=filenameFeatures)) # featuresDataset.flushCache().close() # fractionsDataset = RasterDataset.fromArray(array=fractions, filename=filenameFractions, # driver=RasterDriver.fromFilename(filename=filenameFractions)) # MetadataEditor.setFractionDefinition(rasterDataset=fractionsDataset, classDefinition=classDefinition) # fractionsDataset.flushCache().close() # # return FractionSample(raster=Raster(filename=filenameFeatures), # fraction=Fraction(filename=filenameFractions))
[docs] def synthMix(self, filenameFeatures, filenameFractions, target, mixingComplexities, classLikelihoods=None, n=10, includeEndmember=False, includeWithinclassMixtures=False, targetRange=(0, 1), **kwargs): classDefinition = self.classification().classDefinition() if classLikelihoods is None: classLikelihoods = 'proportional' if classLikelihoods == 'proportional': counts = self.classification().statistics() classLikelihoods = {i + 1: float(count) / sum(counts) for i, count in enumerate(counts)} elif classLikelihoods == 'equalized': classLikelihoods = {i + 1: 1. / classDefinition.classes() for i in range(classDefinition.classes())} assert isinstance(mixingComplexities, dict) assert isinstance(classLikelihoods, dict) features, labels = self.extractAsArray(**kwargs) classes = classDefinition.classes() # cache label indices and setup 0%/100% fractions from class labels indices = dict() zeroOneFractions = np.zeros((classes, features.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32) for label in range(1, classes + 1): indices[label] = np.where(labels == label)[1] zeroOneFractions[label - 1, indices[label]] = 1. # create mixtures mixtures = list() fractions = list() classLikelihoods2 = {k: v / (1 - classLikelihoods[target]) for k, v in classLikelihoods.items() if k != target} for i in range(n): complexity = np.random.choice(list(mixingComplexities.keys()), p=list(mixingComplexities.values())) drawnLabels = [target] if includeWithinclassMixtures: drawnLabels.extend(np.random.choice(list(classLikelihoods.keys()), size=complexity - 1, replace=True, p=list(classLikelihoods.values()))) else: drawnLabels.extend(np.random.choice(list(classLikelihoods2.keys()), size=complexity - 1, replace=False, p=list(classLikelihoods2.values()))) drawnIndices = [np.random.choice(indices[label]) for label in drawnLabels] drawnFeatures = features[:, drawnIndices] drawnFractions = zeroOneFractions[:, drawnIndices] randomWeights = list() for i in range(complexity - 1): if i == 0: weight = numpy.random.random() * (targetRange[1] - targetRange[0]) + targetRange[0] else: weight = numpy.random.random() * (1. - sum(randomWeights)) randomWeights.append(weight) randomWeights.append(1. - sum(randomWeights)) assert sum(randomWeights) == 1. mixtures.append(np.sum(drawnFeatures * randomWeights, axis=1)) fractions.append(np.sum(drawnFractions * randomWeights, axis=1)[target - 1]) if includeEndmember: mixtures.extend(features.T) fractions.extend(np.float32(labels == target)[0]) # 1. for target class, 0. for the rest mixtures = np.atleast_3d(np.transpose(mixtures)) fractions = np.atleast_3d(np.transpose(fractions)) featuresDataset = RasterDataset.fromArray(array=mixtures, filename=filenameFeatures, driver=RasterDriver.fromFilename(filename=filenameFeatures)) featuresDataset.flushCache().close() fractionsDataset = RasterDataset.fromArray(array=fractions, filename=filenameFractions, driver=RasterDriver.fromFilename( filename=filenameFractions)) outClassDefinition = ClassDefinition(classes=1, names=[], colors=[classDefinition.color(label=target)]) MetadataEditor.setFractionDefinition(rasterDataset=fractionsDataset, classDefinition=outClassDefinition) fractionsDataset.flushCache().close() return FractionSample(raster=Raster(filename=filenameFeatures), fraction=Fraction(filename=filenameFractions))
[docs]class RegressionSample(Sample): def __init__(self, raster, regression, mask=None, grid=None): Sample.__init__(self, raster=raster, mask=mask, grid=grid) assert isinstance(regression, Regression) self.maps().append(regression) self._regression = regression def __getstate__(self): return OrderedDict([('raster', self.raster()), ('regression', self.regression()), ('mask', self.mask()), ('grid', self.grid())])
[docs] def masks(self): return Sample.masks(self) + [self.regression()]
[docs] def regression(self): assert isinstance(self._regression, Regression) return self._regression
[docs]class FractionSample(RegressionSample): def __init__(self, raster, fraction, mask=None, grid=None): assert isinstance(fraction, Fraction) RegressionSample.__init__(self, raster=raster, regression=fraction, mask=mask, grid=grid) def __getstate__(self): return OrderedDict([('raster', self.raster()), ('fraction', self.regression()), ('mask', self.mask()), ('grid', self.grid())])
[docs] def fraction(self): return self.regression()
class Estimator(FlowObject): SAMPLE_TYPE = Sample PREDICT_TYPE = Raster def __init__(self, sklEstimator, sample=None): self._sklEstimator = sklEstimator self._sample = sample def __getstate__(self): return OrderedDict([('sklEstimator', self.sklEstimator()), ('sample', self.sample())]) def _initPickle(self): if isinstance(self._sample, Sample): self._sample._initPickle() def sklEstimator(self): return self._sklEstimator def sample(self): assert isinstance(self._sample, (Sample, type(None))) return self._sample def _fit(self, sample): import sklearn.multioutput assert isinstance(sample, self.SAMPLE_TYPE) self._sample = sample if isinstance(sample, (ClassificationSample, RegressionSample, FractionSample)): features, labels = sample.extractAsArray() X = np.float64(features.T) if labels.shape[0] == 1 and not isinstance(self.sklEstimator(), sklearn.multioutput.MultiOutputEstimator): y = labels.ravel() else: y = labels.T elif isinstance(sample, Sample): features, = sample.extractAsArray() X = np.float64(features.T) y = None else: raise errors.TypeError(obj=sample) self.sklEstimator().fit(X=X, y=y) if isinstance(self, Clusterer): yTrain = self.sklEstimator().predict(X=X) self._classDefinition = ClassDefinition(classes=max(yTrain) + 1) return self def _predict(self, filename, raster, mask=None, **kwargs): if isinstance(raster, Raster): grid = raster.grid() #elif isinstance(raster, RasterStack): # grid = raster.raster(0).grid() else: raise errors.TypeError(obj=raster) applier = Applier(defaultGrid=grid, **kwargs) applier.setFlowRaster('raster', raster=raster) applier.setFlowMask('mask', mask=mask) applier.setOutputRaster('prediction', filename=filename) applier.apply(operatorType=_EstimatorPredict, raster=raster, estimator=self, mask=mask) prediction = self.PREDICT_TYPE(filename=filename) assert isinstance(prediction, Raster) return prediction def _predictProbability(self, filename, raster, mask=None, mask2=None, **kwargs): applier = Applier(defaultGrid=raster, **kwargs) applier.setFlowRaster('raster', raster=raster) applier.setFlowMask('mask', mask=mask) applier.setFlowMask('mask2', mask=mask2) applier.setOutputRaster('fraction', filename=filename) applier.apply(operatorType=_EstimatorPredictProbability, raster=raster, estimator=self, mask=mask, mask2=mask2) fraction = Fraction(filename=filename) return fraction def _transform(self, filename, raster, inverse=False, mask=None, mask2=None, **kwargs): applier = Applier(defaultGrid=raster, **kwargs) applier.setFlowRaster('raster', raster=raster) applier.setFlowMask('mask', mask=mask) applier.setFlowMask('mask2', mask=mask2) applier.setOutputRaster('transformation', filename=filename) applier.apply(operatorType=_EstimatorTransform, estimator=self, raster=raster, mask=mask, mask2=mask2, inverse=inverse) return Raster(filename=filename) def _inverseTransform(self, filename, raster, mask=None, mask2=None, **kwargs): return self._transform(filename=filename, raster=raster, inverse=True, mask=None, mask2=None, **kwargs) class _EstimatorPredict(ApplierOperator): def ufunc(self, estimator, raster, mask): self.features = self.flowRasterArray('raster', raster=raster) etype, dtype, noutputs = self.getInfos(estimator) if isinstance(estimator, (Classifier, Clusterer)): noDataValues = [0] elif isinstance(estimator, Regressor): noDataValues = estimator.sample().regression().noDataValues() else: raise errors.TypeError(obj=estimator) prediction = self.full(value=noDataValues, bands=noutputs, dtype=dtype) valid = self.maskFromArray(array=self.features, noDataValueSource='raster') valid *= self.flowMaskArray('mask', mask=mask) if np.any(valid): X = np.float64(self.features[:, valid[0]].T) y = estimator.sklEstimator().predict(X=X) if isinstance(estimator, Clusterer): y += 1 # start with id=1, because zero is reserved as no data value prediction[:, valid[0]] = y.reshape(X.shape[0], -1).T self.outputRaster.raster(key='prediction').setArray(array=prediction) if isinstance(estimator, Classifier): self.setFlowMetadataClassDefinition('prediction', classDefinition=estimator.sample().classification().classDefinition()) elif isinstance(estimator, Clusterer): self.setFlowMetadataClassDefinition('prediction', classDefinition=estimator._classDefinition) elif isinstance(estimator, Regressor): if isinstance(estimator.sample(), FractionSample): self.setFlowMetadataFractionDefinition('prediction', classDefinition=estimator.sample().fraction().classDefinition()) else: self.outputRaster.raster(key='prediction').setNoDataValues(values=noDataValues) self.setFlowMetadataBandNames('prediction', bandNames=estimator.sample().regression().outputNames()) def getInfos(self, estimator): etype = estimator.sklEstimator()._estimator_type if etype in ['classifier', 'clusterer']: noutputs = 1 dtype = np.uint8 elif etype == 'regressor': X0 = np.atleast_2d(np.float64(self.features[:, 0, 0])) y0 = estimator.sklEstimator().predict(X=X0) noutputs = max(y0.shape) dtype = np.float32 else: raise errors.TypeError(obj=estimator) return etype, dtype, noutputs class _EstimatorPredictProbability(ApplierOperator): def ufunc(self, estimator, raster, mask, mask2): assert isinstance(estimator, Classifier) self.features = self.flowRasterArray('raster', raster=raster) noutputs = estimator.sample().classification().classDefinition().classes() noDataValue = -1 prediction = self.full(value=noDataValue, bands=noutputs, dtype=np.float32) valid = self.maskFromArray(array=self.features, noDataValueSource='raster') valid *= self.flowMaskArray('mask', mask=mask) valid *= self.flowMaskArray('mask2', mask=mask2) if np.any(valid): X = np.float64(self.features[:, valid[0]].T) y = estimator.sklEstimator().predict_proba(X=X) prediction[:, valid[0]] = y.reshape(X.shape[0], -1).T self.outputRaster.raster(key='fraction').setArray(array=prediction) self.setFlowMetadataFractionDefinition('fraction', classDefinition=estimator.sample().classification().classDefinition()) class _EstimatorTransform(ApplierOperator): def ufunc(self, estimator, raster, mask, mask2, inverse): if inverse: sklTransform = estimator.sklEstimator().inverse_transform else: sklTransform = estimator.sklEstimator().transform noDataValue = np.finfo(np.float32).min features = self.flowRasterArray('raster', raster=raster) X0 = np.float64(np.atleast_2d(features[:, 0, 0])) _, noutputs = sklTransform(X=X0).shape transformation = self.full(value=noDataValue, bands=noutputs, dtype=np.float32) valid = self.maskFromArray(array=features, noDataValueSource='raster') valid *= self.flowMaskArray('mask', mask=mask) valid *= self.flowMaskArray('mask2', mask=mask2) X = np.float64(features[:, valid[0]].T) y = sklTransform(X=X) transformation[:, valid[0]] = np.float32(y.reshape(-1, noutputs).T) self.outputRaster.raster(key='transformation').setArray(array=transformation) self.outputRaster.raster(key='transformation').setNoDataValue(value=noDataValue)
[docs]class Classifier(Estimator): SAMPLE_TYPE = ClassificationSample PREDICT_TYPE = Classification fit = Estimator._fit predict = Estimator._predict predictProbability = Estimator._predictProbability
[docs] def crossValidation(self, sample=None, cv=3, n_jobs=None): if sample is None: sample = self._sample assert isinstance(sample, ClassificationSample) features, labels = sample.extractAsArray() X = np.float64(features.T) y = labels.ravel() from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_predict yCV = cross_val_predict(estimator=self.sklEstimator(), X=X, y=y, cv=cv, n_jobs=n_jobs) return ClassificationPerformance(yP=yCV, yT=y.flatten(), classDefinitionP=sample.classification().classDefinition(), classDefinitionT=sample.classification().classDefinition())
[docs]class Regressor(Estimator): SAMPLE_TYPE = RegressionSample PREDICT_TYPE = Regression fit = Estimator._fit predict = Estimator._predict
[docs]class Transformer(Estimator): SAMPLE_TYPE = Sample PREDICT_TYPE = Raster fit = Estimator._fit transform = Estimator._transform inverseTransform = Estimator._inverseTransform
[docs]class Clusterer(Estimator): SAMPLE_TYPE = Sample PREDICT_TYPE = Classification fit = Estimator._fit predict = Estimator._predict transform = Estimator._transform def __init__(self, sklEstimator, sample=None, classDefinition=None): Estimator.__init__(self, sklEstimator=sklEstimator, sample=sample) self._classDefinition = classDefinition def __getstate__(self): return OrderedDict([('sklEstimator', self.sklEstimator()), ('sample', self.sample()), ('classDefinition', self.classDefinition())])
[docs] def classDefinition(self): if self._classDefinition is None: return ClassDefinition(classes=0) assert isinstance(self._classDefinition, ClassDefinition) return self._classDefinition
[docs]class ClassificationPerformance(FlowObject): def __init__(self, yP, yT, classDefinitionP, classDefinitionT, classProportions=None, N=0): assert isinstance(yP, np.ndarray) and yP.ndim == 1 assert isinstance(yT, np.ndarray) and yT.shape == yP.shape assert isinstance(classDefinitionP, ClassDefinition) assert isinstance(classDefinitionT, ClassDefinition) assert classDefinitionT.classes() == classDefinitionP.classes() self.classDefinitionT = classDefinitionT self.classDefinitionP = classDefinitionP self.N = N import sklearn.metrics self.yP = yP self.yT = yT self.mij = np.int64( sklearn.metrics.confusion_matrix(yT, yP, labels=range(1, classDefinitionT.classes() + 1)).T) self.m = np.int64(yP.size) self.classProportions = self.Wi = classProportions self._assessPerformance() def __getstate__(self): return OrderedDict([('yP', self.yP), ('yT', self.yT), ('classDefinitionP', self.classDefinitionP), ('classDefinitionT', self.classDefinitionT), ('classProportions', self.classProportions), ('N', self.N)])
[docs] @staticmethod def fromRaster(prediction, reference, mask=None, **kwargs): assert isinstance(prediction, Classification) assert isinstance(reference, Classification) stratification = prediction classes = stratification.classDefinition().classes() histogram = stratification.statistics(calcHistogram=True, histogramBins=[classes], histogramRanges=[(1, classes + 1)], **kwargs) classProportions = [float(count) / sum(histogram) for i, count in enumerate(histogram)] N = sum(histogram) yP, yT = MapCollection(maps=[prediction, reference]).extractAsArray(masks=[prediction, reference, mask]) return ClassificationPerformance(yP=yP[0], yT=yT[0], classDefinitionP=prediction.classDefinition(), classDefinitionT=reference.classDefinition(), classProportions=classProportions, N=N)
def _assessPerformance(self): old_error_state = np.geterr() np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore', over='raise', under='raise') # get some stats from the confusion matrix mij self.mi_ = np.sum(self.mij, axis=0, dtype=np.float64) # class-wise sum over all prediction self.m_j = np.sum(self.mij, axis=1, dtype=np.float64) # class-wise sum over references self.mii = np.diag(self.mij) # main diagonal -> class-wise correctly classified samples # estimate mapped class proportions from the reference sample, if not provided by the user if self.Wi is None: self.Wi = self.mi_ / self.m # note that in this case pij is reduced to pij=mij/m # pij is the proportion of area estimate # pij = Wi*mij/mi_ self.pij = np.zeros_like(self.mij, dtype=np.float64) for i in range(self.classDefinitionT.classes()): for j in range(self.classDefinitionT.classes()): self.pij[i, j] = self.Wi[i] * self.mij[i, j] / self.mi_[i] self.pi_ = np.sum(self.pij, axis=0, dtype=np.float64) self.p_j = np.sum(self.pij, axis=1, dtype=np.float64) self.pii = np.diag(self.pij) # calculate performance measures self.ProducerAccuracy = self._fix(self.mii / self.mi_) self.UserAccuracy = self._fix(self.mii / self.m_j) self.F1Accuracy = self._fix( 2 * self.UserAccuracy * self.ProducerAccuracy / (self.UserAccuracy + self.ProducerAccuracy)) self.ConditionalKappaAccuracy = self._fix( (self.m * self.mii - self.mi_ * self.m_j) / (self.m * self.mi_ - self.mi_ * self.m_j)) self.OverallAccuracy = self._fix(self.mii.sum() / float(self.m)) self.KappaAccuracy = self._fix( (self.m * self.mii.sum() - np.sum(self.mi_ * self.m_j)) / (self.m ** 2 - np.sum(self.mi_ * self.m_j))) # calculate squared standard errors (SSE) self.OverallAccuracySSE = 0. for i in range(self.classDefinitionT.classes()): self.OverallAccuracySSE += self.pij[i, i] * ( self.Wi[i] - self.pij[i, i]) / (self.Wi[i] * self.m) a1 = self.mii.sum() / self.m a2 = (self.mi_ * self.m_j).sum() / self.m ** 2 a3 = (self.mii * (self.mi_ + self.m_j)).sum() / self.m ** 2 a4 = 0. for i in range(self.classDefinitionT.classes()): for j in range(self.classDefinitionT.classes()): a4 += self.mij[i, j] * (self.mi_[j] + self.m_j[i]) ** 2 a4 /= self.m ** 3 b1 = a1 * (1 - a1) / (1 - a2) ** 2 b2 = 2 * (1 - a1) * (2 * a1 * a2 - a3) / (1 - a2) ** 3 b3 = (1 - a1) ** 2 * (a4 - 4 * a2 ** 2) / (1 - a2) ** 4 self.KappaAccuracySSE = (b1 + b2 + b3) / self.m self.ProducerAccuracySSE = np.zeros(self.classDefinitionT.classes(), dtype=np.float64) for i in range(self.classDefinitionT.classes()): sum = 0. for j in range(self.classDefinitionT.classes()): if i == j: continue sum += self.pij[i, j] * (self.Wi[j] - self.pij[i, j]) / (self.Wi[j] * self.m) self.ProducerAccuracySSE[i] = self.pij[i, i] * self.p_j[i] ** (-4) * ( self.pij[i, i] * sum + (self.Wi[i] - self.pij[i, i]) * (self.p_j[i] - self.pij[i, i]) ** 2 / ( self.Wi[i] * self.m)) self.UserAccuracySSE = np.zeros(self.classDefinitionT.classes(), dtype=np.float64) for i in range(self.classDefinitionT.classes()): self.UserAccuracySSE[i] = self.pij[i, i] * (self.Wi[i] - self.pij[i, i]) / (self.Wi[i] ** 2 * self.m) self.F1AccuracySSE = self._fix( 2 * self.UserAccuracySSE * self.ProducerAccuracySSE / (self.UserAccuracySSE + self.ProducerAccuracySSE)) self.ConditionalKappaAccuracySSE = self.m * (self.mi_ - self.mii) / (self.mi_ * (self.m - self.m_j)) ** 3 * ( (self.mi_ - self.mii) * (self.mi_ * self.m_j - self.m * self.mii) + self.m * self.mii * ( self.m - self.mi_ - self.m_j + self.mii)) self.ClassProportion = self.m_j / self.m self.ClassProportionSSE = np.zeros(self.classDefinitionT.classes(), dtype=np.float64) for j in range(self.classDefinitionT.classes()): for i in range(self.classDefinitionT.classes()): self.ClassProportionSSE[j] += self.Wi[i] ** 2 * ( (self.mij[i, j] / self.mi_[i]) * (1 - self.mij[i, j] / self.mi_[i])) / (self.mi_[i] - 1) np.seterr(**old_error_state) def _confidenceIntervall(self, mean, sse, alpha): import scipy.stats se = np.sqrt(np.clip(sse, 0, np.inf)) lower = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(alpha / 2.) * se + mean upper = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(1 - alpha / 2.) * se + mean return lower, upper def _fix(self, a, fill=0): if isinstance(a, np.ndarray): a[np.logical_not(np.isfinite(a))] = fill elif not np.isfinite(a): a = fill return a
[docs] def report(self): report = Report('Classification Performance') report.append(ReportHeading('Class Overview')) colHeaders = None rowSpans = [[1, 2], [1, 1, 1]] rowHeaders = [['', 'Class Names'], ['Class ID', 'Reference', 'Prediction']] data = [np.hstack((range(1, self.classDefinitionT.classes() + 1))), self.classDefinitionT.names(), self.classDefinitionP.names()] report.append(ReportTable(data, '', colHeaders=colHeaders, rowHeaders=rowHeaders, colSpans=None, rowSpans=rowSpans)) # Confusion Matrix Table report.append(ReportHeading('Confusion Matrix')) classNumbers = [] for i in range(self.classDefinitionT.classes()): classNumbers.append('(' + str(i + 1) + ')') colHeaders = [['Reference Class'], classNumbers + ['Sum']] colSpans = [[self.classDefinitionT.classes()], np.ones(self.classDefinitionT.classes() + 1, dtype=int)] classNamesColumn = [] for i in range(self.classDefinitionT.classes()): classNamesColumn.append( '(' + str(i + 1) + ') ' + self.classDefinitionT.names()[i]) rowHeaders = [classNamesColumn + ['Sum']] data = np.vstack(((np.hstack((self.mij, self.m_j[:, None]))), np.hstack((self.mi_, self.m)))).astype( int) report.append(ReportTable(data, '', colHeaders=colHeaders, rowHeaders=rowHeaders, colSpans=colSpans)) # Accuracies Table report.append(ReportHeading('Accuracies')) colHeaders = [['Measure', 'Estimate [%]', '95 % Confidence Interval [%]']] colSpans = [[1, 1, 2]] rowHeaders = None data = [['Overall Accuracy', np.round(self.OverallAccuracy * 100, 2), np.round(self._confidenceIntervall(self.OverallAccuracy, self.OverallAccuracySSE, 0.05)[0] * 100), round(self._confidenceIntervall(self.OverallAccuracy, self.OverallAccuracySSE, 0.05)[1] * 100, 2)], ['Kappa Accuracy', np.round(self.KappaAccuracy * 100, 2), np.round(self._confidenceIntervall(self.KappaAccuracy, self.KappaAccuracySSE, 0.05)[0] * 100, 2), np.round(self._confidenceIntervall(self.KappaAccuracy, self.KappaAccuracySSE, 0.05)[1] * 100, 2)], ['Mean F1 Accuracy', np.round(np.mean(self.F1Accuracy) * 100, 2), '-', '-']] report.append(ReportTable(data, '', colHeaders, rowHeaders, colSpans, rowSpans)) # Class-wise Accuracies Table report.append(ReportHeading('Class-wise Accuracies')) colSpans = [[1, 3, 3, 3], [1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2]] colHeaders = [['', 'User\'s Accuracy [%]', 'Producer\'s Accuracy [%]', 'F1 Accuracy'], ['Map class', 'Estimate', '95 % Interval', 'Estimate', '95% Interval', 'Estimate', '95% Interval']] data = [classNamesColumn, np.round(self.UserAccuracy * 100, 2) , np.round(self._confidenceIntervall(self.UserAccuracy, self.UserAccuracySSE, 0.05)[0] * 100, 2) , np.round(self._confidenceIntervall(self.UserAccuracy, self.UserAccuracySSE, 0.05)[1] * 100, 2) , np.round(self.ProducerAccuracy * 100, 2) , np.round(self._confidenceIntervall(self.ProducerAccuracy, self.ProducerAccuracySSE, 0.05)[0] * 100, 2) , np.round(self._confidenceIntervall(self.ProducerAccuracy, self.ProducerAccuracySSE, 0.05)[1] * 100, 2) , np.round(self.F1Accuracy * 100, 2) , np.round(self._confidenceIntervall(self.F1Accuracy, self.F1AccuracySSE, 0.05)[0] * 100, 2) , np.round(self._confidenceIntervall(self.F1Accuracy, self.F1AccuracySSE, 0.05)[1] * 100, 2)] data = [list(x) for x in zip(*data)] report.append(ReportTable(data, '', colHeaders=colHeaders, rowHeaders=rowHeaders, colSpans=colSpans)) # Proportion Matrix Table report.append(ReportHeading('Proportion Matrix')) colHeaders = [['Reference Class'], classNumbers + ['Sum']] colSpans = [[self.classDefinitionT.classes()], np.ones(self.classDefinitionT.classes() + 1, dtype=int)] rowHeaders = [classNamesColumn + ['Sum']] data = np.vstack( ((np.hstack((self.pij, self.p_j[:, None]))), np.hstack((self.pi_, 1)))) report.append(ReportTable(np.round(data, 4), '', colHeaders=colHeaders, rowHeaders=rowHeaders, colSpans=colSpans)) # Class-wise Area Estimates report.append(ReportHeading('Class-wise Proportion and Area Estimates')) colSpans = [[1, 3, 3], [1, 1, 2, 1, 2]] colHeaders = [['', 'Proportion', 'Area [px]'], ['Map class', 'Estimate', '95 % Interval', 'Estimate', '95 % Interval']] data = [classNamesColumn, np.round(self.ClassProportion, 4), np.round(self._confidenceIntervall(self.ClassProportion, self.ClassProportionSSE, 0.05)[0], 4), np.round(self._confidenceIntervall(self.ClassProportion, self.ClassProportionSSE, 0.05)[1], 4), np.round(self.ClassProportion * self.N, 1), np.round(self._confidenceIntervall(self.ClassProportion, self.ClassProportionSSE, 0.05)[0] * self.N, 1), np.round(self._confidenceIntervall(self.ClassProportion, self.ClassProportionSSE, 0.05)[1] * self.N, 1)] data = [list(x) for x in zip(*data)] report.append(ReportTable(data, '', colHeaders=colHeaders, colSpans=colSpans)) return report
[docs]class RegressionPerformance(FlowObject): def __init__(self, yT, yP, outputNamesT, outputNamesP): import sklearn.metrics assert isinstance(yT, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(yP, np.ndarray) assert yT.ndim == 2 assert yP.ndim == 2 assert yT.shape == yP.shape assert len(yT) == len(outputNamesT) assert len(yP) == len(outputNamesP) self.yP = yP self.yT = yT self.outputNamesT = outputNamesT self.outputNamesP = outputNamesP self.residuals = self.yP - self.yT self.n = self.yT[0].size self.explained_variance_score = [sklearn.metrics.explained_variance_score(self.yT[i], self.yP[i]) for i, _ in enumerate(outputNamesT)] self.mean_absolute_error = [sklearn.metrics.mean_absolute_error(self.yT[i], self.yP[i]) for i, _ in enumerate(outputNamesT)] self.mean_squared_error = [sklearn.metrics.mean_squared_error(self.yT[i], self.yP[i]) for i, _ in enumerate(outputNamesT)] self.median_absolute_error = [sklearn.metrics.median_absolute_error(self.yT[i], self.yP[i]) for i, _ in enumerate(outputNamesT)] self.r2_score = [sklearn.metrics.r2_score(self.yT[i], self.yP[i]) for i, _ in enumerate(outputNamesT)] self.mean_error = [np.mean(self.yP[i] - self.yT[i]) for i, _ in enumerate(outputNamesT)] import scipy.stats self.squared_pearson_correlation_score = [scipy.stats.pearsonr(self.yT[i], self.yP[i])[0] ** 2 for i, _ in enumerate(outputNamesT)] # f(x) = m*x + n self.fitted_line = [np.polyfit(self.yT[i], self.yP[i], 1) for i, _ in enumerate(outputNamesT)] def __getstate__(self): return OrderedDict([('yP', self.yP), ('yT', self.yT), ('outputNamesT', self.outputNamesT), ('outputNamesP', self.outputNamesP)])
[docs] @classmethod def fromRaster(self, prediction, reference, mask=None, **kwargs): assert isinstance(prediction, Regression) assert isinstance(reference, Regression), reference yP, yT = MapCollection(maps=[prediction, reference]).extractAsArray(masks=[prediction, reference, mask]) return RegressionPerformance(yP=yP, yT=yT, outputNamesP=prediction.outputNames(), outputNamesT=reference.outputNames())
[docs] def report(self): import matplotlib # matplotlib.use('QT4Agg') from matplotlib import pyplot report = Report('Regression Performance') report.append(ReportHeading('Outputs Overview')) colHeaders = [['Outputs']] colSpans = [[len(self.outputNamesT)]] rowHeaders = [['Reference', 'Prediction']] data = [self.outputNamesT, self.outputNamesP] report.append(ReportTable(data, '', colHeaders=colHeaders, colSpans=colSpans, rowHeaders=rowHeaders)) report.append(ReportHeading('Metrics')) report.append(ReportParagraph('Number of samples: {}'.format(self.n))) colHeaders = [['Outputs'], self.outputNamesT] colSpans = [[len(self.outputNamesT)], [1] * len(self.outputNamesT)] rowHeaders = [[ 'Mean absolute error (MAE)', 'Root MSE (RMSE)', 'Mean error (ME)', 'Mean squared error (MSE)', 'Median absolute error (MedAE)', 'Squared pearson correlation (r^2)', 'Explained variance score', 'Coefficient of determination (R^2)', ]] data = np.array([ np.round(np.array(self.mean_absolute_error).astype(float), 4), np.round(np.sqrt(np.array(self.mean_squared_error)).astype(float), 4), np.round(np.array(self.mean_error).astype(float), 4), np.round(np.array(self.mean_squared_error).astype(float), 4), np.round(np.array(self.median_absolute_error).astype(float), 4), np.round(np.array(self.squared_pearson_correlation_score).astype(float), 4), np.round(np.array(self.explained_variance_score).astype(float), 4), np.round(np.array(self.r2_score).astype(float), 4), ]) report.append( ReportTable(data, colHeaders=colHeaders, colSpans=colSpans, rowHeaders=rowHeaders, attribs_align='left')) report.append( ReportHyperlink(url=r'', text='See Scikit-Learn documentation for details.')) report.append( ReportHyperlink(url=r'', text='See Scipy documentation for details on pearson correlation.')) report.append(ReportHeading('Scatter and Residuals Plots')) for i, name in enumerate(self.outputNamesT): fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(facecolor='white', figsize=(7, 7)) # prepare 2x2 grid for plotting scatterplot on lower left, and adjacent histograms gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2, width_ratios=[3, 1], height_ratios=[1, 3]) ax0 = pyplot.subplot(gs[0, 0]) ax0.hist(self.yT[i], bins=100, edgecolor='None', color='navy') pyplot.xlim([np.min(self.yT[i]), np.max(self.yT[i])]) pyplot.tick_params(which='both', direction='out', length=10, pad=10) # hide ticks and ticklabels ax0.set_xticklabels([]) ax0.set_ylabel('counts') ax0.set_title(name) ax0.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax0.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') # plot only every second tick, starting with the second # for label in ax0.get_yticklabels()[1::2]: label.set_visible(False) # plot only first and last ticklabel # for label in ax0.get_yticklabels()[1:-1]: label.set_visible(False) ax1 = pyplot.subplot(gs[1, 1]) ax1.hist(self.yP[i], orientation='horizontal', bins=100, edgecolor='None', color='navy') pyplot.tick_params(which='both', direction='out', length=10, pad=10) pyplot.ylim([np.min(self.yT[i]), np.max(self.yT[i])]) # hide ticks and ticklabels ax1.set_yticklabels([]) ax1.set_xlabel('counts') ax1.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') ax1.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') # plot only every second tick, starting with the second # for label in ax1.get_xticklabels()[1::2]: label.set_visible(False) # plot only first and last ticklabel # for label in ax1.get_xticklabels()[1:-1]: label.set_visible(False) ax2 = pyplot.subplot(gs[1, 0]) ax2.scatter(self.yT[i], self.yP[i], s=10, edgecolor='', color='navy') ymin = np.min(self.yT[i]) ymax = np.max(self.yT[i]) yspan = ymax - ymin ymin -= yspan * 0.01 # give some more space ymax += yspan * 0.01 pyplot.xlim([ymin, ymax]) pyplot.ylim([ymin, ymax]) pyplot.tick_params(which='both', direction='out') pyplot.xlabel('Observed') pyplot.ylabel('Predicted') minX = np.min(self.yT[i]) maxX = np.max(self.yT[i]) # 1:1 line pyplot.plot([minX, maxX], [minX, maxX], 'k-') # fitted line m, n = self.fitted_line[i] if n > 0: fittedLineText = 'f(x) = {} * x + {}'.format(round(m, 5), round(n, 5)) else: fittedLineText = 'f(x) = {} * x - {}'.format(round(m, 5), abs(round(n, 5))) pyplot.plot([minX, maxX], [m * minX + n, m * maxX + n], 'r--', label=fittedLineText) #pyplot.legend(loc='upper left') pyplot.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.75, -0.15)) # Colorbar # cbaxes = fig.add_axes([0.05, 0.1, 0.05, 0.35]) # cBar = pyplot.colorbar(sct, ticklocation='left', extend='neither', drawedges=False,cax = cbaxes) #'label') fig.tight_layout() report.append(ReportPlot(fig))#, caption=fittedLineText)) pyplot.close() fig, ax = pyplot.subplots(facecolor='white', figsize=(7, 5)) ax.hist(self.residuals[i], bins=100, edgecolor='None', color='navy') ax.set_title(name) ax.set_xlabel('Predicted - Observed') ax.set_ylabel('Counts') fig.tight_layout() report.append(ReportPlot(fig)) pyplot.close() return report
[docs]class ClusteringPerformance(FlowObject): def __init__(self, yT, yP): import sklearn.metrics assert isinstance(yP, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(yT, np.ndarray) assert yT.shape == yP.shape assert len(yT) == 1 and len(yP) == 1 self.yP = yP[0] self.yT = yT[0] self.n = yT.shape[1] self.adjusted_mutual_info_score = sklearn.metrics.cluster.adjusted_mutual_info_score(labels_true=self.yT, labels_pred=self.yP) self.adjusted_rand_score = sklearn.metrics.cluster.adjusted_rand_score(labels_true=self.yT, labels_pred=self.yP) self.completeness_score = sklearn.metrics.cluster.completeness_score(labels_true=self.yT, labels_pred=self.yP) def __getstate__(self): return OrderedDict([('yP', self.yP[None]), ('yT', self.yT[None])])
[docs] @staticmethod def fromRaster(prediction, reference, mask=None, **kwargs): assert isinstance(prediction, Classification) assert isinstance(reference, Classification) yP, yT = MapCollection(maps=[prediction, reference]).extractAsArray(masks=[prediction, reference, mask], **kwargs) return ClusteringPerformance(yP=yP, yT=yT)
[docs] def report(self): report = Report('Clustering Performance') report.append(ReportHeading('Performance Measures')) report.append(ReportParagraph('n = ' + str(self.n))) rowHeaders = [['Adjusted Mutual Information', 'Adjusted Rand Score', 'Completeness Score']] data = numpy.transpose([[numpy.round(self.adjusted_mutual_info_score, 3), numpy.round(self.adjusted_rand_score, 3), numpy.round(self.completeness_score, 3)]]) report.append(ReportTable(data, '', rowHeaders=rowHeaders)) report.append(ReportHeading('Scikit-Learn Documentation')) report.append( ReportHyperlink('', 'Clustering Performance Evaluation Overview')) report.append(ReportHyperlink( '', 'Adjusted Mutual Information')) report.append(ReportHyperlink( '', 'Adjusted Rand Score')) report.append(ReportHyperlink( '', 'Completeness Score')) return report
class StringParser(): class Range(): def __init__(self, start, end): self.start = int(start) self.end = int(end) self.step = np.sign(end - start) def range(self): return range(self.start, self.end + self.step, self.step) def eval(self, text): if text.startswith(r'\eval'): return eval(text.replace(r'\eval', '')) else: raise Exception(r'text must start with "\eval"') def range(self, text): # try resolve range syntax, e.g. 2-4 as [2,4] or -4--2 as [-4, -2] i = text.index('-', 1) return self.Range(start=int(text[:i]), end=int(text[i + 1:])) def value(self, text): # try to evaluate as int or float try: result = float(text) if str(int(text)) == str(result): result = int(result) except: # try to evaluate as range try: result = self.range(text) except: result = text return result def strlist(self, text): for c in '''[]{}()'",''': text = text.replace(c, ' ') if text == '': return None else: return text.split() def list(self, text, extendRanges=True): # try to evaluate as python expression try: result = self.eval(text) assert isinstance(result, list) except: strlist = self.strlist(text) if strlist is None: result = None else: result = list() for strvalue in strlist: value = self.value(strvalue) if isinstance(value, self.Range): if extendRanges: result.extend(value.range()) else: result.append((value.start, value.end)) else: result.append(value) return result def extractPixels(inputs, masks, grid, **kwargs): applier = Applier(defaultGrid=grid, **kwargs) for i, input in enumerate(inputs): name = 'input' + str(i) applier.setFlowInput(name=name, input=input) for i, mask in enumerate(masks): name = 'mask' + str(i) applier.setFlowMask(name=name, mask=mask) results = applier.apply(operatorType=_ExtractPixels, inputs=inputs, masks=masks) return results class _ExtractPixels(ApplierOperator): def ufunc(self, inputs, masks): # calculate overall mask marray = self.full(value=True) nothingToExtract = False for i, mask in enumerate(masks): name = 'mask' + str(i) imarray = self.flowMaskArray(name=name, mask=mask) np.logical_and(marray, imarray, out=marray) if not marray.any(): nothingToExtract = True break # extract values for all masked pixels result = list() for i, input in enumerate(inputs): name = 'input' + str(i) if nothingToExtract: zsize = self.flowInputZSize(name=name, input=input) dtype = np.uint8 profiles = np.empty(shape=(zsize, 0), dtype=dtype) else: array = self.flowInputArray(name=name, input=input) profiles = array[:, marray[0]] result.append(profiles) return result @staticmethod def aggregate(blockResults, grid, inputs, *args, **kwargs): result = list() for i, input in enumerate(inputs): profilesList = [r[i] for r in blockResults] profiles = np.concatenate(profilesList, axis=1) result.append(profiles) return result
[docs]class MetadataEditor(object):
[docs] @staticmethod def setClassDefinition(rasterDataset, classDefinition): assert isinstance(rasterDataset, (RasterDataset, ApplierOutputRaster)) assert isinstance(classDefinition, ClassDefinition) noDataName = classDefinition.noDataName() noDataColor = classDefinition.noDataColor() names = [noDataName] + classDefinition.names() lookup = list(np.array([c.rgb() for c in [noDataColor] + classDefinition.colors()]).flatten()) rasterDataset.setNoDataValue(value=0) # setup in ENVI domain rasterDataset.setMetadataItem(key='classes', value=classDefinition.classes() + 1, domain='ENVI') rasterDataset.setMetadataItem(key='class names', value=names, domain='ENVI') rasterDataset.setMetadataItem(key='file type', value='ENVI Classification', domain='ENVI') rasterDataset.setMetadataItem(key='class lookup', value=lookup, domain='ENVI') # setup in GDAL data model colors = np.array(lookup).reshape(-1, 3) colors = [tuple(color) for color in colors] band = band.setCategoryNames(names=names) band.setCategoryColors(colors=colors) band.setDescription('Classification')
[docs] @classmethod def setFractionDefinition(cls, rasterDataset, classDefinition): assert isinstance(rasterDataset, (RasterDataset, ApplierOutputRaster)) assert isinstance(classDefinition, ClassDefinition) lookup = classDefinition.colorsFlatRGB() rasterDataset.setMetadataItem(key='band lookup', value=lookup, domain='ENVI') cls.setBandNames(rasterDataset=rasterDataset, bandNames=classDefinition.names()) rasterDataset.setNoDataValue(value=-1)
[docs] @classmethod def setRegressionDefinition(cls, rasterDataset, noDataValues, outputNames): assert isinstance(rasterDataset, (RasterDataset, ApplierOutputRaster)) rasterDataset.setNoDataValues(values=noDataValues) cls.setBandNames(rasterDataset=rasterDataset, bandNames=outputNames)
[docs] @classmethod def setBandNames(cls, rasterDataset, bandNames): assert isinstance(rasterDataset, (RasterDataset, ApplierOutputRaster)) if len(bandNames) != rasterDataset.zsize(): raise errors.HubDcError('number of bands not matching number of band names') rasterDataset.setMetadataItem(key='band names', value=bandNames, domain='ENVI') for band, bandName in zip(rasterDataset.bands(), bandNames): band.setDescription(value=bandName)
[docs] @classmethod def setBandCharacteristics(cls, rasterDataset, bandNames=None, wavelength=None, fwhm=None, wavelengthUnits=None): assert isinstance(rasterDataset, (RasterDataset, ApplierOutputRaster)) if bandNames is not None: cls.setBandNames(rasterDataset=rasterDataset, bandNames=bandNames) if wavelength is not None: rasterDataset.setMetadataItem(key='wavelength', value=wavelength, domain='ENVI') if fwhm is not None: rasterDataset.setMetadataItem(key='fwhm', value=fwhm, domain='ENVI') if wavelengthUnits is not None: rasterDataset.setMetadataItem(key='wavelength units', value=wavelengthUnits, domain='ENVI')
[docs] @classmethod def bandNames(cls, rasterDataset): assert isinstance(rasterDataset, (RasterDataset, ApplierOutputRaster)) return [band.description() for band in rasterDataset.bands()]
[docs] @classmethod def bandCharacteristics(cls, rasterDataset): assert isinstance(rasterDataset, (RasterDataset, ApplierOutputRaster)) return {'bandNames': cls.bandNames(rasterDataset=rasterDataset), 'wavelength': rasterDataset.metadataItem(key='wavelength', domain='ENVI'), 'fwhm': rasterDataset.metadataItem(key='fwhm', domain='ENVI'), 'wavelengthUnits': rasterDataset.metadataItem(key='wavelength units', domain='ENVI')}